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"We're locked here.." Nanamori said after walking around the room and can't found any exit, now both of them stuck there for who knows how long it will be

"I know this is a bad idea.." (y/n) mumbled while sitting in the ground, make Nanamori also let out a long sigh and sit besides her

The lighting in the room is getting darker from time to time, so the longer they're here, the more horror it feels

Plus there's so many statue that looks like looking at both of them, so..

"There's no signal.." (y/n) mumbled while looking at her almost died phone

"Naa-Kun, what if we stuck here forever..?"


"I'm scared.." Nanamori immediately look at (y/n) that kinda shaking, he lift his hand and start to stroke (y/n)'s head softly, try to make her at least feeling better

"It's okay, I'm here with you" he mumbled while getting even closer to (y/n) and then hug her

'Kawaii.. yoshi yosh'



A smile immediately appear on Nanamori's face just by looking at a girl sleeping in his shoulder, she look so peaceful which make Nanamori even more happy

'I'll take care of you..' lucky Nanamori is wearing his purple cardigan, so Nanamori take it off and slowly put it on (y/n)'s small body, just to make sure she doesn't get cold since it's kinda cold there

"Sleep tight my princess" Nanamori mumbled, he looking at (y/n) for some time and then turn red without clear reason..

'I will say sorry to her later for this..' Nanamori start to hold (y/n) position so she leaning to the wall, Nanamori's face start to getting redder and redder, without anymore time


He gave (y/n) a good 3 second kiss in the lips, then after that he make the position just like before and try to calm himself (while touching his own lips)

After calming down, Nanamori lay his head on top of (y/n)'s, then without taking a long time both of them sleeping while laying to each other in the corner of a dark cold room

⟨ 4 Hours Later ⟩

"Naa-Kun, okiro.." (y/n) whispered while start to shake Nanamori's hand, but this guy still didn't show sign of waking up

"Na-Naa-Kun, please wake up, I-I.." lucky this one attempt make Nanamori opens his eyes but still half awake

"Naa-Kun, the-there's an angry ghost here--" (y/n) said, make Nanamori immediately opens his eyes and hug (y/n) really tight

"Where?! Where is it?!" Nanamori said still hugging (y/n) really tight and also closing (y/n)'s eyes, well he remembers that this one girl really hate and scared of this kind of thing even though he's also scared of it

"I-It's right in front of us.." (y/n) mumbled, make Nanamori look to that way and yes, there's a pale white face just floating in front of them

"H-HIIII!! RUNN!!!" Nanamori immediately carry (y/n) and run towards the exit door, but sadly it's still locked

That white head coming towards them slowly with weird noises, making (y/n) and Nanamori's body shaking even more

"Open! OPEN UP YOU DOOR!!!" Nanamori just start kicking the door when realize that something getting really close



Nanamori immediately run away and go back to they're house, yes the both of them lock in one of the room in the basement


Root: "A Jel-Kun daijobu?"

Jel: "Am I looked okay? I just got smack by a door"

Root: "Ww, I didn't think Naa-Kun would do that tho"

Jel: "That's really shocked me, even he stepped really hard over me"

Root: "Is there's any serious injuries?"

Jel: "I think no, and Root-Kun, please wash that white make up off and take off the white contact lens, you look so scary--"

Root: "...is there a bathroom with no mirror? I'm also afraid of how I look now.."

Jel: "Sadly, no."

Root: "..."

Jel: "..."

Root: "Boo!"

Jel: *Immediately smack Root with a piece of the broken door*

Root: "OI!!"

Jel: *Run*

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