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Sunday 24.1.2017

Jungkook opens the door to Jimin's bedroom to find him on his bed with the blanket up to his neck. He and Taehyung have been like this since they found out that Yoongi may or may not wake up on Thursday.
Jungkook is trying to stay strong for both of them, but seeing his Hyungs like this hurts him a lot. His other four Hyungs aren't doing lunch better since the news, especially Hoseok, considering Yoongi is his best friend, but they're trying hard to stay strong, knowing how much Taehyung and Jimin need their support, considering how close Yoongi is to them.
"Chim," Jungkook calls softly, but he doesn't get a response, so he approaches him to see if he's asleep only to see him staring into nothingness, blue circles under his eyes from lack of sleep.
He lifts up the blanket on the elder before wrapping an arm around his waist. "You should eat something," he mumbles, nuzzling into the elder's neck, but he gets no response, "Please, Chim," he adds just as softly, "I can't," Jimin croaks out, the first words he's said since Friday and Jungkook lifts his arm so Jimin can turn around. "I'll just throw it up," Jimin adds as he cuddles into the younger, wanting to bask into the safety he feels in his arms and Jungkook wraps his arms protectively around him.
"I'm sorry," Jimin suddenly says, making the younger a little confused, "Sorry for what?" he asks, "All of you are in danger because of me," Jimin responds, "Yoongi-Hyung is in the hospital with a hole in his chest and we don't know if he'll wake up or not," he adds and Jungkook tightens his grip a little.
"it's not your fault Chim," he informs, "It is," Jimin exclaims, lifting his head to look at the younger, "He's doing this because of me," he informs, "He wants to ruin my life just like Seung-Ho did," he informs, pulling away to sit up and Jungkook follows him, sitting up as well. "I don't know what I did to deserve all of this, but it all has something to do with me," he explains. "I can't deal with this anymore," he adds, defeated and Jungkook can't do anything but look at him, he doesn't know what to say, "I'm tired," Jimin breathes out and Jungkook pulls him closer, "I'm so tired," he adds, holding onto the younger for dear life and that's how they remain for the next hour or so.

"How are they doing?" Jin asks as Jungkook sits down on the elder's couch, "Worse," the younger responds, "They haven't eaten anything since Friday and I don't know what to do," he explains, "What if they end up being hospitalized for malnutrition or something," he adds and the elder wraps an arm around him, "That won't happen Gguk," Jin responds, "What about Jimin-ssi's weight thing?" Jungkook points out, "Won't it cause any health problems if he keeps going like this?" he asks, getting frustrated and the elder doesn't know what to do other than running circles on the boy's arm.
"Are you guys doing okay?" Jungkook asks, wiping his eyes before the tears can flow out, "It's hard, but we're hanging in there," Jin responds, "Hobi's been distracting himself with dancing, Joonie is working on some music and I'm trying out new recipes so Yoongi can try them when he comes back," he explains.
"He is gonna come back, right?" Jungkook asks, unsure because of how Yoongi's constitution is right now, "Of course he will," Jin exclaims, "He's a fighter and I have faith in him, faith that he'll make it through just like Jimin did all those years ago," he explains, trying his hardest not to cry in front of the younger and Jungkook wants to believe the elder and have faith in his Hyung. He hasn't known Yoongi for long, but the man means a lot to him and he means a lot to the boy he loves, he has to make it through. Who knows what will happen to his Hyungs if Yoongi doesn't make it.
"H-Hey Gguk," Namjoon greets as he walks out of Jin's bedroom, "Hey, Hyung," Jungkook greets back with a small, sad smile, "Are you okay?" Namjoon asks in concern and the boy nods before standing up, "I should probably go back, maybe I can get Tae and Chim to eat or at least get out of bed," he informs and the two older males nod in acknowledgment before saying their goodbyes and Jungkook leaves the apartment to make his way upstairs and into his own apartment.
"Taehyungie-Hyung," he calls surprised as he spots the older sitting at the counter eating some cookies and Tae looks up at him with dark circles under his eyes from lack of sleep, but his damp hair tells the younger that he took a shower.
"Are you doing better?" Jungkook asks cautiously and the elder shakes his head, "Not really," he croaks out, his eyes glazing over a little and Jungkook quickly reaches out to him, giving the older a back hug which Taehyung highly appreciates.
"Chim is doing worse than me though," Tae points out as he wipes the nearly escaped tears and Jungkook can't do anything but agree. "I'll go check on him, okay?" he informs and Taehyung nods in acknowledgment so the younger kisses the top of his head before making his way to Jimin's room.
He knocks on the door softly before opening it and walking in, "Chim, are you still sleeping?" He questions as he approaches the bed and as he lifts up the covers he realizes that Jimin isn't under them, "Jimin-ssi," he mumbles in confusion, but panic starts to settle in his stomach when he spots a small purple box on the bedside table.
Jungkook quickly grabs the box, opening it to see a note inside, "The key will tell you where to find me ... come alone," he reads and he looks into the box again to see that it's empty which means that Jimin went to wherever the key told him to.
"Tae," he calls as he walks out of the room and Taehyung looks at him from his spot at the counter, "Did you see or hear anyone entering or leaving the apartment?" he asks and the elder shakes his head, "I was in the bath with music on, I didn't hear anything," the elder explains, "Why?" he asks curiously and Jungkook hands over the note.
Taehyung looks up at the younger, wide-eyed, after reading the note.
"When did he leave?" Taehyung questions and the younger shrugs, "I was at Jin-Hyung's for less than an hour, I don't know," he responds, "But he couldn't have gone far, right?" he half-questions, "He has a car," Taehyung points out, stating the obvious, "He could be anywhere." he adds, "How will we find him then?" Jungkook asks, feeling the panic rise even further, "Should we call the police to find him?" he half-questions, "It hasn't been twenty-four hours yet they can't do anything," Taehyung responds, "They have to do something," Jungkook exclaims, "If Jimin is meeting up with Jeong-Han then it's going to be the only chance for them to catch him," the younger points out and Tahyung has to admit that he's right, so he gets up and grabs his phone. He tries calling Jimin first, but he can hear the familiar ringtone of his soulmate's phone coming from the room next door, so he lets out a sigh while Jungkook goes to grab Jimin's phone and Taehyung calls the police, telling them about the situations as much as he can considering Jin and Namjoon are usually the ones working with the officers to find Jeong-Han.
"What do we do now?" Jungkook asks, coming back with Jimin's phone in his hand, "Wait, I guess," Taehyung responds as he sits down next to the younger, "Shouldn't we at least tell the others," Jungkook asks as he turns on the phone in his hand to see a picture of the seven of them as his background.
"I will," Taehyung responds, "I just need a second," he adds and Jungkook nods in acknowledgment, just sitting there looking at Jimin's background picture while Tae leans back on the couch, rubbing his eyes, deep in thought.
"I'll go talk to them," Taehyung speaks up after a minute or so, "Stay here, okay," he adds and Jungkook hesitantly nods his head before the elder leaves the apartment, leaving him by himself, "Jimin, why didn't you tell us," Jungkook mumbles to himself as he stares at the picture, specifically Jimin's face.

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