( xviii. waking up )

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Cedric hadn't left her bedside all summer

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Cedric hadn't left her bedside all summer. Draco and Luna were there quite often, wishing their sister would just open her eyes.

Truth be told, Cedric had lost hope on Magnolia waking up. Whatever happened to her in that graveyard had seemed to cause more damage than the doctors could fix.

Cedric had dark circles underneath his eyes from barely sleeping. Luna walked into Clementine's hospital room, looking at Cedric sadly.

"Why don't you go get some pumpkin juice? I'll sit with her. Get some food, okay?" Luna tried to convince Cedric to take care of himself.

"I don't know, Luna...What if something happens while I'm gone?"

"Then I will come running for you to get you back to her. I promise, I'll take good care of her." Luna smiled. Cedric nodded.

"Maggie, I don't know if you can hear me, but I love you, and I'm here." He told the unconscious girl before leaving the room.

Luna sat in the chair Cedric had been in, grasping Magnolia's hand.

"You've had loads of visitors, Mango. Draco is here as often as he can be, and every single one of your friends stop by at least once a week. Gwen has to sneak out to come, though. Her parents won't let her." Luna filled the silence.

"Hugo has brought you loads of chocolate frogs and pepper imps. Though it seems as if Elliot has eaten a few. Bea and her little sister came in yesterday. But I suppose you would assume they've been here — they love you." Luna continued.

"Dad...I mean, Xenophilius showed up. Brought your favorite flowers. Cedric and I only let him stay for a few minutes, though. I still can't look him in the eyes. Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley came by a few weeks ago. Said that Harry desperately wishes he could visit you, but his muggle guardians are too strict. When I'm not here, I've been staying with Draco and his parents. They're very kind. They said I was welcome to stay there as long as I needed to." Luna said.

"Mango, we're not going anywhere. We'll stay by your side until you wake." Luna said, her eyes welling up with tears. She noticed Cedric walk back into the room, smiling sadly. He handed Luna a pumpkin juice of her own, and sat down in the chair beside her.

"You know, she's lucky to have a sister like you, Luna. And a brother like Draco; which I'll admit has surprised me."

Luna was about to reply, when Magnolia gasped loudly, her body twitched uncontrollably.

"I'll go get a healer!" Luna exclaimed, running out of the room.

"I got you, love. I got you. You're gonna be okay." Cedric cried, scared that these were going to be her last moments. Luna came back with a few healers, who pushed her and Cedric out of the way. Cedric couldn't see what they were doing — he only hoped it helped her.

"In all of my days as a healer..." One of them backed away from Magnolia, allowing Cedric and Luna to catch a glimpse of Magnolia.

Her eyes were open.


Cedric sat in the bed with her, holding her close. Luna and Draco sat in the chairs beside her bed. Draco had arrived only a few minutes after Magnolia had woken up.

"What do you remember, Mango?"

Magnolia looked at her little sister. "I...I remember touching the cup with Harry — we decided we would win together. But the cup was a port key. It took us to a graveyard. After that, it's all blurry."

"You were hit with the killing curse, Maggie." Cedric said softly. Magnolia's eyes widened.

"How...how am I here? I should be dead!"

"It was the locket father gave you. It had a picture of your mother. Dumbledore has a theory it has something to do with a mother's love." Draco told her.

Though, still not understanding, she nodded.

"And I stand by that theory." Dumbledore's voice echoed through the room, surprising all four of them.

"Professor Dumbledore?" Magnolia asked.

"The healers alerted the ministry that you were awake. I wanted to see it for myself." Dumbledore told them. Magnolia had a feeling of anger when she looked at him, but she didn't know why.

"Unfortunately, the ministry has kept this on the down-low. Not many people believe that Voldemort has returned. That's why I have put the Order of Phoenix together again."

"Why don't they believe he's back? I saw his deformed body in that Death Eater's arms. I know Harry saw him."

"The answer is simple, Magnolia. They don't believe he's back because they don't want to." He told her.

"Now, I'll leave you to your visitors. Oh, how could I forget? The Order wanted to know if you saw anything — while you were unconscious?"

Magnolia thought for a second before shaking her head. "No, nothing. Just being at the graveyard and then waking up here." She told the Headmaster. Dumbledore nodded, before exiting the room.

Gwen, Elliot, Bea — her sister, Kara, and Hugo were the first group to visit. There were many tears shed between them all. She assured all of them that she was okay now, and they needn't worry.

Lucius and Narcissa were next to come in.

"My daughter. My brave daughter..." Lucius said, pushing the hair out of her face. "I knew you could get through this. I have been blessed with the best children. That includes you, Luna."

The last group of the day to visit was Harry Potter himself, Hermione, Ron, and his sister Ginny. Harry said nothing, only pulled the blonde into a hug, before leaving the room.

"Don't mind Harry. He, uh, blames himself for what happened to you." Ron said.

"We've tried to convince him it wasn't his fault, but Harry is incredibly stubborn." Hermione told them.

"Tell Harry to talk to me. I'll make sure he knows it wasn't his fault. No one could've predicted it."

Only, Magnolia doubted that a little, now. Was it just by coincidence that her father had given her the locket right before she went into the maze? Or did he know that something was going to happen?

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