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Monday 28.12.2016

Taehyung is getting ready for class and to say that he's nervous is an understatement. Not only is he nervous because it's Monday, the day he has to talk to Yoongi, but the fact that the older didn't even respond to his text on Saturday is making it worse.
"What am I gonna do?" the boy exclaims, putting on his shoes, "I share my morning class with him," he points out. "Don't worry Hyung," Jungkook speaks up from beside him, "I'm going to be there too," he reminds the older.
"Just don't ignore him, if he tries to talk to you," Jimin says, swinging his bag over his shoulder, "Yoongi-Hyung can be quite sensitive sometimes, he just doesn't like to show it," he informs.
"You can do it Tae. Just think of it as any other ordinary day," Jungkook encourages the older, letting out a sigh.
"Come on, we're gonna be late," Jimin points out and the other two jump into action, grabbing their bags and walking out of the door.

Taehyung sits in his usual seat, tapping his foot on the ground as he waits for Yoongi to walk into class. Jungkook notices but tries not to mention it. Taehyung looks up as the door opens to see Yoongi walk in with his hood up and instead of him sitting in his seat next to Tae, he opts to sit at a desk a few rows in front of it and Taehyung frowns a little.
Jungkook caresses the back of Taehyung's neck in comfort but returns to his notebook when the professor walks in.
While Yoongi works on his project by himself, Taehyung steals glances at him every chance he gets and he starts noticing things he didn't really pay attention to before, like Yoongi's sharp jawline, the boy's cat-like eyes seemingly more prominent as he pouts while focusing on his work. Taehyung always knew he had those features, but he never really focused on them, 'He looks cute' Taehyung thinks to himself as Yoongi shows his gummy smile as the professor shows the class a funny picture he took when he first started getting into photography years ago.
Yoongi felt someone staring at him the whole time, but he chose to ignore it, knowing that it was most likely Taehyung. He can't bring himself to look at the younger, not after what happened on their night out on Saturday. He's too nervous thinking about the conversation they're going to have during lunch. About a million scenarios running around in his head about how it will turn out.

"You can do this Tae," Jimin speaks up, patting the shoulder of his extremely nervous friend.
"We'll be here, good luck," Jungkook says before him, and Jimin make their way to the cafeteria, leaving Taehyung at the stairs.
Taehyung takes a deep breath, hoping it will knock some courage into him somehow as he shakingly makes his way up the staircase towards the rooftop.
He silently opens the door spotting Yoongi sitting at the edge of the roof with his legs dangling in the air with his eyes closed and Taehyung takes a moment to admire the elder's features, a smile creeping upon his face.
Yoongi opens his eyes at the sound of his name being called and he turns his head, making eye contact with Taehyung in the process. He can't stop his lips from curling up into a smile at the sight of the boy he's been in love with for years.
Taehyung sits down next to the older, both boys not saying anything for some time until the boy clears his throat, "Hyung," he speaks up, "I'm sorry for how I reacted that day -" "It's okay," Yoongi interrupts, "I should've known that you don't feel the same," he adds with a sigh, making the younger frown a little, "You can't just assume that," he exclaims a little offended, taking the older by surprise.
"I was just overwhelmed," Taehyung points out, "I didn't expect it to happen ... I couldn't phantom the fact that someone loved me the same way Ji-Hyun did," he admits, "Chim told me you were going to confess to me years ago, but Ji-Hyun beat you to it and I'm sorry," he adds and Yoongi looks at him, mouth slightly agape. He can't believe Jimin told him, but then again, he isn't surprised. Taehyung must've made him talk.
"I'm sorry for being oblivious to your feelings," Taehyung continues, turning his head, now face to face with the older and he swallows the small lump in his throat. "I-If you want to, I'll be willing to try this," he stutters, nervous at how close they are, "You and me," he adds.
"But you don't like me the same way I like you," Yoongi points out, fighting the urge to look down at Taehyung's lips, even though they're right in front of him.
"That doesn't mean I won't like you the same way eventually," the younger informs, "It took me a while to fall in love with Ji-Hyun, but it happened anyway," he admits, "What's to say the same thing won't happen again?" he adds with a shy smile.
"Are you sure?" Yoongi questions, "I don't want to sound rude, but what if it doesn't work out?" he asks, "I'll just end up hurt and I don't think I can go through that again," he admits and Taehyung takes hold of his hands. "I am sure about this," he swears, "I won't hurt you ... I would never do that to you, willingly," he informs.
"Yoongi looks down at their hands, "Is that a promise?" he asks, still unsure about this and Taehyung nods his head with confidence, "So what do you say?" he asks, getting anxious as he watches the elder thinking about it.
"I'll accept," Yoongi speaks up, looking up at him with his gummy smile.
The two sit there looking at each other in silence.
Yoongi frees one of his hands, lifting it up and gently playing with the younger's hair, feeling how soft it is while Taehyung admires the fond expression on the older boy and he feels the love. Yoongi is looking at him the same way Ji-Hyun used to look at him and it makes him feel kinda bad because of how long the older had to watch the boy he loves being in love with someone else, all the pain he went through because of it, but at the same time, he's happy that Yoongi never gave up on him.
"C-Can I kiss you?" Taehyung stutters, breaking the silence and Yoongi's eyes wander from the boy's hair to his eyes before nodding. Taehyung leans in, capturing the older's lips with his in a short, but sweet kiss before pulling away with a boxy smile.
Yoongi cups his cheek, looking at him for a second before pressing a kiss to the boy's forehead.

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