Chapter 76: Guardians of Vanaheim (Reign)

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              I kept a cautious eye on Heather, ensuring she wasn't about to collapse or begin bleeding from a hidden injury. Though she was standing, she leaned against the wood surrounding the fire place in the Great Hall, not quite strong enough to remain completely on her own.

"I thought I took every precaution," Heather growled. "I was so careful to make sure no one followed me."

"Heather, you were visiting Dad's final resting place." I gently set a hand on my sister's shoulder. "I'd be surprised if you were thinking about anything but that."

"And there's no sense in beating yourself about it now, anyway." I smiled a bit at Hiccup, recognizing the parallel with everything that had already happened that night.

"Hold it, H," Tuffnut interrupted. "A good self-flogging can actually be an excellent start to the day."

"How do you think we always arrive so alert and observant? Hello?"

I glared at the twins, watching as Tuffnut repeatedly slapped his own face. This was the last thing Heather needed right now, especially considering the place that had been attacked.

"You done?" I questioned, completely unamused.

"Are we ever really done, Reign?" Ruff challenged. Just for emphasis, her brother resumed slapping himself until he collapsed to the ground.

At least he'd be quiet for the time being.

"I tried to fight them off. But there are a lot more of those Dragon Flyers than I thought."

"And now they know the location of the dragon's most sacred place on earth," Fishlegs quivered. "Guys, this is a disaster."

"We're trying to make Heather feel better, Fishface," Snotlout face-palmed.

"No, Fishlegs is right," my sister sighed. "We need to make sure that Vanaheim is safe, no matter what we have to do."

That really wasn't an option for her. Heather had been injured and was still recovering, and while I understood her desire to jump back in there and defend Vanaheim, I didn't want to risk something bad happening to her. After all, Heather was my younger sister, and I wasn't willing to risk her life if I could go in there instead. The rest of the Riders would take care of it.

"Uh, don't you mean whatever you have to do?" Snotlout rolled his eyes. "They didn't follow me there. Am I right?"

I growled at Snotlout, my hands balling up into fists. His complete lack of sensitivity sent waves of anger through me, especially when I saw the way his words made Heather's expression fall.

"Are you insane?" I snapped. "Seriously, just tell me so I can at least stop wondering why you say such muttonheaded things." I became distracted when Heather tried to stand on her own, only to collapse right back down. "Heather, you and Windshear are in no shape to fight. Stay on Berk. Gothi will take care of you. The rest of us will head to Vanaheim. All of you, get your supplies." Before I left, I turned to Hiccup. "Take your time, babe."

I wrangled all the other Riders to the arena, then helped Heather to Gothi's. Thankfully, the healer was there and not with Stoick, meaning I wouldn't have to keep dragging my sister around and risking her injuries getting worse. Gothi assured me that she would be okay and was in good hands, so I felt safe enough to head back to the other Riders. Thankfully, I arrived there just as Hiccup was, joining our steps together as we entered.

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