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Monday 4.1.2017

He didn't.
Jungkook didn't come back the next day. He was discharged and went home, which is where he's at right now.
He's been lying on the couch practically moping for these last two days.
"Jeongguk-ah," Taehyung calls, getting the boy's attention, "You guys should talk," he points out, "Go see him," he pleads.
"I know," Jungkook sighs, "I just don't get why he didn't tell me or why I didn't even notice it in the first place," he admits.
"He didn't tell you because he was afraid of being rejected considering he's never liked someone like that before, and I'm guessing that's the same reason why you didn't tell him either," Taehyung explains as he looks through the cupboards, grabbing some snacks, "And besides, he didn't notice it either," he points out, stuffing the snacks into a small bag and Jungkook lets out a sigh before standing up from the couch. He disappears into his room to put on some decent clothes. When he comes back out, he sees that Taehyung also changed his clothes, "Where are you going?" he asks, curiosity in his eyes.
"I'm spending the day with Yoongi," Taehyung responds, "He was just discharged from the hospital and isn't used to the crutches yet so I'm going to help him out for a while," he informs, swinging the bag with the snacks over his shoulder, "Good luck," he adds before leaving the apartment.
Jungkook lets out a sigh as he grabs his jacket before stepping out of the dorm to go to the hospital.

Jungkook goes straight to the front desk, the lady behind it looks up at him, "How may I help you?" she asks, her fingers resting on the keyboard.
"I'm here to see Park Jimin," Jungkook responds, nibbling at his lip nervously as the woman types something on her computer.
"Park Jimin-ssi was moved to the third floor this morning, Room 304," she informs, looking back up at him.
"Thank you," Jungkook says bowing slightly. 'Why was he moved?' he asks himself as he makes his way towards the room. As he reaches the room, he stops in front of it, taking a deep breath before knocking once and opening it softly.
"Jimin-ssi," he calls as he steps into the room.
His eyes widen a little when he sees the bandages covering most of Jimin's head and even more wires attached to his body.
Jimin opens his eyes and turns head to see Jungkook standing there with a concerned expression on his face, but Jimin can't help but smile softly. "Hey Ggukie," he croaks out, his eyes turning glossy as tears start to form and Jungkook notices.
"Hyung, don't cry," Jungkook exclaims as he steps closer, pulling the older into a hug, the ladder hugs back weakly, "I-I didn't think I'd see you again," Jimin mumbles, his voice quivering, "I was starting to think you hated me," he admits, "Hyung," Jungkook exclaims, pulling away in surprise, "I don't hate you," he informs, cupping the older boy's cheeks, "I could never hate you," he swears, wiping Jimin's tears with his sleeves, "I love you more than anything in the world," he confesses, "Don't you ever think otherwise, okay," he adds and the older nods.
"I love you too," Jimin says smiling softly and Jungkook kisses his forehead before sitting down on the chair.
"Why did they move you up here?" Jungkook asks after a few seconds of silence, his hand wrapped around the elder's hand.
"When Yoongi-Hyung was discharged yesterday, there were some complications in my condition and I had to go through an emergency surgery," Jimin explains, "I'm okay though, the surgery went smoothly. I just have to remain the rest of the week in the hospital to recover," he elaborates.
"I'm sorry that I didn't come to see you sooner," Jungkook says, his grip tightening a little, "What if the surgery didn't go well? What if I never had the chance to see you again?" he rambles, so deep in his own thoughts that he doesn't notice Jimin telling him that everything's okay, "What if -" "Hey," Jimin exclaims, cutting him off and getting his attention.
"Don't think like that!" he says, "Come here," he adds, scooting to the side a little before making grabby hands towards the younger.
Jungkook lies down on the bed next to him, careful of the wires attached to him.
Jimin runs his fingers through Jungkook's hair, looking at him fondly, "I'm not going anywhere," he says, "Not when I have so many people in my life who'd be devastated if I left." he informs, "So many people who love me as much as I love them. And the first person I fell in love with who's right here next to me," he adds and Jungkook looks up at him to see the sincerity in the elder's eyes.
"I'll always be here," Jimin promises, suddenly feeling drowsy, his eyes getting heavy and he smiles before his eyes close and Jungkook watches as his Hyung's breath evens out as he falls asleep.
Jungkook lets him sleep cuddled up to him, falling asleep himself soon after.

Jungkook wakes up to an empty bed and as he yawns, he notices the lack of warmth next to him, abruptly sitting up to look around. "Jimin-ssi," he croaks out as he finds the room is empty.
Jungkook gets up and stumbles towards the door, but before he can reach it, the door swings open, and Jimin is rolled inside by a nurse in a wheelchair, "Good morning Ggukie," the older greets, and relief washes over the younger's body. The nurse helps Jimin back onto the bed, "I'll be back with your medication later," she informs, leaving the room after giving Jungkook a once over.
"Don't you have classes today?" Jimin asks as Jungkook sits back on the chair, "You're more important right now," the younger says, "Is everything alright?" he asks and the older nods, "The doctor just ran some tests to make sure things are in order," Jimin responds, "But you shouldn't miss classes because of me ... I don't want you to fail because of this," he points out.
"Don't worry about my grades, they're almost perfect," Jungkook informs, "And besides, midterms start next month, I have enough time to study," he adds and Jimin sighs, but he lets it slide just this once.

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