12- the stream

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I have nothing to say but hi!

Nobody's POV

After eating and cleaning up food Tommy noticed what he was forgetting.

"Hey Lia I got to stream today" he said to her.

"Do you want me to leave?" She asked sadly.

"Definitely not, but do you want to stream with me" he asked cautiously. She thought for moment before answering.

"I'd love to but are you sure you want me there?" She asked

"Fuck yeah! Stream would love you!" Tommy exclaimed loudly. That was enough to convince Lia.

"Okay, okay, your gonna pop my ear drums" she said while laughing. Tommy gave another celebration shout resulting in them both doubling over in laughter. After a bit they calmed down.

"I was thinking we could do a cooking stream!" Tommy exclaimed happily.

"That's a great idea Tommy!... but look around" Lia said. Tommy looked around at the mess of bottles broken glass and a bit of blood.

"I guess I need to get to cleaning" Tommy chuckled.

"Not without me!" Lia yelled happily while sliding off the counter. She walked over to Tommy and snatched his phone. She giggled and opened it up because Tommy dumbly doesn't use a password. She opened Spotify and played a random playlist he had and put it on full volume. Tommy smiled and they began.

Half an hour time skip

Currently tommy and Lia are dancing around the kitchen screaming a random song into the items they were cleaning with. The smiles in the room could reach the sky and the singing and Dancing was terrible (mainly on Tommy's end) but they were so happy. Nether have ever been happier. After they finished they looked around at the spotless house. They high-fived and smiled at each other.

Lia decided to take a shower while Tommy went shopping for food for the stream. It took Tommy about half an hour to shop. When he got back from buying the items to make cupcakes from scratch he saw Lia was out of the shower. She had her hair in a long French braid and she was wearing the t-shirt Tommy gave her but tucked into her shorts. Tommy's mind automatically went to how amazing she looked but he tried to ignore it.

"You got all the stuff tommy. Tommy!" She exclaimed trying to stop Tommy from zoning out. Tommy shook back into reality.

"Y-yeah I got everything" he said.

"Great!" She smiled. They both helped put away the food into its proper spot. After they both collapsed onto the couch in tiredness. Lia looked down at Tommy's arms

"Hey Tommy we should go check on your arms, ok?" She asked. Tommy nodded and they went to the bathroom. Once they got to the bathroom Tommy placed his arms over the counter and Lia carefully pulled off the bandages. The cuts were healing fairly well because of the polysporn that she used. After throwing out the bandages from Tommy's arm the wiped his arm.

"I want your cuts to air out so I am not going to put on new bandages" she smiled. Tommy nodded in agreement.

"I am gonna where shot sleeves on the stream to not get any sweaters dirty do you think chat will notice" Tommy asked while gesturing to his cuts. Lia looked at them carefully.

"No I don't think so" she said honestly. Once they finished up in the bathroom they headed downstairs to start stream.

Tommy's POV

To say that I am nervous would be an understatement, I am practically shiting buckets. My mind keeps racing, and I keep running every possible outcome in my head. Possibly chat never stops asking about the video, maybe chat will hate on Lia and maybe they will notice my fresh scars. After finishing my mini panic attack I tried to focus on putting a smile on for chat.

"You ready" I asked Lia while hovering my mouse over the start stream button. She nodded at me with I smile and I hit the button. Right away thousands of people poured into the chat.

"What is up chat!" I exclaimed putting on my Tommyinnit persona.

"Today we are doing a cooking stream!!" I said happily. I looked over at Lia who was just out of camera view and gave her a look that says 'are you ready?' She nodded and walked over to me.

"And chat we also have a special guest here today. She is a good friend and her name is Lia" I said excitedly. Lia gave a warm smile and waved at the camera.

"Hi chat!" She exclaimed happily.

"And chat she is here to help me entertain stream" I whispered to the camera in a joking tone.

"Bullshit." Lia said while slightly smiling.

"There is no way you can bake cupcakes without burning the house down."  She said in a matter of fact kind of tone.  We stared at each other trying to hold in laughter for a good 7 seconds before bursting out. We took a moment to calm down and I looked at chat. I blushed at the comments.

"Really 'Liainnit'! Chat you can do better!" I exclaimed in a annoyed tone. Lia blushed a little and giggled.

(I don't feel like writing a hole part about the stream so I will give some highlights.)

"Tommy! Bring me the vanilla!" Lia yelled at Me who is on the other side of the kitchen. She continued to take out items before we started baking.

"Tommy... where did you get this recipe?" Lia asked

"Pintrist, why" i asked confused

"The recipe says the cupcakes cook for four hours and they include 3 tablespoons of garlic powder?!" She exclaimed loudly.


"Who do you know that can bake?" Lia asked Me.

" I don't know! All of my friends are middle age man children who play minecraft for a living!" I exclaimed.

"Can I just ask a random person in your contacts for a recipe?"Lia asked while scrolling through My phone.

"Sure... just call someone who stream would know who they are." I responded keenly. Lia's smile grew as she scrolled through my contacts.

"Am am calling the person titled 'Kristin'" she stated proudly.

"Yay mumza!" I cheered


I noticed my phone ringing, it was Wilbur so I answered and put it on speaking.

"Hi Wilbur!" I screeched.

"Hi Tommy" he responded

"I am streaming by the way." I informed him.

"Hi Wilbur!" Lia yelled from across the room.

"Hello person!" Wilbur said happily.

"This is Lia, Wilbur, Lia. Lia, Wilbur" I said

"Lia I have an extremely important question for you" Wilbur asked seriously. Lia looked a little scared at first but brought back her confidence.

"Go on" she said proudly.

"What is your opinion on anteaters?!"


After making surprisingly good cupcakes, listening to Lia and Wilbur playfully argue about anteaters for half an hour, and have a 2 hour long stream we ended. I could tell my mods were working extremely hard but there was still hate towards me and Lia. I also saw lots of comments asking about the video from the bridge. I finally decided it is time to send a tweet. I looked over at Lia who is on the couch. I asked her for permission to regard her in the tweet. She agreed and I got to typing.


Hello, I am making this tweet regarding the video of me on ###### bridge yesterday. It was a video that recorded a private conversation so if you can try not to spread the video more than it already has been. On a different note, the girl is perfectly fine and I have a small injury but we are both fine. And remember if you are ever in need of help call ###-###-#### (England suicide help line).


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