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Saturday 2.1.2017

Jimin opens his eyes slowly, squinting at the bright sunlight coming through a window. 'Was all of that a dream?' he asks himself as he looks around, noticing the unfamiliar environment. His gaze soon lands on a familiar mob of brown hair practically lying on top of his stomach. He reaches out to touch said mob of hair when he sees the needles sticking to his arm. The fact that that whole thing wasn't a dream dawns on him as he realizes that he's lying on a hospital bed and Jungkook is with him, wearing a hospital gown with bandages covering his arm.
"Jeonggukie," Jimin croaks out, squeezing the boy's shoulder softly.
Jungkook stirs awake, opening his eyes slowly with a yawn as he turns around to see Jimin looking back at him, "Jimin-ssi," he exclaims, standing up abruptly, pulling the older into a hug which makes Jimin groan in pain as a response. "Sorry," Jungkook apologizes as he pulls away, "I'm just happy you're awake," he says, "I couldn't control myself," he admits and Jimin giggles at his cuteness before looking at the boy's arm, "Are you okay?" he asks, reaching out to touch it gently, but as soon as he does, the images of Yoongi and Taehyung being there suddenly pop up into his head and he sweeps his gaze over the room once again in slight panic, "Where are Yoongi and Tae?" he blurts out, "Are they alright?" he questions and Jungkook lays his hand on Jimin's shoulder in a comforting manner.
"They're fine, all things considered," he responds, "Yoongi-Hyung has a broken leg though, but Tae's staying with him," he informs, "Him and I only had a few bruises and scratches here and there, so there's nothing to worry about," he adds as he sits back on the chair.
"What happened after the car went off the road?" Jimin asks, relief washing over him now that he knows that his brothers are fine.
"Jin-Hyung said that the police found us soon after, but they haven't caught your father yet," Jungkook responds, "We were taken into hospital and that's pretty much it," he informs. "Tae and I were passed out the whole day while Yoogi-Hyung was having his leg cast," he explains, "You were probably the most affected by it because you hit your head and got a concussion that put you to sleep for a few days," he finishes.
"My memories are still intact though. I still remember everything up until the crash," Jimin informs, "That's a good thing though isn't it?" the younger half-questions, "I guess," the older says with a shrug, "It just feels kinda weird for some reason," he informs as he looks up at the boy, "I'm just glad you guys are okay," he adds, smiling at the boy in front of him.
"Hyung," Jungkook speaks up, nibbling at his bottom lip in contemplation, receiving a hum in response, "The other day, before the accident, ehm ..." he hesitates and the older encourages him to keep going, "What were you about to say to me back then?" he questions and the older starts to think about, trying to recall the moment.
"I-" Jimin speaks up, "For a moment there I thought we weren't going to make it, so I wanted to apologize to you for getting you involved in that situation," he elaborates and it's not a complete lie, but it still makes the younger frown a little.
"Don't apologize for that, it's not like you knew your father was going to show up out of nowhere and do that," Jungkook points out, taking a hold of the elders hand in comfort. "I was involved because you became an important person in my life, the moment you stepped in to save me from Jun," he explains, "You became my family the second I stepped into our apartment," he says, "And come hell or high water, a family should stick together no matter what and that's what we'll do," he informs, "We'll get through whatever happens as a team," he finishes, his bunny teeth fully visible at this point.
Jimin smiles back, getting teary-eyed, "Ggukie, I love you so much," he breathes out, pulling the younger into a hug, "I love you too," the younger responds 'If only I could tell you how I really feel,' Jungkook thinks to himself as he pulls away, but he can't say anything because he's afraid of rejection. Next thing he knows, there are lips pressed to his and he freezes.
Jimin realizes what he's doing and pulls away quickly, his eyes wide as he looks up at the boy while muttering apologies, but as Jungkook is about to shut him up with another kiss, he's stopped by someone clearing their throat. Both of them turn their heads to see Taehyung at the door, looking at them with a cheeky smile, "Did you two finally confess?" he asks excitedly and the two boys glance at each other for a second before turning back to Taehyung surprised, "You knew?" they blurt out simultaneously and Jimin looks up at the younger in confusion 'Does he feel the same?' he asks himself.
"I've known Chim my whole life so I could tell immediately," Taehyung says, "But honestly, you two were really obvious about it," he admits.
"How so?" Jungkook questions, still processing it.
"Ever since you moved in, I noticed how you would look at him and it reminded me of Namjoon-Hyung when he fell in love with Jin-Hyung. That's why I encouraged you to get closer," Taehyung explains. "Chim on the other hand started doing the same about a week or so after his birthday," he informs, a small smile now present on his face. "The other day when I told you about Yoongi-Hyung and I and we started talking about relationships, I could tell that you two were lying to each other as well as yourselves." he says, "You guys tried to hide your disappointment, but I could tell," he adds and the other two are speechless.
"I hope you guys can talk about it and figure things out," he finishes and Jungkook clears his throat, "I'm sorry," he speaks up, "I have to think about it," he elaborates before leaving the room.
"I shouldn't have kissed him," Jimin mumbles as Taehyung sits down on the chair, "What if I ruined it?" he questions, fear in his eyes.
"You didn't ruin it," Taehyung says, taking a hold of the elder's hand, "You guys feel the same way, he just needs a moment to process things," he points out, "I'm sure he'll be back before the doctor discharges the two of us tomorrow," he adds.

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