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Friday 6.12.2016

Today is a good day, at least Jungkook thinks so as he makes his way out of class. Why is it good you ask? Well, Jungkook thought today would be just an ordinary Friday like always, but to his surprise, the professor dismissed their class earlier than usual, due to personal reasons.
Jimin, Hoseok, and Yoongi have already been home for a while because they don't have a class before lunch on Fridays, but unlike the other two, Yoongi has a class in the afternoon.
Jungkook is really happy he gets to go home now, that way he can keep Jimin some company since he's been home alone for a while now.
He unlocks the door and walks in, "Jimin-ssi, I'm home," he calls excitedly as he kicks his shoes off. He looks up in confusion when he notices there wasn't a response, "Jimin-ssi," he calls again as he walks further into the apartment.
He looks around the room and he feels his heart drop when he spots Jimin lying unconscious on the floor.
"Jimin-ssi," he exclaims as he rushes to the other boy, panic settling in his stomach as he fails to wake him up. With shaky hands, he reaches for his phone and dials Yoongi's number.
Yoongi who was asleep, grudgingly asks him what's going on, "Jimin isn't waking up," Jungkook responds, going straight to the point, the older who isn't entirely awake yet is having trouble processing the situation, "What do you mean?" he asks in a low voice, "I came into the apartment and he was passed out on the floor. I don't know what to do," the boy says, the panic rising in his voice. By this point, Yoongi is fully awake, "First, you need to calm down," he informs, "Just lay him on the couch, I'll be there in a sec," he adds, the younger responds by saying that the door is unlocked before hanging up.
Jungkook puts the phone away, he picks up the boy, bridal style, and lays him carefully on the couch.
Seconds later, the front door swings open, making Jungkook jump a bit as Yoongi makes a beeline to the sofa. "Get him some water," he speaks up and the younger does as told, disappearing into the kitchen while Yoongi checks on Jimin, managing to wake him up.
As soon as Jimin's eyes open, the older man helps him sit up.
"Yoongi-Hyung?" Jimin mumbles in confusion as he rubs his eyes.
"Jimin-ssi, are you okay?" Jungkook asks as he emerges with a glass of water in his hand and the older boy looks up at him, "I'm fine," he responds with a nod.
"Jimin-ah," Yoongi calls, getting the boy's attention, "What's the last thing you remember?" he continues, making Jungkook confused at the question while Jimin starts to think about it, "I remember telling Jeongguk about Ji-Hyun's accident," he responds and Yoongi looks up at the youngest with a questioning expression.
"Jimin-ssi, that was a month ago." the boy informs, "What's going on?" he asks, confusion clear in his features and Yoongi lets out a sigh, turning back to the boy sitting in front of him, "You haven't told him yet?" he asks and the boy looks at anything but his Hyung.
"Jiminie," Yoongi says softly, "I know that you don't like talking about it ... I get it. I was there, but Jeongguk-ah is your roommate, not to mention one of your friends. If he doesn't know about it, and it happens again while me and the other guys aren't around, Gguk might panic and you know better than anyone that panic doesn't help in this situation, right?" he lectures, "Besides, you don't have to tell him the details, just ... the basics," he adds and the boy in front of him pouts with a mumbled 'hyung' leaving his lips.
"You have to tell him eventually," Yoongi cuts off before the boy can come up with an excuse, "Sooner rather than later, okay," he adds and Jimin lets out a sigh before reluctantly nodding his head.
Yoongi pats him on the head with a small smile before standing up from the ground, "I'll leave you to it," he speaks up, patting Jungkook on the back before leaving the apartment.
A still confused Jungkook sits down next to Jimin, "What was he on about?" he questions, unsure if Jimin will answer his question.
Jimin lets out a sigh before turning around and sitting criss-cross while facing the younger.
Jungkook looks at him and he can tell the boy is uncomfortable. "I'll tell you," Jimin speaks up, "But I want you to listen all the way through because I won't repeat myself," he informs, "If you have any questions, you can ask them once I'm done, okay?" he finishes and the boy nods his head, getting into the same sitting position as the older, both of them now facing each other.
"Before I start, I want you to promise me something," Jimin speaks up, making the boy in front of him curious, "Promise what?" he asks. "I don't want you to pity me and I don't want things between us to change," Jimin responds, "I don't want to lose a brother," he adds, a tint of sadness in his voice.
'What's so bad about it that he would think this way?' Jungkook asks himself as he reaches out to rest his hand on the other boy's knee, "I promise that I won't leave you no matter what," he swears, giving the boy a reassuring squeeze, which earns him a small smile.
Jimin takes a deep breath before starting.
"When I was thirteen, I almost died from a severe head fracture. I don't remember what exactly happened, but thanks to Tae and Ji-Hyun, I was able to put some pieces together. I was in a coma for a month or so and the doctors didn't think I was going to wake up because of how bad the damage was, but I did. When I woke up, I had lost about a year's worth of memories and I couldn't recognize any of my Hyungs. With time, they all helped me remember who they were and they all helped me through rehabilitation. It took quite a while, but eventually, I was able to control my body properly and I even started dancing again. My mom had passed away when Ji-Hyun was four years old and my dad was nowhere to be found when I was taken into the hospital back then. He was found a couple of weeks after the incident and put into prison because as it turned out, he was the one who put me in the hospital in the first place. After that Ji-Hyun and I were considered orphans and we were put into the foster system. When I was getting ready for my entrance exam, my brother was adopted by a family that lived close by and that's when it first happened. Namjoon-Hyung told me that I had suddenly collapsed and when I woke up, I had forgotten the three days prior to passing out. After that, I would collapse here and there and every time I woke up, three to five days of memories would be missing. The last time I forgot more than that, was after my brother passed away. The worst thing about that time was that I pretty much re-lived my brother's death twice. It has gotten better since then, so I have no idea why it happened this time," he explains before tentatively looking up at Jungkook who has his jaw dropped, "Shit!" he breathes out, snapping back to reality and Jimin starts getting nervous, his heart beating at a seemingly inhuman speed as he waits for what comes next.
What he didn't expect was for Jungkook to scoot closer and pull him into a hug, "I had no idea," the boy says, the grip on his Hyung tightening as some sort of comfort. Jimin hugs him back, happy that the boy didn't reject him like he thought he would, "Now you know," he mumbles, pulling away softly, "Any questions," he adds, "I'm still trying to process it," Jungkook responds, hand still lingering on the older, "I just need a second," he adds, receiving a curt nod from the older.
"So," Jungkook starts hesitantly, "Your dad was the one who did that to you, right?" he asks, earning a nod in response, "Why?" he questions.
"Let's just say my dad wasn't 'father of the year,'" Jimin speaks up, "Don't get me wrong, when I was young he was the best dad I could have asked for, but after mom passed away, his behavior made a 180° turn and he started treating my brother and I like shit," he explains, "I wasn't even surprised when I found out that he was the one who took a baseball bat to my head," he admits and Jungkook lets out a sigh, "And I thought my dad was a piece of crap for abandoning his family," he mumbles, suddenly feeling agitated, "Why the hell would a parent try to kill their own fucking kid ... that's just sick," he exclaims and he's pretty much fuming at this point, which Jimin didn't expect to happen at all. "Ggukie, calm down," he says softly, resting a hand on the boy's bicep, "There's no need to be angry about it," he insists, "My father is in prison and I survived a one in a hundred miracle as the doctor called it," he adds with a small smile, calming the younger almost instantly, "I know," the boy mumbles, "But it still pisses me off," he informs, before being pulled into another hug, "Don't think about it too much," the older says soothing the boy's anger.
The two jump apart in surprise as Taehyung slams the door open, "I came as soon as I heard," he exclaims, making a beeline to his childhood friend, "Chim, are you okay?" he asks, earning a nod from the boy, "Ggukie and Yoongi were there to help," Jimin explains, "It's now up to me to remember what happened this past month," he adds and Taehyung looks at him alarmed, "Month!" he exclaims, "You forgot a whole month?" he blurts out in disbelief, looking between the two boys, Jimin gives him a sign to tell that Jungkook knows.
"What do you think triggered it this time?" Taehyung asks after getting the message and Jimin shrugs, "Last time it was my brother and the time before that, a ball hit my head during lunch," he points out, "It could be anything," he adds.
"Was it maybe because you hit your head while protecting me at the entrance ceremony?" Jungkook suggests and the boys shake their heads.
"If it was, I would've blacked out two days later at most," Jimin elaborates, "I'll figure it out once my memories come back. Thinking about it too much won't help," he adds and Taehyung nods in agreement.

