Drunk Incident

187 14 11

"Ughh, Naa-Kun please don't be like them, I'll be right back after taking a bath" (y/n) said and got a nod for the reply by Nanamori


"Nee Jel-Kun, you're thinking the same thing as I am right?" Satomi asked while looking at the 'sleeping' Riinu in the floor

"Of course i am" Jel answered and both of them nodding to each other

SatoJel: "Sacrifice this red dog for more drinks"

"OH NO YOU TWO, DON'T BE MORE DRUNK THAN THIS, AND DON'T DO ANYTHING WEIRD TO HIM!!!" Nanamori shouted, suddenly Colon just make Nanamori swallow large quantities of beer...right when Nanamori opened his mouth

"WWWW, Finally Naa-Kun want to drink some" Colon with such a happy tone and just let Nanamori 'unworking' there with hiccups

Colon: "Now it's Root-Kun's turn~"

Root: *Freeze in place*


"Why do I feel something bad is happening right now.." (y/n) mumbled in the middle of her bath, feeling something must have happened to both Nanamori dan Root downstairs with those three drunk creatures

'Better finish this quickly'


"....what the.." (y/n) just walked downstairs and, like what he's have predicted, it's a chaos

Jel and Satomi look like going to chop up Riinu's body with a pillow, don't know how they think of it, Nanamori laying in the sofa with hiccups and a full red face, and Root keeping Colon away from him using a chair in the corner of the room



Colon: *force-feeding Root with sake*

Colon: "Since you already in your limit, this should make you drunk WW"

(y/n) that watch all of it just stay silent, gripping her pen so hard to the point it's almost break in half

She walk to the kitchen and grab the biggest pan she can get then go back to the chaos room

(y/n): "Tommorow I'mma make you guys swear to not drink this thing ever again for celebration of something"

⟨ The Next Day ⟩

(y/n): "Remember, clean every corners till it's shiny!"

Satomi: "unfair, why didn't Naa-Kun and Riinu-Kun helped us"

(y/n): "What did I hear from you Satomi-Kun?"

Satomi: "Nothing!"

(y/n): "Remember it's you guys own fault that Naa-Kun and Riinu-Kun can't get up from bed"

Colon: "Then what about Root-Kun?!"

Root: "I already do my part this morning so I'm free, besides I'm taking care of Riinu-Kun and Naa-Kun"

Jel: "Hey!! That's not fair!!"

(y/n): "Then go outside, I'm making you guys sleep outside tonight"

SatoColoJel: 'Why did it feel like I am the husband that getting punished by the wife..'

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