( vi. hogsmeade )

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THOUGH SHE was upset with Gwen, and desperately wanted things back to normal, she was still very excited for her Hogsmeade date with Cedric. She dressed in her favorite outfit — a sweater Luna had knitted her when she was around ten years old, with a pair of jeans. Luna couldn't knit; in fact, she was quite horrible at it, but Magnolia loved the sweater anyway.

Luna had followed after her the previous night, sneaking into the Hufflepuff common room and reminding Magnolia of the previous summer — where the sisters and the three friends visited the most magnificent orchard. Magnolia knew she was overreacting, but sometimes Gwen had a habit of treating her like a child, and she didn't like it. Of course, she had never said anything about it, because she was grateful that the Slytherin cared for her. Magnolia decided she would talk to Gwen after her date with Cedric.

Cedric said he would meet her in the courtyard, so Magnolia made her way towards it. Hugo had already left for Hogsmeade.

As Magnolia walked out into the courtyard, she saw many students wearing pins. First, she saw her own face looking around, with the words 'SUPPORT LOONY LOVEGOOD', but they quickly changed to Harry Potter's face and read: 'POTTER STINKS!'

Magnolia had been called 'loony' many times, but they usually reserved that name for her sister, as the word sounded so similar to her name. Still, it cut deep.

"Hey, don't pay attention to the badges, okay? They're just jealous they aren't a Hogwarts champion." Cedric's voice broke her out of her thoughts.

"You snuck up on me!" She exclaimed, laughing a little. "I suppose I did. My apologies, love." Now, Magnolia was the one blushing. No one had ever called her that before. It felt so...nice. To be cared for.

"Look! A four-leafed clover! I've heard muggles search for these!" She said, bending down to the ground and examining the leaf. Cedric smiled at her. When she was finished, she stood up, smiling widely at Cedric.

As they started to make their way towards the carriages, carried by the thestrals, she heard someone shout her name.

"Magnolia, wait!" She and Cedric turned around to see Harry Potter. He wasn't one to usually come up to her; she hardly knew him — just that he was the boy who lived, and that he never had a normal school year.

"Hello, Harry. Beautiful day outside, isn't it? Though I wouldn't say it beats snow or a heavy rain. How can I help you?"

Harry looked like he wanted to ask Cedric to leave, but debated against it.

"Dragons! The first task is dragons. Fleur and Krum know, so I thought it only fair that you knew, too."

Cedric didn't know if he was simply messing with Magnolia or not, but he seemed pretty serious.

"They are very beautiful creatures. I never thought I would see one up close. Thank you, Harry! If you need anything, let me know." Magnolia told him, and grabbed Cedric's hand, getting in the carriages.


Cedric had taken her to Madam Puddifoot's tea shop, and they were having the most delightful time. They'd been exchanging stories from their childhood, and Cedric described the Wisteria tree that grew in his yard in greater detail. He loved how her eyes filled up with curiosity and ambition.

"Listen, I don't want you to think that I'm asking you this because you're a champion. I don't care for popularity as much as the school thinks I do..."

"I was wondering if you wanted to do this more. Go on proper dates, be a proper couple." Cedric was incredibly nervous, but he'd promised Elliot he would finally ask her out today, and he wasn't going to chicken out this time.

"Oh, Cedric, I'd love to! Though I never thought I would have a boyfriend. I thought I would grow old with Luna. Probably live with Hugo. Ced, this is brilliant!" She said, pulling him into a hug.


The newly formed couple made their way to The Three Broomsticks, accompanied by Elliot, who had met up with them.

"It'll be okay, Maggie. Just tell Gwen how you're feeling. She'll understand, and you'll be back
to normal in no time." Cedric urged her. Gwen, Hugo, and Bea sat at a table chatting quietly. They stopped talking when they saw the three walk closer to them. Hugo smiled and waved at Cedric and Elliot.

"Gwenny, can I talk to you?" Magnolia asked, rocking back and forth on the balls of her feet. Gwen stood up from her chair, and the two girls walked somewhere a little more private.

"I'm sorry, Mags. I just-"

"I don't mean to interrupt you, but I would like to say something first." She told the raven haired girl. Gwen looked a little taken aback, but nodded.

"Of course."

"I've never truly expressed how thankful I am to have you as a friend. You have protected me, been a shoulder to cry on, and so much more. I just want you to know that I am grateful. There is something I wish to tell you, but I don't want to lose you." She rambled.

"You could never lose me, Mags."

"Alright, then. I am thankful for your protectiveness, but sometimes I feel as if you view me as a child. I know many people don't realize it, but I can make decisions for myself. You are one of my closest friends, and I just hope you don't view me incompetent." Magnolia finished.

"First of all, you, Hugo, Bea, and Luna are like my children. I will always take care of you. But you're right. I do have a habit of treating you like a child, I suppose it's just because I stay so worried all of the time. But you are an adult, and I trust your decisions. If you want to smog Cedric, i'll encourage it. And don't you ever, ever think I view you as incompetent. You could outsmart anyone in this school. You're brilliant at Herbology, Divination, and even Potions, though Snape can be dreadful. Not to mention you throw a wicked punch. I don't think Millicent Bullstrode's nose will ever be the same again. You are fierce, Magnolia Lovegood. You always have been." Gwen expressed.

Magnolia pulled the Slytherin into a tight hug. They stayed like that for a few moments before waking back to the table.

"Would it be alright if Cedric and Elliot joined us?" Magnolia asked.

Bea smiled. "The more the merrier." They sat down, chatting and laughing for a while.

"Oh, did I mention that the first task is dragons?"

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