Chapter 10: Have Dragon Will Travel, Pt. 1 (Hiccup)

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                I leaned down and clipped another bag onto the side of Toothless' saddle, making sure it was secured for the trip back to Dragon's Edge. A couple days ago, we all realized we'd need to go back to Berk every now and then to get more supplies, so that's what we were doing. The bag I just put on was the one that mattered most to me, since it contained the drawings Reign had done over the years. Sure, they weren't considered a necessity, but I could fit all of them into the small bag

"Hey, babe?" I looked up to see Reign smiling at me. "I left my sword over by you. Would you mind bringing it to me?" I glanced down toward my foot, wondering how I'd missed the glint of her weapon down there.

"Yeah. Here." As she reached out to tuck the sword into its sheath, I leaned forward and kissed her temple, causing her to sigh happily. "Okay, now remember, gang, we're only taking absolute necessities to Dragon's Edge."

"Guess we're leaving you behind, Fishlegs," Snotlout taunted, cackling. Fishlegs clutched the rocks he had gathered tighter to his chest for a moment, before getting right back to filling the baskets on Meatlug's saddle.

"You're better than that, Snotlout," he scoffed. "Oh, wait, no you're not."

Once all of the rocks had been loaded into Meatlug's saddle baskets, she tried her best to take a test flight, but found herself unable to get more than a few inches off the ground, due to the sheer weight of all the stones Fishlegs was attempting to take back.

"Come on, girl, you can do it!" Fishlegs encouraged. "Lift with your legs."

"Fishlegs," I sighed. Although I knew he preferred to feed Meatlug stones from Berk, he had to realize he couldn't bring all of the stones on Berk.

"What? Berk granite has a nicer finish. And trust me, you want a nicer finish." My attention was drawn away from Fishlegs by the sound of metal striking metal and the twins' voices.

"Not bad. That's a two. Do it again." I turned just in time to see Ruffnut bash her brother over the head with a mace, causing him to go cross-eyed for a moment. A part of me wanted to step in and stop them, but at the same time, this was just another day for them, and Tuff wouldn't come out of this any worse for the wear than before. "Yeah, three. I still think we can do better."

"Yes, we can!" Ruffnut wound up her strike and proceeded to throw her whole body in a circle before hitting Tuffnut, causing him to collapse onto the ground.

"Yep, that is a four. One, two, three, four." Satisfied with her work, Ruff slung the mace into their baskets, already full with the exact same weapon.

"I'll tag it and bag it."

"Any of you four need anything, I'll be right here," Tuff slurred.

At least they had a two-headed dragon, so one of them could fly back to the Edge.

I felt an arm wrap around my waist, and when I looked down, I smiled at Reign and rested one of my hands over her own. It was just about time for us to get going, when my dad, Gobber, Bucket, and Mulch came marching over to us. The 'I-could-kill-someone' look on my father's face wasn't really something that shocked me, but the fact Gobber wore the exact same one caused a sense of dread to settle in my chest.

"Which one of the usual suspects was out sinking boats on their dragon this morning?" My father demanded, shooting a glare at the twins. "I have my suspicions."

Though the twins had a mischievous streak, I couldn't ever see them sinking boats and causing that level of destruction.

"Sinking boats?" Reign seemed just as shocked as I was.

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