Being Cool

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"Nee (y/n)-Chan, do you like Rineko-Kun?" Riinu asked, make (y/n) kinda confused but still answer it with a small nod

"So you like it... Okay got it, thank you for the time!" Riinu said then just walk away, leaving (y/n) still confused in her room

⟨ The Next Day ⟩

" did he become alive..?" (y/n) mumbled when seeing a black haired guy with red stroke(?) in his hair, also animal ears and different eye color for each eye

She just went out for some groceries a.k.a her snacks and then got 'welcomed' by this scene

"It's just Riinu-Kun who dyed his hair black and wear contacts..." Root answered from the living room cause he know (y/n) must be confused

"Why all of the sudden?" (y/n) asked while walk closer to Riinu and know if his hair really got dyed or a wig, turns out it is his hair

"Well, so i can do this easily" Riinu answered and just suddenly trap (y/n) by wall, right in the entrance (kabedon yes)

"Ju-Just for this..?" (y/n) mumbled with a slowly redding face while using her hands to keep the distance between the two of them

"And this"

'EHHH?!?' (y/n)'s face immediately turn really red, how can she not if Riinu suddenly just 'suck' her left cheek, also licking it



"Ww, I 'accidentally' leave a mark here" Riinu said while stroking (y/n) cheek that is now red cause of what he just done

"Ri-Riinu-Kun, I don't like this Riinu-Kun.." (y/n) mumbled still feeling flustered, making Riinu tilt his head a little but still placing his hand in (y/n)'s cheek

"I prefer the cute kind Riinu-Kun than the cool badboy vibe Riinu-Kun" (y/n) continued, make Riinu sigh and hug (y/n) really tight while burying his face in (y/n)'s shoulder

"I want to be cool cause you look like preferring the cool ones here, there's already two people that use their cool side and got to kiss your lips, i also want to be cool if it allow me to get closer to you" Riinu mumbled but (y/n) can still hear it clearly

"I-I like you guys equally, whatever method you use to look better in my eyes, the original kawaii Riinu is still the best in my eyes" (y/n) replied while start hugging Riinu back and stroking his 'now black but soon back to normal' hair

"You guys have your own unique side, like if I see Jel-Kun acting like you maybe I will throw up or the opposite, just be yourself to try that" all the thing that (y/n) can hear now it Riinu's soft sobs(?) and feel that Riinu's hug become tighter and tighter

⟨ Later That Night ⟩

"Nee nee (y/n)-Chan, come here" Riinu said, make (y/n) that was helping Nanamori cooking in the kitchen walk towards him



"Finally i can get my turn, as Riinu ww" Riinu said then suddenly lick (y/n)'s lips, make (y/n) that already become a tomato 'blow up' and just fainted

Well this one is a completely double surprise attacks and she really didn't see this one coming, so she shocked to point she faints

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