( vii. preparing )

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THE FIRST TASK was growing close, and though Magnolia was excited, she was also very nervous. Bea had gone around with Magnolia to find Fleur and Viktor to see if they'd heard about the dragons. Just to make sure Harry was telling the truth — he was the competition after all. They'd confirmed it, so they would be practicing spells and charms to help.

Magnolia, Luna, Cedric, Hugo, Elliot, Gwen, and Bea all gathered in an unused classroom to practice. Her friends seemed to be liking Cedric and Elliot. And if Magnolia knew anything about Gwen — she knew she'd be fancying him.

"What kind of dragon do you think you'll be up against, Mango?" Luna asked, a pair of Spectrespecs atop of her head.

"Hopefully the most majestic one...Don't look at me like that, Bea. I know they're dangerous. They're also incredibly beautiful." She told the red-head.

"I know a guy. He's a Weasley. You know, the family that takes up ninety percent of Gryffindor...Works with Dragons in Romania. Said he could get me a start if I wanted one." Elliot said, munching on a chocolate frog.

"I'd never want to be a dragon tamer — that's too much for me, but I would love to visit Romania one day." Bea said, flipping through a book of spells she thought would be useful for Magnolia.

So far, they had practices shielding charms, summoning charms, and anything that proved to be useful.

"Have you thought about using transfiguration?" Cedric asked, and Magnolia nodded.

"I have, just not what I would transfigure it to." Magnolia said, flipping through one of the books Bea had set on the table. "Is it even a good idea?"

"As long as it doesn't go against Gamp's Law of Elemental Transfiguration, I don't see why not." Bea shrugged.

"Turn it into a puppy! Wait, no, that's a bad idea. It would get burnt. Poor puppy." Hugo said, stealing one of Elliot's chocolate frogs.

"All I know is that dragon is going to be protecting that golden egg. She'll be as protective as Gwen." Bea told Magnolia. Suddenly, Magnolia's eyes widened.

"That's it!"


After everybody had gone to their common rooms for the night, Magnolia and Cedric stayed behind.

"You'll do brilliant in the first task, I know it. I know you're excited to see that dragon up close." Cedric smiled. Magnolia nodded. She'd loved every creature she'd ever encountered or read about. They just fascinated her, even if they were dangerous. Her goal as a kid had been to meet Newt Scammander, the author of 'Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them'. She wanted to ask him about his life — she knew it had had to be grand. To work with such fascinating creatures. It's why she got along with Hagrid, who taught Care of Magical Creatures. Sometimes, he'd invite her over for a cup of tea. She liked to help them plant the flowers in his garden, too.

"Well first, I have to face the public. Rita Skeeter, specifically. Father doesn't like her much. Says she pulls stories out of her arse. I'm a bit nervous to meet with her."

"So what does your father think of you entering the tournament?" Cedric asked.

"He was quite shocked. I would never tell him, but I'm trying to make him as proud as Luna does. Deep down, it feels as though he favors her, sometimes. I don't blame Luna, of course. My relationship with her is amazing." She told Cedric.

"What about your mum?"

Magnolia frowned.

"She's the reason I can see Thestrals." Cedric's lips parted, not knowing her mother was dead.

"You...you saw it happen?"

"I was twelve. Luna was nine. Mum always loved creating new spells. She was getting pretty good, too. Father supported her, but was always worried — and rightly so. Her own spell backfired and killed her. Luna and I were sitting near her."

"Maggie...I'm so sorry. I had no idea."

"I know, it's alright." She smiled, though her eyes were filling with tears.

"She was beautiful. Father thinks I look just like her. Perhaps that's the reason he can't properly look me in the eyes. The reason I believe he prefers Luna. I don't even think I can really blame him. It's a horrible thing to die. Or to live whenever the person you loved most in the world is gone." Magnolia didn't bother wiping her tears. She desperately wished she had been able to spend more time with her mother. Other times, she thought that was selfish of her, as Luna had spent even less time with her.

"Not many people came to the funeral. My family are loons to people, as you may know. Dumbledore came. I've always thought he was very polite. Luna and Hugo were the only people I had for a very long time. Father sort of...switched off." She explained.

"I met Gwen shortly after that. Bea, a little later than her."

"That's why Gwen tends to be more protective of you, isn't it? You confided in her, and you bonded." Cedric concluded. Magnolia nodded. They sat in silence for a little bit.

"I put my name in to impress my father, too. I never feel like I'm enough for him. I just want to make him proud." Magnolia grabbed Cedric's hand.

"I'm sure your father is very proud of you. You've done so much. And if he's not, I am. I'm proud of you, Cedric."

Cedric put his hands on either sides of Magnolia's face. He stared into her blue eyes for a few moments, before they both drew closer to each other. It only took seconds before they both went in to kiss each other.

Magnolia felt that spark she'd read about in Muggle books. Cedric was like the spring, flowers blooming, and a breath of fresh air. It was as if a light shone down on him, and him alone, to where Magnolia could feel his warmth.

She didn't know much about it, but she was pretty sure she was falling in love with Cedric Diggory.

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