7- Hold onto him

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I am super thankful and surprised that my book is number 9 in angust! And holy shit! Thanks for 41 reads!

Talk of suicide attempt
Talk of self harm
Sighs of self harm

Tommy's POV

I watched as Lia walked over to the other officer and start greeting each other. I turned back to the other officer.

"So sir, the witness that saw the Scene was drunk so we weren't sure is his description was right. So before you tell me anything do you have any questions?"

"Will my parental have to come pick me up or hear about the situation" I asked fully knowing what my dad would do if he knew this stuff happened.

(I know that this isn't how the law works in The uk but just imagine)

"Technically no, you can go home yourself  as can the girl. And you have the right to make this a silent case because you are 16" he concluded kindly.

"What is a silent case?" I asked

"It is when the event is not mentioned to parents or family, would you like to make this a silent case on your end?" He asked

"Yes please" I said nicely, relived that my dad won't know.

"Okay, now could you tell me every that happened starting when you first saw her and why you were on the bridge at the time she was."

I began to tell the story, it took about ten minutes and a few lies to get me out of the real reason I was on the bridge. After I finished speaking I looked up at the office to see him confused and astonished.

"So let me get this straight you don't know her"


"You successfully convinced her not to commit"


"You jumped off a 40 foot bridge to save her life"


"And you performed perfect cpr and saved her life"

"Well I wouldn't say perfect but that did happen." I said trying not to make myself the centre of attention. I looked back at the cop and he no longer looked confused just astonished.

"I guess the drunk guy wasn't lying!" The man said happily. After a bit more talking he said he would go get the other 2.

Lia's POV

I walked over to the officer and began talking. She was very nice and cheerful. She had me tell her the hole story but I made sure to make the part when I Decided to continue living. She understood me and let me make my end of the case a silent case.

"So if you're story checks out to be the same as the witnesses and the boy plus the nurses say you are all good you are free to go" She said kindly. I started to walk back towards Tommy but she stopped me.

"Wait one more thing! Hold onto him" she smiled at me. I was confused for a second then I knew what she meant.

"ok" I said reassuringly. She smiled and waved at me as I walked back. I reached the two boys and the officers looked at us.

"Your story's checked out and you are almost free to go, you just need to see the paramedics and get a quick check up!" They smiled. I returned the smile and me and Tommy made out ways over to the paramedics.

The paramedics performed a standard check on my but Tommy only wanted a small check up for some reason.

"So Lia you are perfectly fine you just need to stay warm" The paramedic said kindly.

"Tommy you on the other hand have a fractured rib from hitting the water. There is nothing we can really do so just take lots of pain meds and take it easy." She said sweetly. I felt bad for Tommy though he risked his life for me and he was the one who got injured.

My train of thought was interrupted my Tommy taping my shoulder.

"Ready to go" he asked. I nodded and we started to make our way out.

"Wait!" I heard someone scream from behind me. I looked backwards to see a firefighter running towards us.

"Mr your phone was left on it and I suggest you check your notifications. This thing has been constantly ringing with phone calls and dinging from messages until I figured out how to turn it on silent" he handed Tommy what I assumed is his phone.

"Thank you" he said nervously. The firefighter nodded and left. We continued walking, with Tommy's arm on my shoulder and then I knew I do need to hold onto him.

Sorry if this chapter was boring I just needed to get this stuff written. Thanks for reading!!!

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