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Friday 15.1.2017

"Ggukie," Jimin calls, alarmed and Jungkook quickly stands up, rushing towards him to see what's going on, only to see a purple box on their doorstep, "Not again," he mumbles as he takes hold of it. Jimin shuts the door as Jungkook opens the box to see a note like the two boxes they received about a week ago, but this time there's a folded envelope.
"Do you know why Seung-Ho smashed your head in?" Jungkook reads, "And how or rather why your mother passed away?" he continues, "Open the envelope, I'm sure it'll help you figure it out," he finishes, putting the note back in the box after getting the envelope out.
He opens it to find a document inside.
"Holy shit," Jungkook breathes out after reading the document and Jimin looks up expectantly and Jungkook hesitantly hands him the document, "This can't be real," Jimin breathes out after reading it.

"Seung-Ho is not your father?" Jin exclaims after reading the document and Namjoon takes hold of it to read it again, "Jeong-Han is," Namjoon adds, still not believing it. "I have a bad feeling about this," Yoongi speaks up, "Is he trying to say that auntie's death wasn't natural?" Taehyung asks to no one in particular, "I'm not even surprised at this point," Jimin breathes out, "If Seung-Ho found out it, it would explain why he treated me the way he did," he adds, "You don't think he killed her, do you?" Jungkook asks looking at the elder and Jimin thinks about it, "From what I remember, he loved my mother more than anything," he responds, "But I wouldn't put it past him to do something like that, considering he tried to kill me," he adds and Jungkook has to admit that the boy has a point.
"There's also a possibility your mother didn't know Jeong-Ho are twins after all," he adds, "Even so, we'll never find out if my mother slept with him willingly," Jimin points out, and Jin perks up, "I should call my mother," he informs as he stands up, disappearing to his room where he left his phone. "You think he forced her?" Taehyung questions, looking at his soulmate, "If Jeong-Han is the one who ran us off the road and has been sending me those boxed, he and Seung-Ho are cut from the same cloth, so I wouldn't be surprised if he did force her," Jimin explains.
A knock on the front door gets their attention and Namjoon gets up, walking towards it.
He looks through the peephole to see an empty hallway, confused by it, hesitantly opens the door to see a purple box at his feet.
He grabs the box and brings it inside.
The boys sitting at the table immediately notice the object, before it's being placed on the table in front of them.
Yoongi takes hold of it, opening the box to find a note with what looks like a bracelet wrapped around it. He unwraps the note, passing the bracelet over to Jimin who's right next to him.
Jin returns to his seat just as Yoongi opens the note.
"Did you figure it out, kid?" Yoongi reads, "Your mommy paid for her sin and so should you," he continues, "If only you weren't so resilient," he adds, "But not everyone is as lucky as you," he finishes, putting the note down, his gaze landing on the bracelet he handed over to Jimin earlier. "Do you recognize it?" Yoongi asks, and the younger shakes his head, "It has 'Hyung' written on it," Jungkook points out and Jimin's four Hyung's exchange a glance with each other, a dark feeling washing over them.
"First my mother's ring and a toy replica of the car my brother had the accident in, now a document stating that I'm not Seung-Ho's biological son and a bracelet that says, 'Hyung' on it with a note saying that I should pay for my sins and not everyone is as lucky as I am," Jimin exclaims in frustration, "Is he going to target you guys because of me?" he adds, looking at his Hyungs.
"The police still haven't found him?" Taehyung asks, that dark feeling washing over him as well and Namjoon shakes his head, "They're still trying to figure out where the notes are being sent from," he informs, "Meanwhile my mother will look into the deaths of Mrs. Park and Ji-Hyun to find out what Jeong-Han is talking about," Jin explains.

Jungkook wakes up from his nap to find the spot next to him empty and his heart rate picks up before he sits up, stumbling his way to the door. He opens it to a dark room, blindly making his way towards the couch where he heard movement.
"Jimin-ssi," he calls softly, turning on the lamp next to the couch to see the shorter male sitting on the seat with his legs tucked inside his oversized hoodie.
Jimin turns his head to look at the younger, "C-Can I sit?" Jungkook questions and the elder nods so Jungkook sits down, but no one says anything for quite some time.
Jimin rests his head on the younger's shoulder, letting out a sigh.
"Ggukie, I'm scared," he says, his voice barely above a whisper, "He knows where I live and he knows how much you guys mean to me," he explains, "He'll probably do something bad again and I have a feeling our Hyungs are the targets," he adds and a shudder runs down the younger's spine.
"I have a really bad feeling about this Gguk," Jimin finishes and Jungkook throws an arm around the elder's shoulder, trying to comfort him.
"We'll just have to keep an eye on each other," Jungkook suggests, "That's what brothers do, right," he half-questions, "Protect each other," he adds and Jimin lifts his head to look at the elder, "I couldn't do anything the day of the accident," he says, "I couldn't protect Ji-Hyung and my mother probably died because of me," he informs, "I might lose you guys and I can't do anything about it," he admits, frustration clear in his voice, his pitch rising a bit as tears start welling up in his eyes, Jungkook pulls him in, hugging him.
His heart hurts to see Jimin like this, he can't imagine how it must feel to find out that your whole life was pretty much a lie and that there's someone who wants to hurt you and the people you love.
"What do I do??" Jimin hiccups and Jungkook simply rubs his back, not knowing what to say in this situation, "I don't know Chim," he admits, holding the shorter tightly in his arms, "I'm sorry," he adds defeated, "I'm really sorry Chim," he says and Jimin tightens his grip around the younger.

Jimin eventually falls asleep in the taller's arms, but Jungkook stays awake, knowing that the elder will most likely have nightmares again.
He carefully picks up the shorter, carrying him back to the bed.
Jimin shuffles around a bit before staying still and Jungkook lies down next to him, wrapping his arms around the elder protectively.
"I'll try to keep you safe," Jungkook half-whispers, "That's the least I can do," he adds and Jimin subconsciously tightens his grip on Jungkook's hand.

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