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"Hatchi! Ahh, I shouldn't have went outside without wearing my scarf last night" (y/n) mumbled and wear her blanket to cover her small short body

"Hello~ I heard my little princess is sick today~"

"Go away from my room"

"Hee, I'm here to take care of you okay" Jel said and walking closer to (y/n), bringing some porridge and medicine with him

"I rather be watched by Root-Kun than by you" (y/n) mumbled and turn around not want to face this one guy

"Aw come on, I'm not that bad" Jel put all the things he bought to the small table beside (y/n)'s bed

"Yes you are, you're an extreme pervert, can't act serious when we need to be serious, always make fun of me, and more" (y/n) reply with a flat tone

Jel: "Heee, how mean~"

(y/n): "If you have nothing to do here please go away"

Jel: "I have something important to do here, so I'm allowed to stay"

(y/n): "What? Taking care of an adult that just have a fever? That's not important for you, it's better if you think if something for your new video"

Jel: "(y/n)-Chan, listen to me, health is way more important than content."

'His tone changes.. Why at time like this you just show your father side...' (y/n) just let out a long sigh and turn her body around to see what Jel is doing

"You haven't eat any medicine since you have the fever, you're face all red and you're sweating all over, hah.. why are you like this, how many times do I have to tell you not to over work yourself..." Jel mumbled while stroking (y/n)'s, which make (y/n) can hear it all

Lucky her face is red from the fever so Jel can't see her slight blush

"Now get up, time to eat your porridge and then your medicine" Jel said while pulling (y/n)'s hand

"..who make the porridge?" (y/n) asked and look intensely at the suspicious looking porridge, well, it's purple so-

Jel: "Definitely not me."

(y/n): "Lying?"

Jel: "Yes"

(y/n): "I'm not eating that"

"Www, wait I'll bring you the real food, this is just something random I mix with purple food dye to see if you would eat this or not" Jel take the bowl and walk downstairs, leaving (y/n) in there

"Baka Tou-San.." (y/n) mumbled

⟨ At Night ⟩



"Satomi-Kun, Colon-Kun, shhttt" (y/n) said while passing by the front door, making those five people's face brighten up

"Don't make so much noise" (y/n) continue then walk back upstairs to her room, followed by the curious strawberries

Jel: "Zz..."

(y/n): "He's been watching over me since this morning with no rest, let him sleep for a while"

Root: "He's not doing anything to you right?"

(y/n): "No, he's completely pure this day, even he didn't tease me that much today and make sure that I have a good sleep"

Riinu: "Jel-Kun in his father mode ne, I'm jealous with you (y/n)-Chan"

(y/n): "You already have Mamamori and Ojii-Chan Satomi.."

Satomi: "Oi!"

Colon: "Pfft, Ojii-Chan"

Nanamori: "Maa maa, let's clean ourselves first, besides we don't want to wake him up right"

Nanamori: " And (y/n)-Chan, if he start to mumble something in his sleep that mean he's having a nightmare, you just have to stroke his head softly, it'll help him calm down"

(y/n): *nod*

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