16-Happy for a bit

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Hellloooo!! I am back with another chapter! Sry my chapters aren't very long I am just trying to put out. But thanks to the fricken crazy 178 reads!

Self harm
Affects of abuse

Nobody's POV

Wilbur is currently sitting in the airport waiting for his flight to be called. A million thoughts are rushing through his head but one sticks out most. Tommy. He had seemed off ever since Wilbur met him. Wilbur always new he was hiding something. When his self harm history was revealed He knew that was it. So during this trip Wilbur is making it his mission to make sure that is the only thing he is hiding.

He always considered Tommy as a little brother and Wilbur needed to make sure he is ok. Wilbur was sure that he was only hiding one thing but oh did he not know.


Tubbo was in the middle of going through   Security trying to be quick. He barely had any time before his flight and he had to meet Wilbur at the gate. He was super excited to meet his best friend once again. tubbo is extremely excited for all the time they get to spend together. And with Wilbur techno and Phil all coming it will be like a big family reunion he thought.

Once he was out of security tubbo ran to the seats in the airport lobby. Once he got there he engulfed in a hug with Wilbur. Tubbo thought that nothing could go wrong, right?


Techno is currently on his plane. He listened to music in his headphones as he farmed potatoes on minecraft. He was thinking about how the trip could possibly pan out. He expected a good trip because he got to se Tommy! His brother and friends, and Wilbur his brother and friend. And Wilbur being his brother he understood when will said he is worried for tommy.

This trip is a perfect way to reunite and hang out, it's even a way to check up on everyone! Everyone is excited happy and healthy! At least he thought so.


Phil was in the middle of boarding his plane when it hit him. I'm actually going to see them he thought. He finally got to see his family away from family. Phil was extremely excited to see his sons and friends. He just knew it would be perfect!
Well he thought he knew.


Tommy's POV
48 hours earlier

I listened closely as my dad entered the house. He is always in a mood after 'work'. Then I heard the dreaded sounds. The sounds of his key jingling in his lock. The sound I hear every time he opens that drawer to take out a knife of belt.

I felt sick to my stomach imagining what he might do. My thoughts ended when I heard the usual stomping of my father. Not seconds later the door swung open with a heavy bang. Then i saw him swing a large punch at my forehead. And then it went black.

Current Time

I was just waking up from my nap and I am feeling way better than before. I made my way to the bathroom to check up on my injuries. My cuts still looked freshly stitched but they weren't infected. The bruise on my head is getting better and you can barely see it.

As for the new injuries from two days ago they don't look great. The new cuts lining my chest don't look great and seem to be infected. The blood soaked through my bandages due to how deep the cuts are. The welts on my back sting terrible yesterday but are manageable.

After switching out my bandages i checked the clock. I had to be leaving for the airport about now. I quickly sprinted to my jacket, said goodbye to Betty and was out the door.

Once I was at the airport my mind started rushing full of thoughts. Will they like me in person, will they find out, will they hate me. I decided to put that aside as I saw techno standing at the baggage claim. When we locked eyes I ran over and he gave me a hug.

I was a bit surprised by the hug but melt into it anyway. After a second we broke apart.

"How are you!?" He asked me happily as we walked to a little cafe.

"Great". I smiled, even though it's a lie I got to hide it. We talked and talked until I noticed the hour was up. We made our way over to Phil's gate and waited. The second he came into sight me and techno ran to greet him. I was so happy to see him in real life.

I always viewed Phil as the father I don't have which makes it extra difficult to keep secrets. I ignored that thought and greeted him. We talked for a while and hung out till Wilbur and tubbo plane landed.

Seeing tubbo in real life again was amazing! He was so happy to see me as was I. We hugged and talked like we hang out in real life all the time! And seeing Wilbur was great too. It felt so right to hug my brother.

I felt like a whole other person with them. Of course that won't last long cause I know who I am according to my father. But for now I am going to be as happy as possible!

Once we got out of the airport I explained how far the house is.

"So my house is about an hour away cause I live out of the main city" I explained

"Okay!" Tubbo exclaimed happily

"Do we need to rent a car?" Wilbur asked

"No I brought my car" I said

"You have a car?!" Phil said in a surprised

"Yeah" I said confused why he is so surprised. Once we all piledin the car we began the drive home. I was in the driver's seat, Wilbur was in passenger and techno, Phil and tubbo are in the back. The hole ride we did karaoke like James cordon.

I felt so happy with these people. For a moment I forgot my problems and my sadness. Maybe this meetup won't be so bad.

Thanks for reading another chapter!

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