( xiv. final year at hogwarts )

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To say Magnolia was overwhelmed to go back to school was an understatement. She knew the other students would be judgmental and mean, just like they always had been to her. However, she felt comfort knowing that she had Cedric, Luna, and Draco with her, along with her friends.

On the train, Magnolia and Luna decided to visit Draco's compartment before they went to their own. Unfortunately, Pansy Parkinson was there.

"Well if it isn't the school's liar and her loony sister..." She snickered. Before either sister could defend themselves, Draco beat them to it.

"Don't ever speak to my sisters like that again, understand?" He sneered, causing Pansy's eyes to widen. "Yes, Draco, I'm sorry." She said quietly. Everyone knew Pansy had always been obsessed with Draco. Up until recently, Draco had never defended Magnolia or Luna. Now, if anyone said something bad about them, Draco threatened them.

"Now, did you need anything?" Draco asked.

"Just wanted to see you before the sorting. I do wish we could all sit together. Oh, well." Magnolia said, and Draco nodded. "That would be nice." Draco wasn't used to being so...nice all the time, but he was turning over a new leaf for his sisters. At least, he would be nice to them. There was no promise about being nice to Potter.


The thestrals carried them, per usual, though this year, Gwen and Elliot weren't there. Last year had been their crazy end to Hogwarts. Gwen was off pursuing her dreams of becoming a healer. Elliot had taken up Charlie Weasley's offer of training dragons in Romania - something Magnolia also wanted to do. It was about time she started thinking about her career, as this was her final year.

This year, Kara Silverling would be coming to Hogwarts. Kara was Bea's little sister.

As predicted, Magnolia received many stares, and a few glares. She told herself that whatever she was going through, Harry was probably experiencing worse, and she needed to be there for him.

Magnolia sat in between Cedric and Hugo, watching as Kara went up to be sorted. They cheered as the sorting hat declared her a Hufflepuff. Though Bea seemed sad that her sister wasn't in Ravenclaw with her, she still cheered the loudest out of everyone.


Magnolia did not like Dolores Umbridge. That decision had been made as soon as she made her speech, interrupting Dumbledore; who she still felt oddly irritated at. She brushed it off, and kept her anger towards the lady in pink.

"Who does the ministry take us for? Fools? They obviously sent Umbridge to spy on us to make Fudge happy." Cedric said, shaking his head. Him, Magnolia, and Hugo were on their way to Defense Against the Dark Arts, which was unfortunately taught by Umbridge this year.

They sat down, looking at their books with confusion written all over there faces. Cedric audibly scoffed.

"Problem, Mr. Diggory?" Umbridge asked.

"There's nothing about using defensive spells in this book. These are are all spells we've already learned. We need to learn spells to protect ourselves from You-Know-Who." Cedric said calmly.

"Now, Mr. Diggory, I've had this conversation once today. There will be no need to use defensive spells. You-Know-Who is not back, and I will not tolerate such accusations in my class."

"Who do you think tried to murder Magnolia last year? A cornish pixie? The ministry needs to focus on stopping Voldemort, not whatever this is!"

"Detention, young man! I will not be talked to in my own class!"

"But, Professor Umbridge, he's right. Voldemort is back. Harry Potter and I really did see him last year. It's a miracle that I'm even here!"

"Enough! Detention, both of you!" She screamed.

Magnolia looked around at her classmates. Some seemed to be on their side, while others simply looked at her like they usually did. Like she was crazy.


"I can't believe her! You both got detention? This school year is already off to a fantastic start. What I wouldn't give to have Professor Lupin back." Bea rambled.

Magnolia, Bea, Cedric, and Hugo were sitting out in the courtyard between classes.

"I want Kara to experience the good of Hogwarts. Not this." Bea said sadly.

"We'll make sure, her first year is just as amazing as ours, Bea. We won't let one professor take away from that." Magnolia reassured the red-head.

"Still, we need to take matters in to our own hands. I know precisely who I need to speak to." She said. Magnolia could see a plan forming in Bea's head.

"Who's that?"

"Hermione Granger." She said, picking up her books, and marching off.

"I best be going, too. I have History of Magic." Hugo said, giving Magnolia a hug before left.

"I suppose it's just us now." Cedric smiled.

"I suppose it is." Magnolia smiled back.

"I'm sorry I lost my temper in class today. I just couldn't sit back and let her completely deny the truth. Maggie, when Harry came back with your body, I was terrified. I can't get Luna's screams out of my head. I thought...I thought you were gone for good." Cedric admitted, his eyes welling up with tears.

"Truthfully, I haven't let myself think of what happened. I've been pushing the memories of what happened away. But it was scary, Cedric. I didn't even have time to react before he shot the killing curse at me." She told him. He held her close, as she relived last year's events. Magnolia couldn't help but to think of Harry, and wonder how he was doing. She made a mental note to speak to him soon.

"I missed out on months of my life because of it. Time that could've have been spent with you, or spent with my family. Cedric, I never want to lose you. You mean too much to me. I love you."

"I love you, too, Maggie. More than anything."

sorry for not updating in forever :( and i'm sorry this chapter is so short!!

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