( viii. the first task )

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"WONDERFUL, WONDERFUL TO meet you! I'm Rita Skeeter!" A blonde woman said enthusiastically. Magnolia faked a smile, knowing all the rubbish she wrote in The Daily Prophet. Magnolia wished more people would read The Quibbler. It was much more informing, and even had quizzes! She'd been able to convince Gwen and Hugo to switch the the obvious better choice of newsletter, but Bea had been reluctant. She still remembered how she met Magnolia in the first place — arguing about the Snorkaks. However, Magnolia did see Bea smiling while reading The Quibbler one in the great hall, not knowing Magnolia had arrived.

Beside her, Harry looked quite nervous. She didn't blame him — he was only fourteen and forced into this. Rita, of course, took Harry to interview first, leaving the other champions a little bitter.


Magnolia Lovegood, age 17, has been
selected for the Triwizard Tournament.
'She's a proper lunatic. Don't be surprised
if she harasses you about a fictitious creature called Nargles.
They should really check
who they let into this school' Says
fellow Hufflepuff student, Zacharias Smith.
When questioned about the Lovegood girl, not many had flattering things to say. 'She's
a disgrace to the school, honestly.', Says
fourth year Slytherin, Pansy Parkinson. One
of the students I had the pleasure of chatting
with said that her parents are just as insane
as she is; as is her sister, Loony. Her father is known for publishing  THE QUIBBLER,
which is a total laughing stock of a newsletter.
It is said she entered to impress her father, who
prefers her sister. She hopes to make him proud.
Sources say that she is in a romantic
relationship with CEDRIC DIGGORY, the
golden boy of Hogwarts. Many students think
she may have him under a love potion.
Read about her mother's tragic death, page 23.

"I swear to Salazar, I'll have her head." Gwen said, her fists balled up. Her knuckles were beginning to turn white. "I am not afraid of Azkaban." She growled.

"How does she get away with this? It's so cruel!" Hugo exclaimed, throwing the paper into a nearby fire. Magnolia sat next to Luna.

"It's alright, you two. I'm used to it. At least she left Luna out of it for the most part." Magnolia sighed, braiding her sister's hair.

"That doesn't make it okay! I for one am going to make sure she doesn't keep her job for much longer.
Hermione Granger has a bone to pick with her, as well. Rita Skeeter's finished." Bea told Magnolia, trying to think of ways to get the awful hag away from The Daily Prophet.

Cedric, followed by Elliot, walked towards the Hufflepuff table. Gwen, Bea, and Luna were sitting there, too, though they were supposed to be at their own tables. Cedric practically had smoke coming out of his ears as he approached Zacharias Smith. The confrontation didn't hold many words, as Cedric went straight for Smith's face with his fist. Magnolia was sure she heard something crunch. After holding one of Zacharias' friends back, Elliot was at the end of a pretty decent right hook.

"Cedric! Cedric, stop! You don't have to ruin your reputation for me. I know I'm loony." Magnolia told the boy, as they were separated by professors.

"What in Helga Hufflepuff's name is going on here?" Professor Sprout asked, using her wand to separate the four boys from fighting. Mcgonagall was behind her, upset one of her students was putting a toe out of line.

"The four of you, detention!" The head of Gryffindor shouted.


Cedric's detention had ended only minutes before the first task. He rushed towards the crowd, finding his way towards Gwen. Elliot followed behind him, with bruises on his face. Cedric didn't look much better, but there was one thing they knew for sure, and that was that Zacharias had gotten the worst of it.

"Thank you for standing up for her. I admit, I prematurely judged you." Gwen told Cedric, who nodded. "I would do anything for her."

"It's starting!" Hugo shouted.

Magnolia was the first champion to compete. She'd been put up against a Swedish Short-Snout. Many students were eager to see how she would actually do in the first task. They'd relentlessly bullied her for years, but never stopped to see if she was actually any good at magic.

Magnolia stood still for a moment, looking the dragon in the eyes. Unseen from the crowd's view, she smiled. Students were confused as as she bowed.

"It's not a bloody Hippogriff!" A student shouted.

"No, but it is a sign of respect. I shouldn't get mad though, as you've clearly never heard of the concept." Bea sneered.

Cedric watched as she walked towards one of the smaller boulders and took out her wand. The crowd seemed satisfied when she managed to transfigure the boulder into a baby dragon. The mother of course, believed this to be her own and rushed towards it as Magnolia ran for the egg. However, when the mother dragon was sure that her 'baby' was safe, she looked around to check on her eggs.

"Come on, Maggie, you can do it...Show them what you're made of." Cedric whispered, grasping the railings.

The crowd watched as fire came from the dragon's mouth, and attempted to swallow Magnolia in the flames. She tossed herself out of the way, her head landing on a rock. It took her a second to regain her senses, as she felt blood on her forehead.

"Dragons! Honestly, how is this allowed? How is Dumbledore still headmaster? A brilliant wizard,
but still!" Bea rambled. It was a habit she had when she was worried. Gwen was constantly annoyed by this.

"Arresto Momentum!" Magnolia shouted. The dragon was much to large for this spell to work completely, but she managed to slow down the fire it breathed, just long enough for her to grab the golden egg.

"Yes! She's done it! She's actually done it!" Hugo yelled, his fists in the air. "Amazing, Mango!" Gwen, unintentionally pulled Elliot into a hug, cheering. She pulled away with a blush.

Bea was clapping her hands rapidly.

Cedric simply smiled. He'd never doubted her.

hi i'm sorry if this chapter is bad, but it's nearly 3am and i'm tired and don't feel the greatest :/ please comment and vote!!

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