( ix. hufflepuff party )

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MAGNOLIA STILL felt very proud of herself. The look on the faces of those who had bullied her since she'd been at Hogwarts were priceless. Though Krum had won the task, Magnolia still felt proud of herself. Cedric had ran towards her, picking her up and spinning her around. There was going to be a celebration in the Hufflepuff common room, where students from other houses would most likely sneak into. Elliot had said he would bring firewhiskey.

Magnolia was in the Great Hall, now, as she was starving after such an adrenaline rush. She didn't mind that her head was throbbing from hitting the rock, she was just happy.

Cedric and Hugo sat near her, Hugo practically bouncing with excitement.

"When you slowed down the fire-y depths of dragon hell; brilliant. When you bowed, iconic. Mags, you are a forced to be reckoned with!" Hugo exclaimed.

"Thank you, Hugo. I can't believe it, myself. It still feels like one of those dreams I would have after eating the dirigible plums from the garden." Magnolia told her best friend.

"Maggie, you truly were magnificent out there. I mean, you faced a bloody dragon! We'll see who's laughing at you now. They can't say they've fought a dragon." Cedric smiled, taking a drink of his pumpkin juice.

Luna and Bea joined them at the Hufflepuff table. While Mcgonagall would look at them with a raised eyebrow, she never really got onto them for doing it.

"Mango, you'll be on the cover of the Quibbler! Daddy said it himself. He says he wishes he'd been here to see it." Luna said brightly. Magnolia smiled, though she was a little sad that her father didn't owl her himself. Per usual, she got her messages from Luna. From what Magnolia could remember, and from the pictures she had seen, she truly was a spitting image of Pandora.

"You were brilliant out there! I'd love to see Rita Skeeter pull something out of her arse this time." Bea smiled, giving Magnolia a hug.

The group could see Gwen and Elliot walking into the Great Hall together, causing their friends to have raised eyebrows.

"Have you heard? Hogwarts is having a Yule Ball." Gwen told them, sitting down. Elliot sat next to her, causing Cedric to smirk. Gwen narrowed her eyes as Magnolia giggled to herself.

"Alright, what's so funny?" Gwen asked.

"Well, Elliot, mate," Cedric started. "you have some red lipstick on your neck. Right there." He pointed towards his friend, who slapped his hand away. Gwen's eyes widened, knowing they could see the bright red lipstick she was wearing.

"We were celebrating." Elliot winked. Gwen laughed, which wasn't a sound you wouldn't hear very often. She put her head in her hands, still laughing.

"Today has been the strangest day." She smiled. Magnolia was glad she was happy. Gwen tended to distance herself from anyone outside of the group.

"So, let's hear more about this Yule Ball." Hugo said, smiling.


The Hufflepuff common room was packed with people from all different houses. There was nearly no room to walk, and for once in her life, Magnolia was the center of attention in the best way.

Though, Magnolia had learned the hard way that the golden egg only screeched when you opened it — which was supposed to be the clue. Magnolia figures she would either open under some blankets or underwater to muffle the sound. Maybe then, she would get somewhere. However, that wasn't on her mind currently. She still had a while before the second task, so she was enjoying her time.

The twins she had met at the Quidditch World Cup showed up, leaving Elliot confused.

"What are you two doing here? Aren't you
supporting Harry?" Elliot asked.

"Party got boring." George shrugged.

"Figured we'd see if the Hufflepuffs know how to throw a decent party." Fred smirked.

"A few less hugs and friendship bracelets than I expected, but still a good time." Elliot joked. Hugo smiled, knowing that a friendship bracelet had been the start of their beautiful friendship.

Bea made her way through the people, and ended up next to Gwen. "Are you drunk?" The Slytherin asked the giggling Ravenclaw.

"No, but Maggie is! Look at her!" Bea pointed to a very drunk Magnolia, and next to her, an equally as drunk Cedric. They were dancing to music that wasn't playing, and nearly falling to the floor laughing.

"Alright, Lovegood knows how to have a good time!" Fred shouted.

Without warning, Cedric stood on top of a table, gathering everyone's attention.

"Oh, this can't be good." Elliot chuckled.

"Hello, students of Hogwarts. I have an announcement to make..."

"Oh Merlin, this is going to be bad." Gwen grimaced.

"I am madly in love with Magnolia Xena Lovegood! And you can't have her, cause she's mine! I love you, Maggie!" He announced to the crowd.

"I love you, too!" Magnolia shouted.

"I'll drink to that!" George said, raising his cup.

"I think we need to hang with the Hufflepuffs more often, Georgie."

"You read my mind, Freddie."

Elliot rushed to get Cedric off of the table before he fell off — as he was already swaying a little bit. However, Cedric did not want to get down.

The common room erupted with laughs as a now grumpy Cedric made his way off the table, leaning on Elliot, feeling as though he were going to get sick.

Magnolia shifted her attention to her sister, who was drinking a glass of firewhiskey.

"Little Miss Luna, what do you think you're doing?" Magnolia slurred.

"You were drinking, Mango. I thought it was okay."

"Do as I do, not as I say." Magnolia told the thirteen year-old, not even realizing her mistake. She then giggled for no apparent reason, and made her way towards her friends. Elliot had already taken Cedric up to his dorm, where he was most likely pretty sick.

"Let's get you to bed, Mags." Gwen chuckled as Magnolia laid across her lap.

"I fought a dragon today!"

"Yes you did." Gwen smiled, as Bea helped pick her up.

"I am woman, hear me roar!" Magnolia exclaimed as Gwen and Bea escorted her to her dorms, followed by Hugo. However, the Lovegood girl started to tear up.

"Why the sad face?" Gwen asked.

"I'm not a Gryffindor. I can't roar!" She cried. "Bea, what sounds do Badgers make?"

should maggie pull luna out of the lake, or cedric? or if you have any other suggestions, leave them below!!

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