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Tuesday 26.1.2017

It took the officers two days to find Jimin and he's currently in the hospital so Jungkook and his Hyungs decided to go see him. "Hey, Chim," Taehyung greets and the elder looks up at him absentmindedly, eyes glazed over a little, "Are you okay?" Jungkook asks, "I don't remember what happened," Jimin responds, "The last thing I remember is hanging out with Yoongi-Hyung and him getting shot and I heard that Jeong-Han is dead," he explains, "What the hell happened?" he questions, "It was self-defense," Namjoon speaks up and Jimin's eyes widen slightly, "I killed him?" he exclaims and the boy's look down slightly, answering his question and tears start, flowing down his face as he cries silently.
Jungkook is the first to stand up and pull the elder into a hug, trying to comfort him, but Jimin pushes him away, making him confused. "Get out," he mumbles, getting the boys off guard. "W-What," Taehyung stutters, not believing him, "Get out," he says, louder this time, "All of you," he adds and Jin lets out a sigh before gathering the younger ones and guiding them out of the room while Namjoon approaches the boy on the hospital bed and Jimin looks away. "It wasn't your fault Jimin," Namjoon speaks up, putting the boy's shoulder before walking out of the room to leave the boy alone.
Jimin sits there for a while deep in thought while wiping away his tears. Jeong-Han is dead, the boy killed him, he killed a human, how is he supposed to live with that?
"Jimin-ssi," someone calls and Jimin looks up to see a man standing by the door, "Mr. Min," he greets weakly, "How can I help you Inspector?" he asks and the man approaches him, grabbing a chair on his way and sitting down next to the bed.
"We need to talk about what happened," Mr. Min responds and Jimin sighs, "You know I don't remember," he informs and Mr. Min nods in acknowledgment, "I'm here to help you remember Jimin," he responds. "Shouldn't you be with your son?" Jimin speaks up, turning to look at him, "He's in a coma with a hole in his chest," he points out.
"There's nothing I can do for him right now," the man informs, "We need to talk about Park Jeong-Han," he adds and Jimin looks down at his hands, "I'm sure the boys told you that it was self-defense," he adds, "You don't think it is?" Jimin questions, looking at the man, "I know it was," Mr. Min defends, "But you don't think so," he adds and Jimin tries not to scoff, "I've known you since you were a kid Jimin, I can tell what you're thinking," Mr. Min informs and Jimin lets out a sigh, "Fine," he breathes out, "I don't think Jeong-Han's death was because of self-defense, the same way I don't think Ji-Hyun's death was an accident," he exclaims, getting extremely frustrated and Mr. Min can understand where the boy is coming from and he knows that this kind of thinking isn't good for him.
"Please work with me here Jimin," Mr. Min speaks up before the boy can go down deeper into his dark thoughts, "What happened to Jeong-Han was self-defense," he says, "From what I could gather, there was a struggle and as you probably already figured out, you were hurt badly, which is why you're in the hospital," he explains, "There were also signs of assault," he informs and Jimin tenses up, figuring that it wasn't just physical, judging by the elder's expression and it makes him uncomfortable. "The officers found you lying unconscious on the floor which might have triggered your symptoms," The man continues, "Me killing a guy is what triggered my symptoms," Jimin exclaims before taking a deep breath to calm back down before he triggers any more symptoms thinking about it. "Jimin-" "I want to see Yoongi," Jimin interrupts, looking at the man, "But-" "Now!" Jimin interrupts again and Mr. Min lets out a sigh before helping the boy up and to Yoongi two rooms over.
Jimin sits down on a chair next to the bed, "Can you give me a few minutes alone?" he asks and the older hesitates for a second before walking out of the room.
Once he's gone, Jimin looks up at the unconscious Yoongi, who's lying there attached to life support with a tube in his mouth and needles in his arms.
"Hyung," Jimin breathes out, taking hold of the elder's hand, shivering a little at how cold it is, "I'm sorry," he speaks up, letting all the guilt seep in as he tells the unconscious boy everything.
"Yoongi," he says once he's done, "I'm thinking about doing something stupid," he informs, "Something that will save you guys, but it might also hurt you," he explains, "I'm really sorry," he adds, before standing up. He places a kiss on the elder's forehead before sneaking out of the room, back into his.

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