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Satomi: "If you don't come out now I will break in"

(y/n): "go away.."


"I have warned you" Satomi said while tidy up(?) his hair which is quite messy because he just broke the door, then he walk towards (y/n) that laying in the bed, fully covered in her blanket

"For how long will you lock yourself? If there's anything bothering you, just tell us or at least me" Satomi pull a bit the blanket to see (y/n)'s face and then sit in the bed besides her

After that, it's just complete silence, no sounds or such. It's just a girl laying in her bed and a guy sitting behind her

"(y/n)-Chan, please stop this, I'm really worried about you.." Satomi mumbled and laying besides (y/n), just to hug her

"No need to hide when you want to cry, I'm here for you.."


"Don't look at me, I'm a mess now" (y/n) mumbled while covering her whole face with both her hands, both of them still laying in the bed and looking at each other

(Almost kissing //Slap!)

"Hee, not fair, you always see my messy just awake look, why can't I see you after crying~" Satomi teased and remove (y/n)'s hand that covering her face

"No" (y/n) immediately hide her face using a Satomi plushie, the closes plushie to her

"Why my plushie? You like me more than the others? Thank you ww" again Satomi teased (y/n), make her turn red and smack Satomi's face with the plushie in her hand

"Hora, indirect kiss" Satomi said while turning the plushie in his face dan hitting (y/n)'s face, the position where the plushie 'hit' Satomi's lips now right in the spot where (y/n)'s lips is

"Wanna try a direct kiss now?" Satomi asked while putting his thumb in (y/n)'s lips

(y/n)'s reaction? She's still process what just happened but her face still turning red slowly

"Silent is a yes for me~" Satomi start to get closer with (y/n), really really close and put his hand in (y/n)'s chin



And after that, (y/n) become a tomato for almost 10 minutes after that 'thing'

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