( xi. diggory cottage )

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MAGNOLIA HELD HANDS with Cedric as they got off the train. She had met Cedric's father very briefly, and had never met his mother. She usually tried to ignore what people thought of her, but she realized Cedric's parent's opinion meant a lot to her.

"Ced, my boy! Happy Christmas! Ah, you're Magnolia, correct? I believe we met at the Quidditch World Cup." Amos Diggory extended his hand for her to shake. She shook his hand with a light grip.

"Yes, Mr. Diggory. It's wonderful to see you again."

"Please, call me Amos. Did you happen to run into any Blibbering Humdingers after we crossed paths?"

"Thankfully, no, Sir. I mean, Amos." Amos smiled, and grabbed Cedric's arm.

"Splendid! Shall we get going now? Your mother is very excited to see you." Amos told his son.


The Diggory Cottage was beautiful. The Wisteria tree that Cedric talked of stood in the front yard in all its glory. She had to remind herself that she was there to meet his parents, not the tree. However, she would be going out to see the tree, later, of course. Cedric's hand rested on the lower of her back, which made her feel tingles.

"Cedric, oh, I've missed you!" A motherly voice rang out. She wrapped her arms around him, and then looked at Magnolia.

"You must be Magnolia. Cedric writes about you all the time. I'm Anne Diggory, Cedric's mother." Both Cedric and Magnolia blushed.

"You can call me Maggie. It really is lovely to meet you." Magnolia told Anne. The mother smiled, and caught sight of Magnolia's necklace.

"I like your necklace." Anne smiled, starting to prepare dinner.

"It's a charm, actually. It keeps away the Nargles. I could make you one, if you'd like?" Magnolia offered. She had made all of her friends one. Hugo had accepted his in exchange for Magnolia to take his friendship bracelet. As Bea didn't believe in Nargles, she didn't wear hers often, but did when Magnolia was particularly down. When she'd given one to Gwen, Gwen had told her she only wore diamonds. Magnolia had frowned, pulling the necklace away, when Gwen grabbed it and put it around her neck. Gwen had not taken it off since.

"She made a couple for Elliot and I. Don't you like them, mum?" Cedric asked, pulling his out from under his shirt.

"Oh...I love them! I suppose I need all the protection I can get. I'd love one." Cedric smiled at his mother, thankful how she was treating his girlfriend.


"So, Magnolia, what is your family like?" Amos asked her as they sat at the dinner table. Anne had cooked a wonderful meal, much better than anything her dad had ever made. Her father had not given it a second thought when she asked to go to Cedric's, even though it was a holiday. He simply told her that he'd see her when she got back.

"Well, my father edits and publishes The Quibbler."

"I haven't heard of it. What's it like?" Amos asked, taking a bite out of a bread roll.

"Much better than the rubbish that Rita Skeeter writes..." Cedric mumbled.

"It's much more informative than The Daily Prophet. Father says they're all liars. It even comes with quizzes, and a pair of spectrespecs. It helps you see Wrackspurts. They make your brain go all fuzzy." Even if her father wasn't proud of her, she was proud of him. It was silent for a moment.

"Do you have any siblings?" Anne asked, passing the potatoes around.

"A little sister. Her name is Luna." Magnolia smiled.

"What about your mother? What does she do?" Both Cedric and Anne gave Amos a look that told him to be quiet.

"She passed away when I was twelve, actually." Magnolia frowned.

"I'm sorry to have asked. My deepest condolences to your family." Amos apologized.

"Her name was Pandora, right? Pandora Ollivander? The wandmaker's niece? I bumped into your mother occasionally. I was in Ravenclaw, too. She was always very creative."

"Anyways, I congratulate you on becoming the
champion for Hogwarts! I've heard your first task went brilliantly!" Amos changed the subject.

Magnolia nodded, smiling sadly.

Cedric put his hand on Magnolia's shoulder. "Love, why don't I show you the Wisteria tree? I know you've been dying to see it." Magnolia nodded, excitedly, as Cedric shook his head at his parents.


They'd been by the Wisteria tree for the better part of an hour. Magnolia was hanging by her legs, letting the blood rush to her head. It was the prettiest tree she'd ever seen.

"Maggie, we should probably head inside. It's getting pretty late."

"We can't sleep out here? In the tree?" She playfully asked, only a tiny bit serious.

"I promise it will be here tomorrow. Let me help you down — are you okay?" He asked as she fell from the tree. Magnolia laughed, causing Cedric to sigh in relief.

"Next time, I'll help you down." He chuckled.

"My mother used to say that falling on the ground is the closest you can get to nature. My father has never been to keen about the broken bones I usually get afterwards..."

It was silent for a moment.

"Do you think your parents like me? They probably think I'm..."

"Magnificent. My mother told me, herself. Says she's happy that I've found someone who makes me happy. My father thinks you're lovely, too, he just doesn't know when to stop talking." Cedric said, lying on the ground by her.

"I'm just saying, I would understand if they didn't like me. I shouldn't have brought up the Wrackspurts. No one believes me, anyways."

"Maggie, you are brilliant, one of a kind, and the love of my life. Even if they didn't approve, I'd tell them to shove it. I won't ever let anyone hurt you."

Cedric gasped as it started to rain, but Magnolia smiled.  It was freezing, and Cedric could see his breath, but the look on Magnolia's face when she saw the rain made him realize he wanted to be anywhere but inside.

His parents watched from the window, Anne smiling. "I quite like her. I think she's good for Cedric." Anne told her husband.

"Whoever makes him happy." He agreed.

i imagine anne as paget brewster, also, cedric meeting maggie and luna's dad is coming up!!

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