( xvii. dumbledore's offer )

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Magnolia's eyes opened, and she sat up with a gasp. She was in what seemed to be the Great Hall, but it was empty, and white with fog. The only thing she could see was a large mirror with silver-lined trim.

The final task. Something had happened, but Magnolia could only remember bits and pieces, even so, it was like she was looking at her memories with the wrong side of binoculars.

"I'm sure you're wondering what has happened." Magnolia nearly jumped out of her skin, turning to see someone she'd wished to see for years now. Her mother.

"Mum!" She exclaimed, pulling her into the tightest hug she could. It was like being a little kid again. The smell of her perfume, the way her mother kissed the top of her head whenever she was upset.

"Sweetheart, you have been so brave. I'm sure you have many questions; I hope I can answer them all to your satisfaction."

"Am I...?"

"No. You are simply...in between. Thanks to the locket around your neck." Magnolia looked down to the locket. She opened it, finding a picture of her mother inside.

"Lucius gave this to me...my father. Mother, I know Xenophilius isn't my father. Lucius Malfoy is. The reason he could never look me in the eye — along with the fact that he thinks that it's my fault you-"

"My darling girl, it was not your fault. Don't you think for a second that what Xenophilius said was true." She caressed her daughter's cheek where she'd been slapped.

"You don't know how badly I wanted to come through the veil and hex him into oblivion. I could never love a man that would treat my daughter that way. The only good thing he has given me was Luna. My sweet girls."

"Luna...Oh, Godric! Cedric, Draco; my friends probably think i'm dead." She cried. Her mother pulled her into another hug.

"You remain in Saint Mungo's for the time being. Luna, Draco, and that darling boy you are with never leave your side. However, school starts soon." Magnolia's eyes widened.

"Mom, how long have I been like this?"

"A few months. You've puzzled even the greatest of witches and wizards. You see, when the curse hit you, it also hit the locket. Precisely what Lucius was hoping for, I'm guessing."

"What do you mean?"

"Your father is a Death Eater — not by choice, he got tangled up in the wrong group when he was young. He knew Voldemort would be making his return, the dark mark on his arm has been indicating that for a while, now." Her mother said, taking her daughter's hand as they walked through the hall together.

"When Voldemort tried to kill Harry Potter, he was unsuccessful for one reason. His mother, Lily. She cast herself in between them. Her love for her son put a protection over him. It seemed Lucius had the same idea."

"You're the reason I'm still alive?" Her mother nodded, her strands of long blonde hair falling past her shoulders. She looked ethereal. Pale, smooth skin, bright blue eyes.

"You are close to waking up, my beautiful girl. To go back to Luna. To the people you love. You just need a little push. It's why I'm here. However, others will try to persuade you into going the other way."

They stopped in front of the mirror, and Magnolia let out a small gasp, when she saw who was looking back at her. Albus Dumbledore.

"Magnolia, I was wondering when you would show up. I'm afraid I have bad news to offer." He said.

"What do you mean? What's going on?" She asked, holding her mother's hand tightly.

"You see, the ministry refuses to believe Voldemort has returned. And with you getting closer and closer to waking up, they believe we face no threat. So I ask you — to be the martyr of this story. If they see that Voldemort has killed you, perhaps they'd take the situation with more seriousness." Dumbledore revealed.

"You're killing me. You get that, right? That's what you're asking me. To die for you. To leave behind the people I love in hopes that it might sway the ministry to believe Voldemort's back?" Magnolia had never seen this side of her Headmaster before, and she didn't like it.

"It is ultimately your choice — I can not make the decision myself. Should you choose to come back, you won't remember being here. Having this conversation with me. Finally getting the clarity from your mother that you have yearned for for years. If you choose to die, you'll spend it in peace with your mother, or anyone else you love who has perished. Make your choice, Magnolia. Choose wisely."

Magnolia didn't want to forget this — seeing her mother, getting the answers she had always wanted. She also didn't want to forget Dumbledore's offer, and how differently she saw him now.

She longed to be with her mother, but there were so many people she loved out there. People who needed her. She turned to her mother.

"The choice is yours, but my beautiful girl, I do not believe it is your time, yet. You still have a wonderful
life to live, and I am with you, always."

She fought between the choices in her mind, until she heard a voice.

"Maggie, I don't know if you can hear me, but I love you, and I'm here." Cedric's voice rang through the hall.

"Mango, we're not going anywhere. We'll stay by your side until you wake." Luna's voice was next. Pandora had a look of peace when she heard Luna's voice.

Magnolia turned back to the reflection of Dumbledore, her lip quivering.

"You don't have the right to ask me to take my life. I won't do it. My story isn't over yet. The ministry will learn the truth, and Voldemort will be defeated. And one day, I will remember this offer, and I will no longer look up to you as I once did. I choose to live."
Magnolia said, taking one last look at her mother.

"I love you, sweet girl. Take care of Luna, and know that when you stand united with the people you love, you will thrive."

dumbledore slander is welcome here ☺️

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