( v. conversations )

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MAGNOLIA WAS confused as to how Harry's name had been pulled from the fire. He was only fourteen — how did he manage to get past the age line? However, when Dumbledore asked him if he'd put his name in the Goblet, he said he hadn't. Though Fleur and Viktor seemed unsure, Magnolia believed him. It was no secret that the boy had rotten luck. They hadn't had a calm year since Harry had arrived at Hogwarts.

"I suspect the Nargles had something to do with it." She told a very frazzled Harry. He looked at her oddly, before focusing his attention towards someone else. Magnolia still felt giddy. She was so excited to be a Hogwarts champion, and with Harry, they had double the chance! Though, she could see why Fleur and Viktor would be angry. Magnolia didn't mind sharing the spotlight with Harry. As long as she could prove herself competent in front of the school and her father, she would be happy.


"I, er, wanted to give you these," Cedric smiled, handing Magnolia a bouquet of flowers.

"as a congratulations." Magnolia smelled the pretty pink flowers, surprised he had been so thoughtful.

"You care about me a lot, don't you?" She asked, causing Cedric to blush a deep red. The question took him by surprise, and he was glad Elliot was not there to poke fun at him.

"Yes, I do." Cedric told Magnolia.

"I care deeply about you, as well." She replied. His face became redder.

"Your face is red. Are you okay?" Magnolia asked. Cedric was wide-eyed, not knowing what to say. Gwen had always told Magnolia that she could be very oblivious. All three of her friends had watched Cedric Diggory fawn over her for years. The whole school knew he was head over heals for her, though they couldn't imagine why. To them, she was crazy. A few students had even taken to calling her 'Mad Magnolia'. The other students didn't understand how a popular. handsome golden boy could possibly like her.

"Yeah, I'm...I'm okay. Maggie, may I ask where your shoes are?" Cedric asked, changing the subject. This caused Magnolia to frown.

"Someone stole Luna's shoes, so I gave her mine.

"That's awful!" Cedric exclaimed.

"We've gotten used to it. They like to steal our schoolbooks and robes because they think it's funny. They typically find their way back to us within a few days." Magnolia assured Cedric.

"If I see your things, I'll collect them, and bring them back to you." Cedric told the blonde.

"There was also another reason I brought you flowers. I was wondering if you'd like to go to Hogsmeade with me?" He tried to stay confident, but always failed when he was near Magnolia.

Her expression grew serious.

"You want to be seen in public with me?" She asked him. "Are you trying to trick me?"

"What? Maggie, no! I want... I want to be seen everywhere with you if I have the chance. Has...has someone tricked you before?" Cedric asked, putting his hand on her shoulder. Magnolia sat down on a bench nearby.

"Zacharias Smith, last year. I should have known...he's always found me to be quite mad." She admitted, her voice quiet. Cedric sat down next to her.

"What happened?"

"He told me he wanted to go to Hogsmeade with me; that he thought I was pretty. He got his friends to go to The Three Broomsticks so there would be a crowd. He threw cold Butterbeer in my face and everyone laughed at me." Magnolia told Cedric.

"I had to go to the hospital wing because it got in my eye." She frowned. A tear fell from her eye. She knew she was different, but why was that a bad thing? Her and Luna lived a happy life, and she didn't understand why people couldn't understand that was all that mattered.  "He showed up with a black eye the next day. He didn't say anything, but I'm pretty sure it was Gwen."

Cedric wiped the tear from her cheek, and pulled her into a hug. "You deserve the best, Maggie. Don't let anyone bring you down or change you. You are brilliant the way you are."

"You think so?"

"You're the girl I have thought was beautiful since I saw you in our first year."


"Are you excited for the first task, Mango?" Luna asked, looking up at her sister, who had climbed up a nearby tree. The sisters and Magnolia's friends were hanging out in the courtyard before curfew.

"Yes, I am. I'm also excited for Hogsmeade." Magnolia smiled. Bea looked up at her friend.

"What's got you smiling so much?"

"Cedric asked me to go to Hogsmeade with him. He said we could all hang out towards the end of the day. He'll bring Elliot." She said, picking at the bark with her nails.

"That's great, Mags!" Hugo smiled. Hugo knew Cedric was a good guy, and he didn't feel as worried as he had with her previous date.

Bea and Gwen shared a look.

"Honey, are you sure that's a good idea?" Gwen asked, being the only one to speak up about it. Magnolia frowned, getting down from the tree.

"What do you mean, Gwenny?"

"I know you are still traumatized with what happened with Smith. Do you think this is a good choice?" Gwen asked.

"Cedric's different!" She argued.

"Maggie, I'm just trying to look out for you-" Unfortunately, Magnolia's temper got the better of her. Something her dad said she'd inherited from her mother.

"Well maybe I'll just look out for myself!" She snapped.

"Maggie..." Hugo muttered.

"Hey, let's just calm down. Take a minute to breathe." Bea stood up from her spot on the ground.

"Are you okay, Mango?" Luna asked. Magnolia did not say another word before storming off.

"Maggie, wait!" Gwen shouted. "I'm going after her." She said, but Hugo held her back.

"I think it's best to let her calm down. You know how she gets when she's temperamental. Luna will look after her, won't you?" Hugo turned to the Lovegood.

"Of course. I do hope you two make up. You are a very good friend to her. You all are." Luna said, before jogging after her sister.

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