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Saturday 9.1.2017

Light filters through the blinds, hitting Jungkook directly into his eyes, waking him up.
He slowly opens his eyes, adjusting them to the intrusive light, his glance landing on a sleeping Jimin.
'He's so cute," Jungkook thinks to himself as he admires the elder's features with a fond smile.
Suddenly the conversation from yesterday comes into his mind and his smile slowly disappears as he thinks about it.
'If Park Seung-Ho has been behind bars all this time, who was the man that hit our car that day?' He asks himself.
Movement catches his attention and he looks at Jimin to see him shuddering a little as he slowly opens his eyes, a small yawn escaping him before his eyes land on Jungkook.
"Hey," Jimin mumbles in his groggy morning voice as he rubs the sleepiness off his eyes, "Morning beautiful," Jungkook greets back, the smile back on his face and Jimin lets out a small giggle, hitting Jungkook playfully while Jungkook smiles, pulling the elder closer by his waist, giving him an Eskimo kiss which makes Jimin giggle even more.
"You're so beautiful," Jungkook says, over and over again, kissing the elder's face, "Ggukie," Jimin laughs, trying to get away and Jungkook stops to let the elder catch his breath after all the laughing.
Jimin calms down and looks up at the younger, scanning his face with a pink tint on his cheeks, before cuddling into him, his forehead on the younger's chest, and Jungkook wraps his arms around the older protectively.
"Is your head okay?" Jungkook asks as he runs his fingers through the elder's soft hair, "It's better than it was yesterday morning," Jimin responds, but before they can say anything else, there's a knock on the door and they look at it to see Taehyung slowly opening it, a small smile appears on his lips as he spots his soulmate.
Jimin pulls away from Jungkook and motions for Taehyung to come closer and the boy does as told, "Hey, baby," Jimin mumbles as he pulls the younger into a hug, "Welcome back Chim," Taehyung responds, returning the hug while Jungkook sits up, looking at them fondly.
"I'll make us breakfast," Jungkook informs before walking out of the room, leaving the other two cuddling on the bed

"Namjoon-Hyung sent a message to the group chat, asking us all to go to his apartment later," Jungkook speaks up from his spot on the couch and Taehyung looks at him from behind the sink where he's washing the dishes, knowing why Namjoon wants them there.
"Is Jin-Hyung making lunch?" Jimin questions from his spot next to Jungkook, "I guess," the younger informs, shooting Taehyung a quick glance before returning his gaze to the movie that's currently playing on the TV.

The three boys make their way to Namjoon's and Hoseok's apartment later that day and Taehyung knocks on the door.
Jin opens it and greets the three, motioning for them to come in and they do as told, seeing that all the others are already there.
Jimin walks over to Hoseok to give him a hug before sitting next to him with Jungkook by his side while Taehyung walks over to Yoongi, giving him a kiss on the forehead before sitting on the elder's lap, careful with the cast on his broken leg.
"Lunch will be ready in twenty minutes," Jin informs as he disappears into the kitchen.
Jimin notices that something seems off about the atmosphere as he looks at his friends, "Why is everyone so tense?" He questions, which makes the other boys tense up a little more.
"Did something happen while I was still in the hospital?" He asks and the boys share a look with each other.
"Let's talk about it after lunch," Namjoon speaks up as he steps out of the kitchen with plates and cutlery. Hoseok quickly stands up to help him before he drops anything. Namjoon has already broken enough things in their apartment ... mostly plates.

