The Hug

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             Early in the morning, I opened my eyes looking up at my white ceiling, the pain had reduced thanks to the pain injections but the heart pain and memories were fresh. Like as if I was going through it right then.
             "Been wondering what time you were going to wake up." Andrew calmly said as he organised his tie in my dressing mirror.
I gently turned my head looking at him. Not even a good morning, I looked at him silently, Andrew sat at the dressing table seat looking at me.
            "The interview was starting at 9am but since you seemed so tired I have extended it to 11am." Andrew said.
But what could I possibly say, thank you?.
           "Okay." I tried to say but my voice so low. Andrew put on a tiny smile.
           "Oh and by the way I picked you an outfit I just hope you don't mind." Andrew said with a smile.
But this always happened, every after hitting me the next morning he would be so nice to me or less cold.
          "I don't mind, thank you." I said.
          "Plus this." He smiled.
This was extra nice and smiles definitely not the Andrew I knew.
          "Miss Ann" Andrew called.
My phone began to ring, as I stood up, Andrew got up,
          "It's okay, I will get it for you." He said reaching it in the hand bag where it was. Miss Ann brought in the breakfast placing it next to me.
         "Thank you." I said.
         "I believe that 'thank you' is supposed to be for Mr Smith." She smiled. I turned looking at Andrew who was frozen looking at the screen of my phone.
         "What's the matter?" I asked.
         "Nothing." He turned saying, slowly he walked close to me handing me the phone,
         "It's Collins." Andrew said. He immediately pocketed looking down, his face expression was confusing, I think he wanted to see what I would do but honestly I had nothing to say to Leon, what would say, that his gift was broken last night?. I just put the phone to my side reaching for my tray of breakfast.
            Andrew sat on the bed next to me with a smile, a wide one for that matter. I looked at him not believing what my eyes were seeing, I looked around to see if someone was watching us but we were alone.
          "Is there someone watching us?" I had to ask.
Andrew looked around then turned to me.
          "We are alone, why?" he asked.
          "No,  nothing." I said.
My phone began to ring again, and it was Leon again, Andrew's eyes were on me anxiously waiting for my next move, I knew one of the reasons why Andrew was so angry last night included Leon, I couldn't risk me again. I turned the phone upside down not answering. Andrew smiled again, much as I knew this was not going to last for long, I liked the atmosphere, for the first time I am eating with someone, I was happy it didn't feel lonely.
           "Aren't you going to.... " I bit my tongue stopping myself from completing the sentence.
           "Speak." Andrew ordered.
My phone buzzed, it was a message. I got my phone raising it and reading the message.
          *I know you're seeing my calls, is it Andrew stopping you from answering?*
The message read, I smiled a bit 'cause truth is it was Andrew and maybe the gift as well.

          Andrew stood up leaving but didn't seem happy,
         "Feel free to answer his calls and reply his texts" Andrew coldly said before opening the door then moved out banging it hard to close.
The phone rang again before I even thought hard about what Andrew said.
          "Leon." I answered.
          "Andrew must be away from you." He immediately said, but that's true, it's when I even heard Andrews footsteps walk away from the door, implying he was standing  outside to confirm if I pick up.
          "Why do you have a problem with him?" I asked.
          "He married the love of my life so how do you expect me to behave with him?" Leon with lots of anger he said.
When I lost myself, I lost my voice and how to defend myself and how to reply to things.
          "Valerie, you can stay quiet all you want but I am going to get you back." He swore. I could hear how serious he was, but this brought a smile to my face much as those love  feelings for him I no longer feel but now that he is close to me you never know.

          "Can we meet today?" He asked.
          "I am so tied up today." I said.
          "I shall find a way." Leon said.
I smiled again, since never had I felt needed by a man I liked how it felt.
          "I have to get ready, have a nice day Leon." I said.
          "We shall meet soon." He said then hanged up.
I ate my breakfast but it wasn't going, I stood to go to the bathroom but leaping, in less than twenty minutes I was already dressed in what Andrew had chosen and  downstairs.
          "Miss Ann" I called.
          "Yes," She hurried to me.
          "Help me inform, Andrew that I will be in the car waiting." I said
          "Yes." She said already going to it.
          "Miss Ann," I called as she went up stairs.
          "Yes." she turned to me.
          "Next time don't bother cooking me breakfast even when Andrew orders you to." I ordered.
          "Much as Mr Smith doesn't want you to know but." Anna quietly said looking around.
          "Mr Smith cooked that breakfast himself." Anna in almost a whisper said.
I was left in shock,
He cooked it for me, but  why?
       "Let's go." Andrew hurriedly came down stairs but I couldn't stop looking at him wondering why he cooked breakfast for me, 'he can even cook' I thought to myself.
We got into the car silently as usual but this time round my eyes on him
       "Do you have something to say?" Andrew turned to me.
       "The breakfast was delicious." I said with a smile. Much as I didn't understand or get why I found myself smiling slightly.
       "So Anna told you." He quietly said.
I smiled again, truth be told if it was not the wrong meeting, my heart would flatter to Andrew's looks and body and maybe if his behavior was different.



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