( xiii. malfoy )

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Magnolia stood in the owlery, holding a letter in her hands. It was addressed to Lucius Malfoy. She read it one more time.

Dear Mr. Malfoy,

My name is Magnolia Lovegood. My mother was Pandora Ollivander, and up until a few days ago, I believed Xenophilius Lovegood was my father. However, after a nasty fight, he revealed that my mother was already pregnant when they married. He claims that you are my father. I was wondering if you could clear things up for me? Perhaps we could meet in Hogsmeade? I of course know your son, Draco, he's a few years behind me. If all of this is true, and you are my father, that's means Draco is my brother. If so, I would love to learn more about you both. About the Malfoy family.

Best Regards,


She sighed, letting her owl take the letter and fly off. Cedric said she didn't have to send that letter if she didn't truly want to, but Magnolia needed answers. She hadn't even told Gwen, Hugo, or Bea, yet. Only herself, Cedric, and Luna knew. Magnolia wondered if Lucius even knew. The Malfoy's weren't known to be the nicest people.


After telling Cedric of her idea to plunge the golden egg underwater, he'd agreed she'd need a bigger space to get answers. So they stood outside of the prefect's bathroom, Magnolia holding the egg in her hands. It was quite heavy, if she was being honest.

"Pine fresh." Cedric muttered, and the door swung open. She gave a smile at him, though it didn't match her usual energy. The fight with her 'father' had truly taken a toll on her. When she spoke, she never rambled on like she usually did, and her voice was barely above a whisper when she did. That night had broke the family into pieces. Luna said she never wanted to see her father again. Magnolia didn't know if she would stay with that decision, as Luna always saw the best in people, and had a big heart. For now, however, it was arranged that Luna would be staying with Padma Patil over the summer. Magnolia would most likely be staying with Cedric, and his parents let Luna know she was always welcome there.

"You ready?" Cedric asked. Magnolia nodded, pulling her clothes off, leaving her in just her bra and underwear.

"Would you like to take a picture? They last longer." Magnolia joked, allowing herself to smile a little.

"Can I?" Cedric joked back, causing Magnolia to slap his chest.

Magnolia got into the water, and Cedric handed her the egg. She closed her eyes, going underwater with egg, and opening it.

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