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"Heee, don't be so cold~"

(y/n) just ignore this one clingy orange creature and continue doing her paperwork, she have a lot of it



"Let's go on a date"


"Ha?" (y/n) turn her head to look at Jel and just see his wide smile

"I said, let's go on a date"


"OH NO YOU WON'T HAVE A DATE WITH HER DEAR ORANGE SHEAP!!" Colon entered the room, smashing the door till it's broken with a giant hammer


'This people are helpless..' (y/n) clean up her working desk and search for her phone, wanting to call someone for help

"Root-Kun, tatsukete ne, I'll treat you some tapioca in exchange"

"Ha'i wakarimashita~ What should I bought? Sake bottle or a gun?"

"...just bought yourself, no need any of those" then (y/n) hang up, wait for a several minutes with both Jel and Colon still screaming at each other

"Konnichiwa, let's get rid of you guys" Root said while knocking the wall, make both Jel and Colon freeze in place

"Remember don't be so rough with them, you guys have 24 Hours Relay tommorow" (y/n) said and walk towards her closet room to change her clothes since she have to treat Root something

"Ha'i ha'i, saa, let's start throwing out the trash"

'Oh God save us'


"What did you do to them?" (y/n) asked while looking at two questionable condition body, Root just giggled

"You don't want to know"

(y/n) look at Root for about 3 seconds and then just shrug it off, afraid? Of course she is, but after working for them quite a while (y/n) have get used to it

(y/n): "Let's go buy it now, i still have some work to do"

Root: "Ano ne, is this can be called a date?"

(y/n): "Why would you think like that?"

Root: "Well, it's just the two of us and we will have something outside together, it can be called a date right?"

(y/n): "That's not-"

Root: *sparkling eyes*

(y/n): "....Fine"

Root: "Yatta!!! Then this is a date okay! Let me bring you to a good restaurant!!"

(y/n): "He-Hey!! This is not a date!!!! Root-Kun!!!"

Root: "I'll make sure to make you comfortable with it! Don't worry!!"

(y/n): 'This person, huft... Maybe one accident date is okay'

(y/n): "Fine and stop dragging me, I can walk by myself!"

Root: "Www, gomen'ne, jaa ikuyo!"

⟨ The Next Morning ⟩

Root: "Hey guys, I want to tell you something"

Riinu: "Nani nani???"

Root: "Yesterday I and (y/n)-Chan went on a date! It was so fun!!"

Sutopuri, except Root: *chokes on their breakfast*

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