Later that day Jungkook and Taehyung are both sitting at the table working on their Graphic Design projects.
"So ..." Taehyung speaks up, breaking the silence, "Chim finally told you what happened to him," he adds, getting the boys attention, "Yeah," he mumbles, "I'm still not over it," he admits, returning to his work in an attempt not to get angry again.
"Yeah, it was hard even for me, and I grew up with him," Taehyung agrees, "Jimin was trying to hide what was going on, but I knew him well enough to notice," he explains, "I knew something was off, but I didn't expect his dad to leave him for dead," he exclaims and Jungkook looks up, "How did Jimin get to the hospital?" he asks after realizing that Jimin left that part out of the story.
"Yoongi-Hyung and I found him bleeding out in the bathtub and called an ambulance," Taehyung responds, the memory coming back to him.
"Shit," Jungkook breathes out involuntarily, "I can't even imagine how you guys felt after that," he adds.
"I had a panic attack while waiting for the ambulance and Yoongi helped me through it even though he was panicking himself," Taehyung says, "I had nightmares about it until Chim was discharged from the hospital and could spend time with me during his rehab," he adds and the younger boy places a comforting hand on his shaking one.
Taehyung smiles softly at the gesture, "We're okay now," he says, a boxy smile making its way onto his features, "And Chim is currently the happiest he's been in a while," he informs, "I'm guessing it's because you became a part of his life," he points out and Jungkook has to fight the blush creeping up on his cheeks, "You think so?" he asks, earning a nod from the older, "You're part of our family now and Chim loves us more than anything," Taehyung speaks up, his boxy smile as bright as ever. "I'm also happy to have six Hyungs who are taking good care of me," Jungkook says, his bunny teeth showing and the two boys start giggling.
Jimin who just entered the apartment hears what sounds like laughing coming from inside. He kicks his shoes off and makes a beeline to the table, "What are you two so giggly about?" he asks as he puts his laptop bag on the table. The two younger boys get up simultaneously, pulling the older into a group hug.
"Thank you for being a great Hyung," Jungkook says softly, "And thank you for being my soulmate," Taehyung adds just as softly. Jimin is taken aback a little at their sudden words, "What's gotten into you two?" he asks as he hugs them a little confused.
"Nothing," the two boys mumble, "We just love you very much Chimmy," Taehyung informs, making Jimin feel giddy, "I love you too," he says, kissing the top of their heads, before pulling away from them, "Thank you for being a part of my life," he says, his eyes turning into crescent moons as he smiles up at them.

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