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Magnolia Lovegood was three years older than her sister, Luna; though still very similar

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Magnolia Lovegood was three years older than her sister, Luna; though still very similar. The sisters were very aware that everyone at Hogwarts found them loony, but they didn't care. They were in there own little world. Though most people steered clear from Magnolia, she'd made herself a few friends over the years. She was now in her sixth year.

Hugo Hawthorne — a fellow Hufflepuff in her year had been making friendship bracelets in the great hall at breakfast, though no one seemed to want one. Eleven year old Magnolia told him excitedly that she would love to be his friend. She even gave him a necklace that would turn away the nargles in exchange. They'd been friends ever since. Hugo never judged her 'out there' personality — in fact, he loved it. They'd both gossip about boys and which ones were the cutest.

There was also Beatrix Silverling, (though she preferred to go by Bea,) in Ravenclaw who was two years younger than her. She'd met the red-head in the library, where they argued over Crumple Horned Snorkaks. Magnolia believed they were real, while Bea did not. In fact, Bea thought it was utterly ridiculous. The argument had earned them a detention together, and Bea learned that Magnolia wasn't so bad after all. They still had their differences about the Snorkaks, however.

Gwendolyn, or Gwen Crow, was a seventh year Slytherin. Gwen had caught another person in her house knocking the books out of Magnolia's arms, and kicking her to the ground. Gwen had sent them away with a promise that she would hex them into next Sunday if they ever came near Magnolia again. There was just something about the Lovegood that was so...pure. Gwen felt as though she needed to protect the blonde. It puzzled most people, as Gwen was usually quiet and got annoyed quite easily.

And then there was Cedric Diggory. They had never been exceptionally close — they were only in the same house and year, and occasionally greeted each other, but Cedric thought she was lovely. He'd watched her in the courtyard chasing after a butterfly once. He'd also seen her dancing alone in the rain once, happy as could be. He desperately wanted to get to know her better, but he always got too nervous. This cracked his friend up — Elliot Dendron, a seventh year Gryffindor. Cedric was supposed to be Hufflepuff's golden boy. Girls fawned over him everyday, but he couldn't bring himself to talk to the weird girl that cried every time a flower would die? Cedric had glared at him, and told him she was not weird, simply...rare — in the best possible way.

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