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Wednesday 20.1.2017

"Are you sure about this Hyung?" Jimin questions, looking at Yoongi, "Yeah," the elder informs with a shrug. "I just want to go out with my little brother," he says, "There's no harm in that," he adds and Jimin sighs, but agrees in the end.
"Let's go," Yoongi speaks up, his gummy smile on full display, "Just the two of us, really?" Jimin questions, still a little hesitant, and Yoongi raises his eyebrow at him, "Yes, Chim, just the two of us," he breathes out, "It's been a while since we did anything by ourselves and I don't want you to stay cooped up in your room whenever you don't have classes," he explains and Jimin lets out another sigh, knowing that Yoongi's right, "Let's go," he breathes out and Yoongi grabs his crutch before following the younger out of the apartment complex.
The two boys make their way to the nearby coffee shop to get some drinks first. "What can I get you guys?" the girl at the register asks as the boys step forward, "An Iced Americano," Yoongi responds "And a vanilla latte," Jimin adds with a small smile.
"There you go." the girl speaks up, sliding the drinks towards the two. "Thank you," Jimin says softly as he takes hold of his drink before the two boys sit down on one of the tables to enjoy their beverages.
Yoongi watches the younger enjoying his latte when his phone pings and he grabs it to read the message.
"Is it Tae?" Jimin asks when he notices the elder typing on his phone, "Yeah," Yoongi responds, "He and Gguk are asking about our whereabouts," he adds, "And I told them that we'll be back in a few hours," he informs and Jimin nods in acknowledgment, resuming with his drink.

Jimin starts laughing about something Yoongi said, the two are having a great time just talking to each other like old times, and it makes the younger forget about the notes that he received which made him question everything. It makes him forget how anxious and scared he's been lately, scared about what might happen.
Jimin is laughing so loudly that they're getting the attention of some people in the coffee shop, but they don't care, Yoongi simply looks at him fondly as the boy tries to calm back down.

"That was fun," Jimin speaks up, letting out a yawn as he stretches a little, "It was," Yoongi agrees as the two of them make their way back home after an afternoon of walking around the mall and eating good food.
"We should do this again some other time," Jimin says with a small smile and Yoongi turns around, walking backward to face him, "Do you really want to?" he asks, wanting to tease the younger, "Of course I'd want to!" Jimin exclaims, not being able to hide a smile, but that smile soon disappears when Yoongi suddenly drops to the ground. The sound around him disappears, muffled screams can be heard from around him.
After a second or two, the sounds return and he hears and he hears panicking people running around, some screaming, some crying and some just standing there, "Y-Yoongi-Hyung," Jimin manages to croak out as he looks down at the motionless man only to see that he's bleeding, heavily. "Hyung," Jimin calls as he goes to his knees next to the elder, trying to wake him up, but it doesn't work so he shakily grabs his phone to call an ambulance. He tells them as much as he can about the situation, but his sobbing is making it hard for him, but he manages.
He puts pressure on the wound like the dispatchers told him to, but to him, it feels like it's not helping at all. "Please hang on Hyung," Jimin says, voice barely above a whisper, "Stay with me," he adds and he can hear the faint sound of sirens approaching him.

Jimin is still in a daze when he steps into the apartment complex. He couldn't go to the hospital with Yoongi because they aren't related and he couldn't call the others because he was too out of it. Now he's standing in front of his apartment, his clothes still splattered with Yoongi's blood as he takes a deep breath before opening the door.
As soon as his eyes land on Jungkook and Taehyung, he breaks down, loud sobs escaping him and the two younger guys rush to him. "Chim, what happened?" Taehyung exclaims, "Are you hurt?" he asks, noticing the blood on the boy's clothes, "I-it's Yoongi-Hyung," Jimin responds through sobs and the two boys look at each other, both of them feeling dread rising up. "What happened?" Jungkook questions, "He was shot," Jimin answers, trying to calm down and Taehyung feels a pain in his chest at the news. "I couldn't go to the hospital with him, I have no idea if he's okay or not," Jimin explains and Jungkook pulls the boy into his arms, trying to comfort him while Taehyung just sits next to them, silently crying. Jimin reaches out to his soulmate, taking hold of the younger's hand to try and comfort him as much as he can, even in the state he's in.
"He'll be okay," Jungkook says, trying to reassure his Hyungs as he reaches out to Taehyung, pulling him in as well. "He'll be fine," he half-whispers, trying to convince himself as well as he hugs his Hyungs who are both crying in his arms.

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