( xiv. the second task )

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"You're joking." Bea had said, her eyes wide. "Malfoy? You're related to Malfoy?" She had asked. Before word spread around Hogwarts, Magnolia made sure to tell her friends first.

Now, the whole school knew. Other students were addressing her as Magnolia Malfoy. She didn't mind it, but part of her wanted to keep the Lovegood name because of Luna. Words couldn't describe how much she cared for her little sister.

Cedric had been helping her study charms for the second task; which was proving to be tricky. Every time she passed Draco in the halls, he glared at her. He clearly wasn't doing well with the news.

She hoped that she could one day form a healthy bond with her brother, but she wasn't sure if that was going to happen anytime soon. However, Magnolia was convinced he wasn't as mean and vile as he always claimed to be.

Gwen and Bea walked with her as she made her way towards the bridge, where Harry Potter stood. Magnolia was going to tell him about the mermaids. Gwen wasn't thrilled at the idea, because she wanted Magnolia to win. However, she'd reminded her that Harry had helped her figure out the first task.

"Harry Potter? May I talk to you?" Harry was standing on the bridge with Hermione. They looked
at each other oddly, but Harry nodded.

"The prefects bathroom...is not a bad place for a swim. I suggest you take your egg, fill the tub, and stare at the stained glass window."

"Right...What are you on about?" Harry asked. It wasn't the first time someone had looked at her as if she were crazy, and it certainly wouldn't be the last.

"You helped me with the first task. It's only fair that I do the same for the second task. Good luck, Harry." She waved before leaving with Gwen and Bea.


It was the morning of the first task, and Magnolia couldn't find her sister anywhere. She'd checked by the thestrals, in the Ravenclaw tower, and in the the Great Hall, but she still couldn't find her.

"Cedric, I can't find her! How am I supposed to focus on anything else but finding her?" Cedric kissed her forehead, pulling her into a hug.

"I'm sure Luna is just fine. You get ready, and I'll ask a professor if they've seen her. I'll even make Elliot look for her. You've got this, love." Cedric calmed her. Magnolia nodded, knowing she needed to focus.

She stood on the platform next to Victor Krum, and tried to calm herself down.

Though her thoughts were clouded, she dove into the water when Filch made the canons go off. Cedric had been teaching her the bubble head charm, and they mostly practiced it the prefect's bathroom. However, now was the real deal. She had to be able to breathe underwater for exactly one hour.

As Magnolia swam deeper into the black lake, she noticed how pretty it was. She thought to herself that one day, she would have to come back there when she wasn't on a time limit so she could explore.

Magnolia thought of how much Luna would've loved seeing it. Where was Luna? Surely she wouldn't miss something this important. She frowned, but continued to swim.

She let out a gasp — which felt very odd inside the bubble head charm — when she saw her sister's body floating in the water, with three others. Beside Luna was Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley. Magnolia did not recognize the little girl, but assumed she had a connection to Fleur.

Magnolia was panicked as she swam over to her sister. She seemed to be sleeping peacefully. Magnolia wondered how Dumbledore had approved this. However, after many years of being at Hogwarts, she learned not to question the man.

Magnolia cupped her hands on Luna's face, and tried to wake her up. When she realized that wasn't working she looked at the watch on her wrist. Time was running out quicker than she thought it would.

As Magnolia managed to find a jagged rock to cut the ropes Luna was tied in, she saw Harry swimming up, not knowing he could only choose one.

The two champions made eye contact, and Magnolia tapped her watch with her finger, before tossing the jagged rock towards Harry.

She had a tight grip on Luna as she kicked her legs to get up to the surface. She could see the sun shining into the water, and she could also feel the charm wearing off. 

She no longer could breathe underwater, so she kicked faster, until she managed to get both her and Luna above water.

Luna awoke with a gasp, and then smiled at Magnolia. They were both pulled onto the platform, being covered in warm towels. Cedric and Gwen rushed towards them, wanting to know what had happened underwater.

Magnolia didn't look as injured as the last time from the fight with the dragon. She only had a very light cut on her cheek from getting too close to a Grindylow.

"You came back first! You won!" Gwen cheered.

"I told you we'd find Luna." Cedric smiled, ruffling Magnolia's wet hair.

"I would like to do that again sometime. Do you think Dumbledore would let me?" Luna asked. Hugo, Bea, and Elliot pushed their way through the crowd, wanting to see their friend.

"You are unbeatable, little flower! A dragon and Grindylows. Is there anything your girl can't do, Cedric?" Elliot smiled widely.

Cedric smiled, looking into Magnolia's eyes.

"She can do anything she sets her mind to."

okay i'm sorry this is short, and also that it took me this long to publish it, but things have been busy lately!

however, i also learned that i am going to require surgery on my jaw. there are two surgeries they are considering — one minimally invasive and the one i'm hoping they go for, or a surgery where they take out all my jaw joints and replace them with fake ones. im really hoping it's the less painful one, but it's up to the doctors, not me.

anyways, sorry for being absent!! thank you for all the love and support for this story 🤍

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