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Friday 8.1.2017

"Look who's joining us for lunch," Hoseok speaks up with a big smile, and both Namjoon and Taehyung look up to see Jungkook sitting at their table, "You guys still have classes," the boy says, "And it felt kinda quiet at home," he informs.
"Jin-Hyung went to pick up Jimin from the hospital, they should be back soon," Namjoon informs and the younger nods in acknowledgment.
"So..." Hoseok drags on, "Are you two dating yet?" he asks, eating his food innocently and the boy looks up, "You guys knew it too?" he asks in slight disbelief.
"I did say you guys were obvious," Taehyung points out, eating in pout.
Jungkook lets out a soft laugh, but his smile soon flutters, "We're not ... dating," he admits and the boys look at him surprised, "We talked about our feelings and we both accepted them," he elaborates, "But he wants to wait until his father is out of the picture for good, I guess ... and I agreed," he informs, "Speaking of which ... has he been found yet?" he questions and Namjoon shakes his head. "Jin and I went to the police station the other day. They found the car but it turned out to be rented ... they're still looking for him though," he explains.
"Why do you guys want to wait anyway?" Hoseok asks, "Because he doesn't want to hurt me," Jungkook responds with a sad smile, "The other day he apologized for getting me involved in this mess and I kind of understand why," he says, "Everything that happened to him and everything that keeps happening ... it's kinda hard to cope with," he points out, the others just look up at him, "You guys have been with him for years, you're used to this, you've learned how to deal with it," he explains, "I've only known him for a couple of months," he points out, "When Jimin-ssi told me about what his dad did to him all those years ago, I was pissed, but ... when the accident happened, it all got too real," he croaks out.
"That's understandable," Taehyung agrees, "But if you give up on him, he's going to give up on himself and we don't want that to happen ... not after everything he was put through," he explains and Jungkook glances up at him, "I didn't say I was giving up," he exclaims, "I talked to him about it and he understands," he informs and the elder shares a look with the others before turning back.
"It's not a bad thing if we stay as we are ... nothing changed and that's a good thing, right?" Jungkook asks a little unsure, but Namjoon reassures him with a nod. "I think he's just scared," Jungkook points out, "After the accident, he realized that his family could also get hurt and he doesn't want to risk losing any of us," he says, "Me being his boyfriend, might just add to his burden and I don't want that," he adds.
"Don't think too much about that ... it's not good for your mental health, trust me." Taehyung informs, taking hold of the boy's hand, "Yoongi and I went through the same thing. This isn't the first time Chim has acted like this," he informs, "He's always been scared about us getting hurt," he points out.
"When Seung Ho went to prison, Jimin was relieved, but he had that nagging feeling in the back of his mind that would keep him on edge," he elaborates, "If we somehow manage to put his father back where he belongs, that feeling won't go away. It'll always be there," he points out.
"I know, it's just ..." Jungkook drags on, pulling his hand away from Taehyung's grip, "I want him to be happy and carefree and not constantly think about the bad things," he informs.
"He is happy," Hoseok speaks up and the younger looks up at him, "Ever since you showed up, he's been the happiest he's been in a while," he explains, "I've known him long enough to notice that, so don't worry about it," he adds before getting cut off by the sound of a vibrating phone and Namjoon looks at it, "They're here," he informs, putting the phone away and Jungkook perks up, "I'm gonna go help him," he speaks up, "I'll see you guys later," he adds and the boys wave him goodbye as he stands up to walk to the parking lot close to the dorms. He spots Jin helping Jimin out of the car and calls them. Jin and Jimin turn around at their names being called.
"Ggukie," Jimin calls back, making grabby hands towards him with Jin behind him, his hand on the younger's lower back for support. Jungkook smiles brightly and takes him into his arms, hugging him tightly and Jimin runs his fingers through the boy's hair as the younger nuzzles his face into the elder's neck, taking in the scent.
"I'll leave you guys to it," Jin says with a proud smile, "Don't do anything I wouldn't do," he says jokingly as he starts walking away.
"Hyung," Jimin calls, looking at the elder over Jungkook's shoulder, "There's nothing you wouldn't do," he points out and Jin chuckles before disappearing into the university building.
"Are you okay?" Jungkook asks, pulling away softly, "You look a little pale," he adds, and the elder nods.
"I've just been in the hospital a little longer than I wanted," Jimin informs with a small smile. "Let's go home, then," Jungkook blurts out, supporting the elder as they make their way to their apartment.
"I can't believe how much I've missed my bed," Jimin exclaims as he practically throws himself onto his bed, cuddling into his bedsheets, the familiar smell, making him sigh in relief while Jungkook smiles at him fondly from his spot next to the doorframe.
Jimin notices his presence and looks up with a smile before motioning for him to lie down.
Jungkook makes his way into the bed without hesitation, wrapping his arms around Jimin as soon as he lies down, their bodies fitting perfectly together as they cuddle.

"Jimin-ssi," Jungkook calls after a while of silence, and Jimin hums in response.
"C-can I kiss you?" he questions after gathering some courage and Jimin looks up at him, a small smile forming on his lips as he nods his head.
Jungkook caresses Jimin's cheeks softly admiring the elder's face before leaning in and pressing their lips together.
Jimin kisses back, his hand caressing the boy's side as he feels butterflies flying around in his stomach.
Jungkook pulls away after a few seconds, watching as Jimin slowly opens his eyes, feeling dazed at what just happened, pink tainting his cheeks as he shyly looks up at the younger, a small giggle leaving his lips as he looks down, avoiding eye contact.
Jungkook smiles at the boy's cuteness and places two fingers under his chin, lifting his head up to look him in the eyes, and Jimin's face gets slightly redder. Jungkook leans in to press a kiss on the boy's forehead before pressing their foreheads together with his eyes shut.
Jimin lets out a content sigh, his grips tightening a little.

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