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Friday 27.9.2016

Today is an ordinary Friday situated at the end of September. The 27th to be exact.
Four friends are sitting together around a table, eating lunch like they usually do.
Jimin, one of the four boys, suddenly gets tackled by his friend Taehyung who appeared out of nowhere. None of the boys bat an eye at his sudden appearance, being used to it by now considering they've been friends for a very long time.
Taehyung is excited, a big boxy smile adorning his face, "Our roommate is moving in tomorrow," he says, sitting down next to his friend, his arm still wrapped around the shorter boys' shoulder.
Jin, the oldest of the group, looks up, "You're finally getting one?" he asks in slight surprise, and Taehyung nods enthusiastically.
Hoseok, aka the human embodiment of the sun, looks at him, "Who is it?" he asks, a huge smile on his face, but that smile falters a bit when Taehyung shrugs.
"All we know is that he's in his first year starting this semester," Jimin informs.
Namjoon who's been quiet, perks up, "You guys should clean up the room, it's been gathering dust for a year," he suggests, "Ya!" Taehyung exclaims, feeling offended, "We're not that bad," Jimin informs in defense and Namjoon raises an eyebrow, not believing them one bit, "We've been cleaning it every month," Taehyung says proudly.
"That's still pretty bad," Namjoon informs, his face scrunching up a bit in disgust, just thinking about it and earning a pout from Taehyung.
Jimin purses his lips slightly, patting his friend's head to comfort him.

Saturday 28.9.2016

Taehyung hears a knock at the door and he skips towards it in excitement. He swings the door open to see a tall-ish guy standing there with a backpack on his back and a suitcase on each side.
"Hey," Taehyung greets, "Welcome to the dorm," he adds with a boxy smile, motioning for the boy to come in. "H-hey," the boy stutters, a smile automatically makes its way to his face, showing off his bunny-like teeth as he steps into the apartment.
"Let me give you a hand with that," Taehyung offers as he reaches out to one of the suitcases, "Thanks," the boy says, accepting the help as he follows his new roommate towards a room.
"This will be your room from now on," Taehyung informs, leaving the suitcase he was carrying next to the closet. The boy looks around the decently sized bedroom, "It looks nice," he admits and he actually means it, he didn't have high expectations of the dorm building, to begin with, so he's kinda surprised at how decent the apartment looks.
'I guess prestigious universities are something else' the boy thinks to himself.
"I'll leave you to settle in and rest," Taehyung speaks up, patting the boy's shoulder, "I'll call you for lunch," he adds and as he's about to leave the room, the boy stops him. "I was informed there would be another person living here," he half-questions and it's as if a light turns on inside Taehyung's head, "Ah, yeah," he exclaims, "He had some business to take care of this morning, but he should be back soon," he informs.
The boy nods in acknowledgment, "I'm Jeon Jeongguk by the way," he informs, realizing he hasn't introduced himself yet.
"Kim Taehyung, nice to meet you," Taehyung responds, "Now rest," he adds softly before leaving the room and shutting the door behind him.
Jungkook opens his suitcases and starts unpacking his things, trying to make his room feel somewhat homey before lying down on his new and surprisingly soft bed - after putting new sheets on it - and falls asleep almost immediately.

Taehyung is in the process of cooking lunch or at least he's attempting to cook something decent.
He hears the door open and looks around the corner to see Jimin bent down as he takes his shoes off.
Taehyung rushes towards him, pulling him into a hug like always, "Hey," he greets "How did it go?" he asks as he lets go and Jimin simply shrugs, "Same old, I guess," he responds.
Taehyung frowns slightly at his friend's response, "Is everything okay?" he asks, but Jimin doesn't say anything, the shorter boy simply grabs a paper, handing it over.
The taller of the two reads the paper, the small frown still present, "Shit," he breathes out, looking up at his friend in worry.
"It's nothing new," Jimin says with a shrug and as Taehyung is about to say something, Jimin interrupts him, "Do you smell something burning?" he asks and Taehyung's eyes widen, "Shit," he exclaims as he rushes to the kitchen with the shorter boy following behind.
"Let me," Jimin says as he tries to save the meat, earning a pout from his friend, "I wanted to cook today," he whines. "You did ... I'm just finishing up," Jimin informs with his signature smile, "You could set the table," he adds and the other boy hesitantly nods before grabbing the utensils.
"Oh, I almost forgot," Taehyung speaks up as he puts the plates on the table, "Our roommate came in about two hours ago," he adds and Jimin looks up, "Really?" he questions with a small pout.
"No need to feel guilty about your absence, he understands," Taehyung comforts as if he read his friend's mind and Jimin's eyes widen a little, "What did you tell him?" he questions with a hint of panic in his voice. "I didn't tell him the details, I just told him you had some business to take care of," Taehyung explains and relief washes over his friends' face as he turns off the stove.
"Why did you think I would even tell him in the first place?" Taehyung questions, feeling a pang in his chest and Jimin immediately apologizes as he puts the meat on the table, "It's just not my day," he informs and Taehyung forgives him immediately, "I know," he says, placing a kiss at the top of the boys head. "I'll go wake him up," he informs before walking away and Jimin grabs the rest of the food.
Jungkook wakes up to the sound of knocking and a deep yet soft voice saying 'Jeongguk-ah' from the other side of the door. He gets up and sleepily opens the door, his eyes barely open.
Taehyung can't help but smile at how cute a sleepy Jungkook looks, "Lunch is ready," he informs and Jungkook nods his head in acknowledgment and follows the older while rubbing his eyes. He hears a voice exclaim 'JK' and he looks up in surprise, "Jimin-ssi?" he half-questions, which makes Taehyung confused, "You two know each other?" he questions and Jungkook shakes his head, "Not really, but he pretty much saved my ass during the entrance ceremony," he explains and Taehyung looks at Jimin with an eyebrow raised, "Saved him?" he questions, "Jun targeted him," the shorter guy responds and Taehyung nods in acknowledgment, "I wanted to thank you again Hyung," Jungkook speaks up and Jimin simply waves it off, "You don't need to keep thanking me, it was no bother," he informs, "No bother?" Jungkook exclaims, "He pushed you so hard into the wall I thought your head might've cracked," he adds, "You hit your head?" Taehyung gasps, "Jimin-" "No need to apologize for that," Jimin interrupts, "We should eat before it turns cold," he adds, sitting down at the table. The other two hesitantly sit down and the three of them start eating.
Taehyung leans towards Jimin and whispers, "Why didn't you tell me about hitting your head?".
"Because nothing happened," Jimin whispers back in response, "But what about -" Taehyung starts, but Jimin's death stare makes him shut up immediately.
Jungkook looks between them in confusion, but he doesn't question them.

