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Wednesday 30.12.2016

Taehyung is sitting at his desk, tapping his foot in excitement. Why is he excited you ask?
Well ... he turned 21 today and he can't wait to see what he'll do with his Hyungs later. He already received his presents from everyone this morning. From all, except Jimin that is.
"Calm your horses Tae, class is almost over and we'll be free the rest of the day," Yoongi says as he smiles at the boy's cuteness. "I know," the boy says, "I'm just wondering what Chim is planning," he informs before looking at his friends, "Do you guys know?" he asks and the two other boys shake their heads.
"I asked him what he decided on, but he just winked at me and disappeared into his room," Jungkook responds.
"I'm sure he'll be waiting for you across the hall with your present," Yoongi suggests as he tentatively takes hold of the boy's hand and Jungkook nods in agreement while Taehyung intertwines his fingers with Yoongi's seemingly by instinct.

Yoongi was right, Jimin really is waiting for him in the hall across from their classroom, but his hands are empty and their three Hyungs are with him. Jin and Hoseok are laughing about something, probably another one of Jin's dad jokes while Namjoon and Jimin are just listening to them in amusement. The youngest of the group soon spots the three guys walking out of the classroom and a smile creeps upon his face as he claps his hands together, getting his Hyung's attention.
"Let's go," Jimin blurts out, taking a hold of both Taehyung's and Jungkook's hands.
"Go where?" Taehyung asks in confusion as he's being guided towards the exit, but Jimin and his Hyungs just giggle in amusement as they step into the parking lot.
Jin, Namjoon, and Hoseok get into one car while Jimin practically shoves the other three into his car with Jungkook in the passenger seat. The other two are left in the back seat as Jimin enters the driver's seat.
"What's going on?" Taehyung questions, his heart hammering in his chest, "Where are we going?" he asks, lowkey starting to panic, but Jimin starts the car without uttering a word.
"Are we being kidnapped?" Jungkook questions, his heart beating at a seemingly inhuman rate, and Jimin chuckles as he drives towards the mystery destination.

Jimin looks over at Taehyung who's standing there with his mouth agape, "Chim," the younger calls, a smile slowly spreading across his face, "This is amazing," he exclaims, pulling the older into a hug while Jungkook stands there, jungshook at the fact that Jimin bought the seven of them tickets to 'Lotte World'.
"You always wanted to come here," Jimin points out, "Sorry I couldn't do it sooner," he adds and Taehyung waves it off, "I'm just happy that my first time here is with my family," he points out with a boxy smile.
"Let's go in," Jimin says with a smile as he takes hold of the younger's hand, guiding him towards the entrance. The other five are behind them with Yoongi sticking close to Taehyung while Jungkook sticks close to Jimin.

Jungkook was afraid he'd be by himself on the rides, but since Hoseok is terrified of roller coasters, he was able to ride them with Jimin while the two couples rode together.
There was a lot of screaming and laughing as the group went on various rides and looked at different attractions in the amusement park.
"What do you guys feel like eating for lunch?" Jimin asks.
"Kimchi stew," Jin and Hoseok blurt out while Taehyung opts for Burgers with Yoongi wanting 'black bean noodles' and both Namjoon and Jungkook voting for 'chicken'. "That's three for Korean and three for western," Jimin points out.
"Let's just go to the burger place," Yoongi suggests, "Today is Tae's birthday, and all of us like chicken and burgers anyway, so I don't really care," he adds, and the two others who had voted for Korean, shrug.
"I'll just make Kimchi stew and Chapagetti for dinner then," Jin suggests before the group makes their way to the restaurant that sells burgers and fried chicken called 'Lotteria'.
"That was delicious," Taehyung breathes out as he pats his full stomach and the others agree.
"We should get churros before driving back home later," Hoseok suggests and the boys perk up at the idea, agreeing immediately.

The group enjoys a few more rides until they're completely exhausted.
Jungkook noticed that Jimin's been a little off since his little bathroom break about thirty minutes ago, but he shakes it off, believing he's just tired from all the action today.
"I think that was enough for today, right?" Jin half-questions and the other boys agree before making their way back to the cars.
Yoongi falls asleep as soon as his butt hits the seat and Taehyung lets out a laugh at his Hyung while Jimin starts the car, looking through the rearview mirror as he adjusts it.
Taehyung soon falls asleep with his head on Yoongi's shoulder while Jimin looks through the mirror as if looking for something, his hand shaking slightly.
Jungkook notices his weird behavior and asks if he's okay, but Jimin simply hums as he drives out of the parking lot.
Jimin looks at the side mirror, his eyes going wide, "Shit!" he mumbles, suddenly accelerating which makes the car swerve a little. Jungkook grips his seat belt at the sudden action while the boys sitting in the back jolt awake, looking around in confusion.
Jin, who's driving ahead of them notices Jimin's erratic driving and asks Namjoon to call them as Jimin's car overtakes theirs, driving past them, a black range rover following soon after.
Namjoon dials Jungkook's number and since his phone is connected to the car's Bluetooth, the three of them can hear as Jungkook picks up.
"Jeongguk-ah," Jin speaks up, "What's going on in there?" he asks and Jungkook looks at Jimin for an answer.
"We're being followed," Jimin responds, his gaze switching between the mirror and the road ahead while Taegi look through the back window to see a black range rover close behind them, "I'm trying to lose them," Jimin adds.
"Can you see who's driving it?" Namjoon questions.
"Park Seung-Ho," Yoongi blurts out, his mouth agape and Jungkook tries to look out of the back window to no avail, the only thing he sees is the color draining from his Hyung's faces.
Taehyung starts getting a panic attack as the memories rush into him after seeing Seung-Ho's face and while Yoongi tries to calm him down, the three boys sitting in the other car feel the color drain from their faces at the name.
"Jimin," Namjoon calls, "Whatever happens, I need you to stay calm," he informs, "Be careful," he pleads.
"We're going to call the police," Jin informs, "Don't do anything stupid," he adds, worry dripping from his voice.
"Okay," Jimin responds, hitting a speed bump he didn't see, the car wavering a little.
After hanging up the phone, the four of them end up on a road with practically no other cars in an attempt to get rid of their tail.
"Chim, he's catching up," Taehyung whimpers, clearly terrified.
"I can't drive any faster without losing control of the car," Jimin exclaims, also terrified at the situation.
"Did you know it was him?" Jungkook questions, holding onto the sides of his seat for dear life. "I wasn't sure it was him at first, but Yoongi just confirmed my suspicions," Jimin responds before the car jerks forward a little as the Range Rover bumps into them, making the boys gasp.
Jimin manages to keep the car straight while the other three try to hold onto something solid, "That bastard really wants me dead, huh," Jimin blurts out in frustration, making Taehyung whimper, "Chim, don't say that," he exclaims and the older looks at him through the rearview mirror.
"Sorry T-" Jimin starts, but another bump cuts him off, "I'm sorry," he mumbles, "Jeonggukie I-" he says, getting cut off by another bump. This bump is a lot stronger this time, making the car swerve off the road and everything goes black.

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