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"Uwahh, can't wait to see (y/n)-Chan in her swimsuit" Riinu said while resting his head at the edge of the pool, also with a fuwa fuwa aura

"What will her swimsuit looked like eh? I'm really curious" Root added while giving Riinu some popsicle and then start eating his

Satomi: "Will it be a bikini?? Wahhh I really want to see her in a bikini, specially those sexy type bikini"

Nanamori: "But (y/n)-Chan is the cute girl type, so I think she will have some cute swimsuit with some kind of skirt, just what we see teenager girl in an anime wear"

Jel: "Nahhhh, i rather see (y/n)-Chan in a sexy swimsuit, or even nake-"

Root: *throw a f chair at Jel*

Root: "Don't continue it you pervert doo doo head"


Colon: "Cause you are a pervert, sometimes an extreme idiot, pervert, and pervert"


Satomi: "Meh, at least I'm not as perverted as you two, i do want to see (y/n)-Chan in a bikini, but better if she going nude"

Nanamori: "Satomi-Kun, you know that nude is the same as going naked right?"

Satomi: *whistle awkwardly while swimming away slowly*

"Why do we have so much perverts here.." Riinu start to avoid that chaos area where the water is going everywhere and just enjoy his popsicle in the other side of the pool

And Riinu is lucky since he immediately see (y/n) coming

"(y/n)-Chan kotchi!" Riinu called while waving his hand, catching (y/n)'s attention and make her walk towards him

"You don't want to swim with us??" Riinu asked to (y/n) who just sitting beside the pool with her legs inside the water

"No, i don't bought my swimsuit, besides I don't want those perverts to be turned on by me wearing some 'tight clothes' such as swimsuits" (y/n) answered and got some awkward laugh from Riinu

"And i can't swim" (y/n) added make Riinu look at her for some long time

"Do you want me to teach you?"

"Eh? No need, i don't even wear proper clothes for swimming"

"Aww come on don't be shy, this pool already rented for us so it's okay to break some rules~" Riinu suddenly pull (y/n) in the pool, of course it shocks (y/n) and some water almost got swallowed by accident

"www, such a funny reaction"

"Don't make me scared like that!! I thought I will drowned!!!"

"Of course you won't, i will hug you tightly and teach you some basic techniques" Riinu start to bring both of them in the middle of the pool, where the ground is even deeper down

"Ri-Riinu-Kun I'm scared-"

"Daijobu daijobu, i will hold you really tight"

(y/n) let out a long sigh and just let Riinu protect her, well, if she push Riinu away or something she will be a fish, a dead fish

⟨ After Some Hours ⟩

"Uwaaa, you can float(?) by your own now!"

"Help mee--" (y/n) immediately reach for Riinu's hand and hug him, she can do it but she still scared, maybe scared about drowning or a magical shark bite her from the bottom

"Www, you're so cute when you're helpless like this (y/n)-Chan" Riinu said while 'bopping' (y/n)'s nose

"I'm not that helpless!!!" (y/n)'s cheeks are puffy from pouting, just how Riinu like to see from his princess

"Nee (y/n)-Chan, can I get a kiss from you?"

(y/n) suddenly choked then look at Riinu with a confused look, they're in the middle of the pool and Riinu asked that?

"Can I?? Few days ago I see Naa-Kun kissed your forehead so it makes him the first guy to kiss you not in the lips, can I get the opposite of that? Can you at least give a quick kiss on my cheek or forehead?"

"Let's...get back to the land first.." (y/n) mumbled

Riinu start to swim to the edge and make (y/n) sit there meanwhile he is still in the water

"Just a kiss on the cheek right..?" Riinu's face immediately brighten up and nod so many times

"Yo-You're lucky, this will be my first time kiss a guy's cheek.." (y/n) mumbled, patting the edge of the pool besides her and Riinu immediately sit there


"There, you're happy now right!" (y/n)'s face is a complete tomato now, well how can't she be like a tomato when those 5 clingy people stare at them

"Thank you for the kiss!!!" Riinu shouted and hug (y/n) tight, making those 5 people even more jealous

SatoColoJel: "KUSO GA INU!!!!"

Nanamori: "LANGUAGE!!"

Root: 'I should be happy, but why did I want to punch him?'

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