Chapter 67: No Bark, All Bite (Hiccup)

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I'd read somewhere in my research that the braids in Hiccups' hair were actually indicative of future/current chiefs, something I pointed out earlier on in the story. Since Reign is stepping into her role as chief at this point in the story, I'd thought I'd give her a version of that, but customized to more fit her, so the style depicted is what I imagine she would wear.

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My heart weighed heavy in my chest as I tried to concentrate on flying my dragon, rather than everything this day threatened to bring. Currently, the Riders were on our way to Berk to warn my dad about Johann's true nature, and hopefully get his help in coming up with a plan to find the last lenses and ensure the Hunters and Flyers wouldn't get their hands on the King of Dragons first. I wasn't necessarily worried about my dad directing any anger toward me, considering both of us had been duped, but more about his reaction to the news. He tried his best to keep it in check, but it was no secret my dad had a massive temper, and when he received overwhelming news, it tended to present itself in violent ways.

Under normal circumstances, I wouldn't have been as worried about attempting to deal with my dad. Unfortunately, things would become anything but ordinary not long after we landed. Reign, in an attempt to both be a Dragon Rider and chief of the Berserkers, was going to head to Berserker Island for a couple days not long after we landed on Berk, leaving me to try and come up with a plan without her help. Sure, I could be capable on my own, but she had always been a vital part of our most successful plans. Having to do this without her made me feel far less confident, but it was what made her feel happy and better about the role she'd been given, so I wasn't about to protest.

"Okay, help me out here." Reign and I turned to look back at Tuffnut. "So we're supposed to be mad at Johann for trying to systematically destroy everyone we know and love, right?"

"Correct," Ruff confirmed before either of us got the chance. "I say we drag him underwater behind a school of Scauldrons for ten miles."

"I say we turn him inside out and feed him to a flock of Changewings," Snotlout suggested.

"Ha, I like it, Snotlout," Tuff encouraged. "Sorry, sis."

"Gotta give credit where credit's due."

Reign and I glanced at each other, rolling our eyes at the violent suggestions. Sure, she wanted to take down Johann as much as the rest of them, and knowing her, she wouldn't be merciful, but even those ideas were too much for her.

"Here's my question: why do I have this nagging feeling of admiration for the guy?"

"That's because you're a moron," Snotlout cackled.

"Yes, perhaps." None of us were shocked Tuff agreed with that. "But consider this. The man is a genius."

"A genius."

"A wunderkind." The twins continued on listing nicknames until they'd run their well dry, at which point Tuffnut focused again. "He fooled everyone—Hiccup, Stoick, Alvin, Dagur, Chicken. He even fooled us."

"Not me," Snotlout quickly corrected, attempting to distinguish himself. "I saw this coming."

He likely thought that was going to make us praise and applaud him, but instead, anger started to bubble up. If Snotlout was telling the truth, and hadn't tried to warn us the way Reign had, that just made him seem like he wanted to see us fail, or at least possibly get clobbered by Johann.

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