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Jel: "(y/n)-Channn"

(y/n): "What"

Jel: "Play with me pleaseeee"

(y/n): "No"


Jel: "Nee chuu shyo?"

(y/n): "Kimoi"

Jel: "Uweee, kissu shitai yoooo"

(y/n): "NO."


Jel: "(y/n)-Chan! (y/n)-Chan! Do you want to watch the new movie in the cinema with me??"

(y/n): "No, i have to go to the grocery store with Naa-Kun dan Satomi"

Jel: "Aww come onn, just this one time please????"

(y/n): "Nope, go ask the others"


"Hah.." Jel sighed sadly, making his friends a little shocked and immediately looking at him

"Jel-Kun?? Something's wrong???" Nanamori asked while put his broom away and sit beside Jel in the sofa

"Nothing... I'm going to watch something in my room.." Jel replied and starts walking to his room with a gloomy aura, like a sad little cat

When the five of them already make sure Jel already entered his room, they start to sit together in a circle in the floor

Satomi: "Something's definitely wrong"

Colon: "Agree, something must be bothering his mind this past few days"

Nanamori: "Did he fight with his family?!"

Riinu: "Naa-Kun calm down! Don't assume something like that to fast!"

Root: "Looking at his sad gloomy face, i think it's something not THAT serious"

"What are you guys doing?" (y/n) asked while taking off her shoes and coat because she just come home from a little meeting with the other staff

The boys jumped and immediately act like nothing have happened, making (y/n) feel they're more sus but then shrug it off because she's tired

"Please don't come in my room, i want to take some sleep" (y/n) said and the boys just nodded, she then walk to her room and just throw herself in her bed, falling asleep right away

'She's home..?'

⟨ Later At Night ⟩

"Otsukaree" Satomi said while let his body lay in the couch after recording a new song and some covers

"Otsu otsu" Riinu also joined Satomi and lay right on top Satomi that already fall asleep in the couch, then Riinu joined him sleeping

"Ughh, my throat hurt" Colon mumbled while coughing a little and walk to the kitchen to make some hot tea

"Uwahhh, that was a rather hard song, specially the rapping parts" Nanamori stretches his body and Root followed him while start thinking about the next new song

Colon: "You guys want some tea too or not? *cough* *cough*"

Nanamori: "Yes please"

Root: "I'll have some milk tea"

Colon: "*cough* this is not a milk tea store!"

Root: "Finee, I'll have hot cocoa"

Nanamori: "Let me help you with it" *rush to the kitchen*

"You don't want some tea too Jel-Kun?" Root asked when saw Jel walked upstairs

Jel just shake his head and continue to walk upstairs, make Root start to think hard of what is bothering Jel's head, even in the studio he didn't talk much

"Ah Root-Kun, please go ask (y/n)-Chan what she want to drink!"


Root walk to (y/n)'s room, when he arrived there he knocked the door a few times

"(y/n)-Chan, can i come in?"


Root come in and shocked when seeing (y/n) sitting in the bed and hugging the sad orange guy


"What's wrong?" (y/n) asked while keep stroking Jel's head while Jel keep whining in her shoulder, making Root don't know how to feel

"A-Ah, do you want some tea or other?" Root asked while trying not to look what is happening infront of him

"I'll have some hot milk, what do you want?" (y/n) asked with a soft voice at the end and then Jel mumbled something

"A hot milk and a hot cocoa please, when it's done just put it in my table" Root just nodded and leave the room as fast as he can

⟨ Few minutes before ⟩


"Who is it?" (y/n) asked while keep watching some video in her laptop, didn't even look who entered her room

Suddenly Jel hugged her from behind the chair, make (y/n) shocked and immediately look who's hugging her

"What are yo-"

When see how gloomy Jel is, (y/n) shuts her mouth, turn of her laptop, and sit in the bed, so Jel can hug her more

'I think I've been too harsh at him this past few days..' Jel starts to whine a little, even whimpers just a like sad cat that has been left alone by his owner for a long time

"I'm sorry, let's go the Universal Studio together tomorrow" Jel just nodded s little bit still hugging (y/n) tight and bury his face in (y/n)'s shoulder

(y/n): 'The gap of this guy is incredible, he can become an ikemen but also a complete opposite of it..'

Jel: "。゚(゚´Д`゚)゚。"

(y/n): "(´-ω-'( _ _ )"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2022 ⏰

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