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Monday 30.9.2016

"Gguk!" Taehyung calls as he sees Jungkook stepping into the classroom, causing the boy to look up and a smile spreads on his face when he spots a familiar face. Taehyung motions to the seat next to him and Jungkook immediately walks up to it, "I forgot Graphic Design students had their classes together regardless of the year," he informs, "And I didn't expect we'd be in the same group," the older points out.
"Is he your new roommate?" someone with a deep husky voice asks, getting their attention. "Oh, yeah ... Yoongi-Hyung, this is Jeongguk," Taehyung speaks up, introducing the two, "Nice to meet you Yoongi-shi," Jungkook says with a smile, but Yoongi simply hums in response before turning back towards the board which makes Jungkook's smile falter a bit, "Don't mind him, that's just his personality," Taehyung informs, waving it off.
"He and Jin-Hyung really are polar opposites," Jungkook points out, "I'm still processing the fact that they've been friends for ten years," he adds. "They do say that opposites attract," the older says with a shrug while the younger nods in agreement.

Jungkook walks into the cafeteria and is soon engulfed in a hug from none other than Jin "I missed you JK," the older male exclaims as Jungkook returns the hug, "I missed you two hyung," he says with a chuckle even though they've seen each other yesterday before pulling away and sitting down next to him with Hoseok sitting on his other side.
Namjoon sits opposite Jin. Yoongi is to the right next to him, while Taehyung sits opposite of Hoseok with Jimin's seat next to him.
As Jungkook is about to eat, he notices the empty seat in front of him, "Where's Jimin-ssi?" he asks, "I think he's in a meeting with the University board. It shouldn't take long though," Jin answers, "Speaking of the devil," Yoongi speaks up and the five boys follow his gaze to see Jimin making his way to the line so he can get his lunch.
"How was it?" Hoseok questions as Jimin sits down, "I'm still the president," the younger responds with a sigh and Namjoon looks at him, "None of the seniors volunteered this year?" he asks with surprise, lacing his voice. "Probably," Jimin says with a shrug.
"Didn't the seniors get any votes last year?" Jungkook questions.
"They did get votes and one of them even went to the finals alongside Chimmy," Hoseok responds, "But Jiminie won in the end with about thirty votes more," Taehyung adds, "What's worse is the fact that I didn't want to volunteer in the first place, but my friends had to convince me to do it," Jimin sighs, "You thought you wouldn't even pass the first stage, let alone win the title," Yoongi speaks up in his low voice.
"Why did you think that?" Jungkook asks in slight surprise. "Well, I was a first-year, and no one knew me. I wasn't expecting to be popular with the girls," Jimin elaborates.
"You're beautiful, of course, you'd be popular," Jungkook blurts out without a second thought, causing the other six guys to look at him.
Jungkook notices the stares and looks up, an oblivious 'what?' leaving his lips, "You just called Chim 'beautiful'" Yoongi responds, "He is though, isn't he?" the younger points out with a shrug which causes Jimin to blush a little, "Yeah, he is," Yoongi agrees, "But guys don't usually call other guys 'beautiful', that's all," he adds, "You don't usually use the word 'pretty' to describe a man either, but all the girls call Chim 'pretty'. Not 'handsome', but 'pretty,'" Taehyung points out and Jimin keeps getting redder and redder, "Okay, enough of that," he speaks up, avoiding eye contact with the boys, "Let's just eat, we all have classes after this," he adds, the redness slowly disappearing.

Jungkook walks out of the bathroom after his shower to a Taehyung lying on the couch reading webtoons and Jimin in the kitchen preparing dinner. He walks over to the counter and sits on one of the stools.
"Jimin-ssi," he calls softly, and the older hums in response as he washes some vegetables, "I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable during lunch today," the boy speaks up, "Why are you apologizing?" Jimin questions, "You seemed kind of upset when we made our way out of the cafeteria," Jungkook elaborates.
"Don't worry about that Ggukie," the older says, patting the boy's head, "It had nothing to do with what you said, okay," he adds.
Jungkook nods with a small pout, "But you were upset about something," he mumbles and Jimin returns to cooking in an attempt to avoid eye contact. "I was upset because I don't really want to be the school president, but since no one volunteered, it's not like I can quit either. That's pretty much it. I don't even know why it would even upset me, but I'm okay now," he explains. "Are you sure Hyung?" Jungkook asks, earning a nod, "Actually, your compliment earlier made my day," the elder says, his eyes turning into crescent moons as he smiles.
"The guys said you hear that all the time, how was mine any different?" the boy questions, "Well, first of all, you're a guy," Jimin says as he cuts the vegetables and puts them in a pot, "And I don't want to sound like an ass, but I think it's kind of annoying to have girls I don't know, fangirling over me, saying how 'pretty,' or 'hot' I look," he adds.
"They're just attracted to you ... there's nothing wrong with having a crush," Jungkook points out, "I know," Jimin exclaims as he stirs the pot, "But it's bad if they end up attacking each other because of it," he informs.
Taehyung who heard the conversation, approaches them, "Are you talking about Jisoo?" he questions and Jimin simply nods, not even surprised that Taehyung heard.
"What happened?" Jungkook asks in confusion, "As you said, almost all the girls have a crush on our lovely Chimchim," Taehyung speaks up, sitting next to Jungkook, "We had a friend called Jisoo we've known since High School and while Chim was having his campaign to become the president, the girls here kind of agreed to an unspoken rule?" he adds, but it sounds more like a question than a statement, "Basically none of them could get close to me, because it would automatically mean I'm dating that specific girl and they would never get a chance with me," Jimin tries to explain. "They got jealous?" Jungkook asks, trying to comprehend the situation, and Jimin nods, stirring the pot after adding some more ingredients.
"Jisoo knew the rule and she tried to stay at a safe distance, but since they were friends and had every class together, Jimin would always talk to her," Taehyung continues, "The girls started bullying her because of it and after a while, they ganged up on her and beat her up," Jimin adds and Jungkook's jaw drops, "Jeez, that's going way too far," he exclaims, "Is Jisoo okay?" he asks with genuine worry and the two boys nod their head, "She's doing well, we still meet her occasionally," Taeyhung informs, "Ever since the incident with Jisoo, the professors have been trying to keep an eye on the situation and I always end up with guys during partner and group projects," Jimin informs, "They have to let you partner up with a girl eventually. Unless you want to keep playing the female role during your dance routine," Taehyung points out, "I actually don't mind, and the guys are already used to lifting me during certain choreographies," Jimin says with a shrug as he mixes rice into the thickening curry inside the pot.
"Chim," Taehyung calls and the older looks up, "I've known you my whole life, literally, and I know that you actually do mind. You think the guys would be better off dancing with female partners instead. You just don't want a repeat of last year," he announces and he's right.
Jimin lets out a sigh as he turns off the stove, "It's not a bad thing if I want to avoid that," he informs as he grabs the tableware, handing it to Taehyung, "And besides, with Jisoo gone, we're one girl short and I doubt I'll get a partner by the end of the semester," he adds as he serves the curry.
"Of course you'll have a partner," Taehyung says as he sits down, "There's no way you won't get one," he exclaims while Jungkook thanks Jimin for the food.
"Maybe, but I'm worried about the girl that ends up being my partner. It's not like I can protect her," Jimin points out, "Can't you do anything about it as president?" Jungkook questions, getting a 'not really,' in response.
"Today was our first day of the semester. Let's wait a while to see if the atmosphere of the girls is the same as last year. If it is, we'll try to figure something out. If not, let's just focus on our work okay?" Taehyung speaks up, trying to change the subject, and the two boys nod in agreement before resuming dinner.

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