Battle (1)

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"(y/n)-Chan" six of them called with a flat tone, make (y/n) a little worry with what this will go

"Between the six of us..which one do you like the most?" Nanamori asked, still with the serious expression and a flat tone

'Ah they must be betting for something..'


"From one to ten, you will give points for each of us in a specific topic, from there we can decide which of us is better in your eyes" Satomi 'explained', (y/n) just look at them with a flat expression that saying something like 'what did you guys ate'

"Okay start! First topic, handsomeness!" Colon shouted and give (y/n) a small whiteboard along with the marker


Nanamori= 6/10

Jel= 8/10

Satomi= 8/10

Colon= 2/10

Riinu= 1/10

Root= 2/10

"HEEE?!? HOW AM I NOT HANDSOME?!?" Riinu and Colon shouted while pointing at his own name in the whiteboard

"We tied.." Jel and Satomi mumbled with a gloomy aura in the corner

"Guess I'm not that handsome for you..." Nanamori scratch his cheek while looking kinda disappointed, make (y/n) feel a little guilty

Root? He just stare at the two ikemen guys in the corner


"Ha'i next topic! Cuteness!!"

Nanamori= 7/10

Jel= 1/10

Satomi= 2/10

Colon= 7/10

Riinu= 9/10

Root= 8/10

"No going to the corner of sadness again" Nanamori said while pulling both Jel and Satomi before both of them go back to the corner

"I cuter than you guys! Bleee!!" Riinu stick his tongue out, start mocking Root and Colon that besides him

"You two, no punching each other, and Root, put down the sake bottle" (y/n) immediately take the glass sake bottle from Root's hand and throw it in the trash


"Next topic!! Gentleness!!!"

Nanamori= 10/10

Jel= 5/10

Satomi= 3/10

Colon= 4/10

Riinu= 6/10

Root= 4/10

"Mamamori da ne.." the five mumbled while Nanamori just hide his whole face with his hand

"But how did Jel-Kun got half the point?" Colon asked, with kind of an angry tone

"For his father side" (y/n) answered

"Then how did I got 4?"

"Cause you're a noisy guy, always screaming along with Satomi-Kun"

"How about me?" Root asked

"You're just scary" the other answered while (y/n) just stay silent and getting ready for the next topic


"Next!! Cleverness!"

Nanamori= 8/10

Jel= 9/10

Satomi= 7/10

Colon= 8/10

Riinu= 7/10

Root= 7/10

"Make sense, Jel-Kun is the smartest in subjects like chemical or something like that" Satomi said while looking 'too' close to the whiteboard

"He is the smartest but the most chaotic.." Root mumbled while looking at Jel that just let out a 'ehe~'


"Next! Singing!"

Nanamori: 10/10

Jel: 10/10

Satomi: 10/10

Colon: 10/10

Riinu: 10/10

Root: 10/10


"You guys have beautiful voice okay, don't judge this didn't know how to sing girl" (y/n) said then she erase the whiteboard


"Next, Funniest(?)!"

Nanamori: 7/10

Jel: 9/10

Satomi: 8/10 *bonus 1 point for the laugh

Colon: 8/10 *bonus 1 for the laught too

Riinu: 6/10

Root: 6/10

"Wait what-"

"You both have chicken type of laugh" Riinu said before Satomi can finish his words

"I have the video of their laugh" Root said and start playing a video where Satomi and Colon just laugh so hard on a falling piece of bread in a table

(you can imagine their laugh, i can hear them laughing now)--


"Next! Husband-able-ness!"

(y/n): "What the heck is that.."

Jel: "Just answer it"


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