( iv. the champions )

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TENSION WAS high in the Hogwarts library. Magnolia had just announced her plans to enter the tournament, and she was receiving mixed emotions. Luna thought it was a great idea.

"Mango, you'll be brilliant!" She'd exclaimed.

Hugo wasn't sure. On one hand, he really wanted to support his closest friend, but he didn't want her to get hurt. He ended up saying that Magnolia needed to do whatever made her happy. Bea had reminded her that people had died in the past, but knew that if the Lovegood girl was set on something, she wasn't going to give up. Like the time she had been determined to climb the tallest tree that was in Hugo's back yard. She'd been excited because it was much taller than any of the trees at home. Hugo's mothers had even voiced that they didn't think it was a good idea, but she climbed up the tree anyway. She had ended up with a broken arm and foot, but she had been happy.

Gwen, however was silent.

"Gwenny?" Magnolia spoke up quietly.

"If you want me to tell you it's a good idea, I won't. I think this whole tournament is ridiculous. Kids are going to get hurt no matter what, and I don't see the point of it. But I can't tell you what you can and can't do." Gwen crossed her arms.

"If you do this, everyone's eyes are going to be on you. You spend most of your time alone or with us, and that's completely fine, but everyone is going to be paying attention to you. The people that judge and berate you everyday. I want you to be sure this is what you want. Can you handle this, Maggie?" Gwen asked her friend.

"I can. People are going to act the same way to me either way. In quiet or out loud, it doesn't matter. I want to do this." Magnolia told her three friends.

"Then we will support you no matter what. Just promise me you'll be safe, okay? I don't want you to
get hurt." Gwen pleaded, pulling Magnolia into a hug.

"I'll be okay, Gwenny, I promise."


Magnolia sat on Hugo's shoulders as they watched the other schools arrived. Beauxbatons in a beautiful carriage drawn by beautiful Abraxans. Magnolia watched in awe, pointing up towards the sky. Cedric watched from afar, smiling at how happy the girl was. Elliot elbowed him in the shoulder.

"Just say something, mate."

Magnolia seemed less impressed by the Durmstrang ship, but still watched happily.

Cedric caught up with her and Hugo on the way to the Great Hall. "May I speak to Maggie?" Cedric asked Hugo, who winked at his friend and then continued for the Great Hall.

"Hello, Cedric. May I offer you a Pepperimp? I have a few left over in my pocket. Oh, and don't worry, they're still packaged. Bea told me I shouldn't offer people unpackaged pocket candy to people." Magnolia rambled. Cedric smiled.

"I'd love one. I was just wondering if you'd talked to your friends like you were planning on? If so, how did it go?"

"Luna thinks it's a wonderful idea. She told me that I might get to meet new creatures." Magnolia smiled.

"The others...weren't as happy, but they've offered me their support." Cedric tried not to stare at her bright smile. Instead, he looked into her eyes, which proved to be the wrong decision, as he realized he could get lost in them for days.

"I was also wondering...if you'd like to put your name in with me? I was heading there now." That wasn't exactly what he'd been planning to ask her, and he could imagine Elliot rolling his eyes at him, but the smile on Magnolia's face was unbeatable.

"Let's go!" She exclaimed, grabbing his hand, and running through the doors of the Great Hall. Both already had written their names down on a piece of parchment beforehand. Many students stared as they made their way to the cup, but neither Hufflepuff seemed to care.

That was, until, a younger Slytherin scoffed at her. She recognized him as the Malfoy kid that often bullied her sister.

"You're just as loony as your sister. What makes you think you can win?" He asked, smirking.

Magnolia narrowed her eyes, not breaking eye contact with the Slytherin as she let the paper slip out of her hands, and into the goblet. Cedric smiled proudly before dropping his paper in, as well. Magnolia started to walk towards the Hufflepuff table, but Cedric lingered for a moment.

"If I hear about you saying anything to Magnolia or her sister-"

"What, you'll put me in detention?" Malfoy sneered.

"Yeah, something like that. Or I could choose to deal with things the muggle way. Punch you so hard in the face that you cry like that Granger girl did to you in your third year? Word travels fast here, Malfoy. Watch it." Cedric told the now embarrassed Draco Malfoy.


Magnolia sat in between Hugo and Cedric as Dumbledore began to announced the champions. The Beauxbatons kids from France, and the Durmstrang kids from Bulgaria all looked restless, and excited for names to be called.

"Our champion from Durmstrang...Viktor Krum!" Magnolia recognized him from the Bulgarian Quidditch team —he was the seeker. His classmates cheered for him as he made his way towards Dumbledore, and then to a room off of the Great Hall.

"The champion from Beauxbatons — Fleur Delacour!" A very pretty blonde stood up, leaving her classmates a mess. They were all crying in jealousy.  She attracted many men as her hair flowed elegantly behind her as she made her way towards Dumbledore, clad in her blue uniform.

"Finally, our tribute from Hogwarts..."

Magnolia and Cedric looked at each other, wondering who's name would be called. Without realizing it, Magnolia laced her pinky with his.

"Magnolia Lovegood!"

Cheers from her friends and Cedric were heard, but most of the Hogwarts students didn't know how to react. She was going to bring Hogwarts to victory?

"Yes, Mango!" Her sister's soft voice shouted. She noticed Ginny Weasley clapping for her, along with Elliot, who forced his housemates to clap for her. Cedric hugged her before she went into the room the other champions had.

idk i'm just really liking the boy falling for the girl first. cedric and maggie own my heart

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