After lunch, Namjoon tells Jimin what he told the others yesterday.
"That's impossible," Jimin speaks up, trying to process what he just heard. "I saw him," he says, "Twice... at least," he adds and Namjoon sighs, "The inspector pulled fingerprints from the car, but none of them matched your father, Chim," Jin explains from his spot next to his boyfriend, "But one of them matched to a Park Jeong-Han," he adds, "Does that ring any bells?" He questions and both Jimin and Taehyung react at the name, "Actually, it does," the older of the two informs, catching the other boys by surprise, "If this is the Jeong-Han I'm thinking about," he says, "It means we're not crazy," he adds, confusing everyone but Taehyung.
"Park Jeong-Han is my father's twin," he elaborates, "I've only seen him a couple of times ... he went to my mother's funeral and this like that," he explains, "The last time I saw him was when Ji-Hyun was adopted by his foster parents," he adds.
"If it really is him," Taehyung speaks up from beside his soulmate "W-Why would he run you off the road?" He questions, "I don't know," Jimin answers, trying to think of a possible reason.
"Did they show you a picture of him?" Jungkook asks and Jin shakes his head, "But they are trying to find him," Namjoon informs and Jimink lets out a breath, leaning back and Jungkook manages to catch him before he falls off the chair.
"So," Jimin exclaims, rubbing his temple, "If this really was the Jeong-Han, this is crazy," he says, "I mean, first I lose my mother and my dad treated me like shit for years before taking a baseball bat to my head and leaving me for dead," he explains, "Then I lose my brother and now my uncle ran me off the road, trying to kill me," he exclaims, "What else is gonna happen now?" He questions no one in particular, "What more do I have to go through until I can live my life in peace?" he adds in frustration and Jungkook rubs his back, trying to comfort him. "We have to wait for them to find him," Jin speaks up, "We'll figure it out, don't worry," he adds and Yoongi turns to the frustrated boy sitting next to him, "We said we would protect you," he informs and the younger looks at him, "I know we couldn't do anything the day of the accident," Yoongi says, "But that is going to be the last time you'll get hurt," he adds and Jimin looks at him sympathetically, "You guys have always protected me," the younger says, "But there are some things that can't be avoided," he informs, "You know that better than anyone," he adds and Yoongi lets out a sigh, "I know Chim," the elder breathes out, "But that's the only thing I can do in this situation," he explains, "You've had too many close calls and I don't want to lose you too," he adds, getting frustrated as well and Jimin's expression softens as he pulls the man closer, trying to comfort him.
'What does he mean by 'lose you too,'?' Jungkook asks himself and he's the only one to think that, judging by the other boy's solemn expressions. Then again, Jungkook doesn't know everything about the other, he met them only a few months ago, but they have known each other pretty much their whole lives, there has to be a story behind it.
Jimin whispers something into Yoongi's ear before they both stand up, the younger helping the other up and towards Hoseok's room to talk while the other five stay put.
Jin gets up and grabs the dishes, with Namjoon and Hoseok helping him.
Jungkook looks over at Taehyung who's anxiously nibbling at his nail, glancing at the door, his soulmate and boyfriend disappeared through.
"Tae," Jungkook calls softly, getting the elder's attention, "Are you okay?" he asks, with slight concern, and the older hesitantly nods, "I-I'm still processing," he informs, and the younger nods in acknowledgment, "Yeah," Jungkook breathes out, "This is crazy," he adds in disbelief and before anyone can say anything, the door to Hoseok's room opens and both Jimin and Yoongi walk back out.
Taehyung gets up, walking towards his boyfriend to make sure he's okay while Jimin walks straight past his soulmate and Jungkook, all the way to the kitchen where his Hyungs are.
Jungkook looks up at Taehyung to see him sitting on the couch talking to Yoongi who looks upset.
"Ggukie," Jimin calls and Jungkook looks up to see the older leaning on the wall, "Let's go home," he says softly and Jungkook gets up, shooting one last glance at Taehyung before following Jimin, waving his Hyungs goodbye as he walks past the kitchen door where they are cleaning things up.

"Did something happen?" Jungkook asks as the two of them make their way upstairs, towards their apartment and the elder shakes his head, "I just wanted to talk to Yoongi about something, that's all," he responds as he grabs the keys to open the door.
Jimin suddenly freezes as soon as he steps into the room, making Jungkook bump into him, "You okay?" he asks, but the elder doesn't say anything, so he follows Jimin's gaze to see a small-ish purple box on their coffee table.
A box that wasn't there when they went over to Namjoon's.
Jungkook steps forward, keeping Jimin behind him as he approaches the box.
Said box has a tag with 'Park Jimin' written on it with a red marker, making a chill run down the boys' spines.
As Jimin is about to grab it, Jungkook stops him, grabbing it himself. He opens it to find a rolled-up note with a silver ring around it. Jungkook pulls the note out of the ring, handing the silver jewelry to Jimin, before opening the paper.
"You're quite the lucky kid Jimin," Jungkook reads, "How does it feel?" he continues, "Too bad your mother wasn't so fortunate," he finishes before looking up at Jimin to see the boy looking at the ring in his hand, his face drained of color, "This is my mother's ring," Jimin mumbles, looking up at the younger before noticing another purple box on the shelf behind him, "Gguk," he says, motioning to said box and the younger turns around to see it.
They both walk towards it and Jungkook takes a hold of the box, opening it to find another note with a toy car under it this time.
"Jimin, do you know what happened to Ji-Hyun?" Jungkook reads, "Was it really an accident?" he continues, "You don't think it was, do you?" he adds, glancing up to see Jimin shudder a little. "But unlike you, he didn't make it ... How does that feel?" Jungkook finishes, putting the note back in the box and Jimin drops down to his knees before sitting on the ground with the toy car and his mother's ring clutched tightly in his hands.
"Jimin," Jungkook says softly as he crouches down, pulling the elder into his arms in comfort, but Jimin doesn't budge.
The door to the apartment opens and in walks Taehyung who stops in his tracks at the sight before him, "What happened?" he asks, approaching his roommates, but they don't say anything, Jungkook simply grabs the boxes and gives them to him.
Taehyung proceeds to read the two notes, dropping the papers after reading the one about Ji-Hyun. "This can't be happening," he exclaims in disbelief and Jimin finally moves, pushing Jungkook away softly before getting back up, approaching his soulmate to comfort him.

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