"How was it?" Taehyung questions, turning to Jungkook after lunch. "It was delicious," Jungkook responds with a smile, "A hundred times better than my cooking," he adds, which surprises Taehyung, "If that's a hundred times better than Jiminie's and Jin Hyung's is a thousand times better," he informs, "Jin and Yoongi Hyung's cooking skills are way above mine though," Jimin says and Taehyung gives it some thought, "True," he says with a nod.
"Jin and Yoongi Hyung?"Jungkook questions, not knowing who they're referring to, "They're really good friends of ours," Taehyung says, "And you'll probably get to meet them tomorrow or Monday at the latest," Jimin adds, "They're awesome," Taehyung exclaims with his prominent boxy smile, "Hobi and Namjoon Hyung as well," Jimin adds, also smiling brightly, "I can't wait to meet them, they sound fun," Jungkook says, a bunny smile spreading across his face, "They are, but it might take you a while to get used to them ... especially Jin and Hobi Hyung. They're quite the characters." Taehyung informs, "We've known them for about eight years now and I don't think we're used to them," Jimin adds and Jungkook's eyes widen, "Eight years sounds like a lot," he says in shock, and Taehyung nods in agreement, "But that's nothing compared to the twenty years Jimin and I have spent together," he points out.
Jungkook is nothing but Jungshook at the number he just heard.
"Our mothers were High School friends who happened to become pregnant at around the same time and Taehyungie was born two months after me, so we were pretty much raised together," Jimin elaborates and Jungkook lets out a sigh, "I always wanted to have a friendship that lasts this long," he mumbles with an unintentional pout.
Jimin pats the back of the boy's head in comfort, "I'm sure our Hyungs are going to love you," he informs and Taehyung nods in agreement, "One hundred percent," he adds and Jungkook can't help but smile at that while the other two smile at the boy's cuteness.

Sometime later, the three boys are situated on the couch, watching TV.
"What do you guys feel like eating for dinner?" Jimin speaks up, turning his head to Jungkook, the boy notices and turns his head, making eye contact in the process, "I'll eat anything," he responds with a shrug.
"I feel like eating some pizza," Taehyung says, but as Jimin is about to grab his phone, his friend stops him, "I'd prefer your homemade one," Taehyung says, looking at him with puppy eyes, "Homemade, really?" Jimin questions, not really in the mood, and Taehyung nods, "Gguk has to try it, please," he practically whines, earning a chuckle from the older as he gives in.
Jungkook is taken aback by how pretty Jimin's laugh is. He snaps out of it to ask if the older needs help. "No thanks," Jimin responds, "You should rest as much as possible before classes start on Monday," he adds as he disappears behind the counter to grab the necessary utensils.
"You could sit on the stool and watch him make it," Taehyung whispers, leaning towards him, "He looks really cool," he adds with his boxy smile.
Jungkook smiles in return and walks towards the kitchen counter where they have a set of stools and sits down. Jimin turns around and jumps at the sight of Jungkook suddenly sitting there, "You scared me," he breathes out, grasping his chest where his heart is beating like crazy and the boy apologizes.
Jimin pats his head with a chuckle before putting on gloves to prepare the pizza dough while Jungkook watches him with his head resting on his hand, simply admiring Jimin's 'coolness' as Taehyung called it.

"Pizza is done," Jimin calls and Taehyung rushes in at the speed of light to grab at least two slices, "Tae, chill ... the pizza won't run away," the older informs, "I know, but it tastes a billion times better while it's still hot," the younger points out with his signature boxy smile.
Jimin rolls his eyes, handing him three slices on a plate. "Thank you," Taehyung squeals before returning to the couch while Jimin puts three slices on a plate for Jungkook, "I hope you like it," he says and the younger thanks him before noticing that Jimin is left with two slices, "Do you want another piece?" he questions and Jimin shakes his head politely, "Don't worry about me, I can't eat a lot, especially at night," he informs and something about that doesn't sit right with Jungkook, but he doesn't question it as they both return to the couch.
"Hyung," Jungkook exclaims, eyes wide and the two boys sitting next to him both react.
"This is the best pizza I've had in my life," he informs, "It is, isn't it?" Taehyung agrees and Jimin gets shy for some reason, "Happy you liked it," he says with a smile.

Taehyung feels his eyes getting heavy as he's about to fall asleep, "I'm going to bed," he speaks up, followed by a yawn as he gets up from the couch, "Night Chim, night Gguk," he says, "Good night Hyung," "Good night Tae," the other two say at the same time as Taehyung disappears into his bedroom.
A few minutes later, Jungkook feels some weight on his shoulder and he glances down to see that Jimin fell asleep. Jungkook doesn't dare move in fear of waking up his Hyung, he simply blushes at the older boy's cuteness.

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