(xvi. the final task)

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The final task had finally arrived. Magnolia was overwhelmed with nerves, but Cedric was quite helpful, along with her friends, and surprisingly, Draco. He'd even asked her if she wanted to practice some spells to make sure she was ready.

Truth be told, she wasn't ready. She was scared and tired. At times, she wished she'd never put her name in the Goblet. She was exhausted. However, she remained confident that she could win. If not, she hoped Harry would.

Magnolia stood on the quidditch field, where a gigantic maze had been grown for the final task. Cedric, Luna, and Draco stood by her before they had to be seated. Lucius was able to stand next to her until the match begun.

"Mango, you can do this. I believe in you." Luna said, hugging her sister. Draco simply nodded in agreement. They took off towards the stands, leaving Magnolia and Cedric to themselves for a moment.

"I love you, Maggie. Win or loose, you are still the girl I am in love with. Always." Cedric said, kissing the top of her head.

"I love you, Cedric." Magnolia smiled.

Cedric kissed her, and then pulled her into a hug before he had to be seated. She smiled, waving at Gwen, Bea, Hugo, and Elliot. She saw Cedric's parents near by, cheering her on, wearing Hufflepuff colors. Elliot was supporting both Gryffindor and Hufflepuff by wearing a shirt from his own house, and a scarf borrowed from Cedric.

She turned to her father, who gave her a warm smile.

"Cedric is quite right. Win or loose, it won't matter to me. You'll still be my little girl." Lucius said, pulling her into a hug. She felt overjoyed to finally have a father that paid attention to her — who loved her.

"One more thing before the task starts. I was wondering if you would like to wear our family crest? Luna, is of course, always welcome in the family." Lucius asked, holding up a locket.

"Think of it as a...good luck charm." He continued, smiling when she put the locket on.

"Thank you for accepting me. For accepting Luna, though she isn't yours. I love you...dad." Lucius's eyes brightened before he smiled. "As do I, Magnolia." She couldn't help but notice he looked completely stressed.

Dumbledore began his introduction for the champions, and Magnolia smiled at Cedric. After the final task, no matter if she won or lost, things would go back to normal. Things would be calm again.

Magnolia dashed into the maze as soon as Dumbledore gave the command. Harry followed right after her, as they were tied for first.

The maze that had overtaken the quidditch field was more than intimidating. Vines reached out, slithering like snakes, trying to wrap themselves around Magnolia's ankles.

She fought through Boggarts and Acromantulas, but the Blast-Ended Skrewt and the Sphinx caught her off guard.

She'd managed to twist her ankle, and ever step she took felt like stepping on shards of glass. She forced herself to endure it, knowing that Madame Pomfrey would heal it when she was finished.

She saw red sparks in the sky, indicating that either Harry, Fleur, or Viktor had surrendered from the game.

As she was running on her injured ankle, holding back screams, she slammed into Viktor Krum. Only, he didn't look like himself. His eyes were glossy and white.

"Avada-" Magnolia's eyes widened, but he was disarmed before he could finish the killing curse.

"He's been hexed!" Harry shouted. He'd been the one to disarm Krum, saving her life.

"Petrificus Totalus!" Magnolia pointed her wand towards Krum before he could get to his wand again.

"You saved me, Harry. Thank you." Harry sent red sparks up for Krum, as their attention turned to something glowing in the distance — the Triwizard Cup. All she had to do was touch it, and she would win. Of course, she thought of letting Harry win, as he had already been through so much.

They both started to run towards the cup, slightly pushing at each other to make the other fall behind. It worked for Harry — as a vines whipped out and wrapped themselves around Magnolia's bad ankle.

"Harry! Help!" She didn't think he would — it was a competition after all — but he did after a few seconds of watching the vines wrap themselves around the small blonde.

The cup was just a few feet away, and Magnolia looked at Harry. "Together?" She asked, and the fourteen-year old nodded. "Together." They ran towards the cup, which immediately took them to a graveyard.

"Is this a part of the task?" Magnolia asked, out of breath. Harry looked petrified.

"I-I I've seen this place before. I dreamt it. Magnolia, we have to get out of here now!"

A plump man carrying something or someone emerged.

"Kill the spare!" A voice cried out.

"AVADA KEDAVRA!" He shouted. The curse hit her chest.

"No, Magnolia, NO!" Harry screamed.


The band played as the crowd cheered to see both Harry and Magnolia back. It was Fleur's scream that caused the crowd to realize something was seriously wrong.

"I couldn't leave her! Not there!"

Cedric felt his heart drop into his stomach at the sight of his lifeless girlfriend. He ran towards her, followed by Luna and Draco. Gwen tried to weasel her way towards Magnolia, but Elliot held her back with tears in his eyes. Hugo and Bea could only cry and watch in shock as these events unfolded.

"Maggie! Maggie, you have to wake up. We're supposed to be together for the rest of our lives. Maggie, wake up! Please..." Cedric screamed. Draco stood silently with tears running down his face.

"Mango?" Luna asked, shaking her sister before letting out the most blood curdling scream Cedric had ever heard.

"We have to move the body, there are too many people, Albus!" Fudge demanded. Albus held up his pointer finger, telling him to give him a moment.

The locket around her neck had started glowing. Cedric, Luna, and Draco stepped back as Dumbledore placed his hand on her chest.

"Her heart is still beating."

i was going to kill magnolia off but i grew too attached to her

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