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                  As the three gentlemen left ,
                  " Andrew !!!" I called standing up , there was a lot I wanted to talk about , but more than anything I wanted us to talk about the kiss , the way he touched me , I won't lie a thought of it makes me shiver like as if his fingers a gently caressing of inner thigh .
He turned looking at me , Hayden and Leon turned for a short while then continued there way .
                   " can we talk " I politely asked .
                   " am sorry not now , I have another agent moment " he said then turned walking a way .
                   " about the kiss yesterday " I said almost like a whisper . Andrew froze ,slowly he turned looking my way .
                   " I know your busy, but..."
                   " what's there to talk about it Valerie " he said , his voice deep and cold . My heart was racing like as if I was talking to my crush .
                    " it was a mistake , am sorry " he said then continued his way the door banging itself shut after he walked out. 
It was like sharp two sided blade had been pushed into my heart, my whole body shrunk with disappoint. I didn't know what I expected to hear but not that , maybe something like I was drunk , I froze for a while then sat down leaning behind his statement replaying in head like a broken caste only playing one sentence .
I won't lie my eyes sting like as if I want to cry , I can't concentrate much , the moment is stuck in my head , his soft lips on mine , the firm grip of his hands on my body , his fingers caressing my inner thigh and all that turns out to be a mistake , so he regrets doing it , I know we are not in love but isn't that a little to harsh .

              " Mrs Smith " Jenny entered calling .
              " yes ," I replied trying as much as possible for my voice not to sound broken .
              " your manager has called " she said .
              " oh yes , I had to meet Paris " I said standing up .
Paris is my modeling manager , she is so sweet and nice but so strict when it comes to work.  I love how she treats me like a young sister making sure am fine . I was really glad that the bruises on my body had now healed I can meet Paris and we talk about when am to begin modeling again.
It took only a few minutes for me to reach my modeling company , Paris was in my dressing room supervising the change of the clothes in it.
                 " Am guessing am starting sooner than I thought" I smiled . she turned to me with an even bigger smile
                " there is my girl " she shouted .
                " am here " I said . she rushed embracing me , I tightly embraced her as well.
                " your beginning tomorrow " she said breaking from the hug .
                " this first Paris " I said sitting
                " you are one of our top models and when you rest from long we lose " she said
                " you don't know how many business contracts we have lost because of you " Paris added.
               " what of the other models , like Becky " I said .
                " Becky is good , yes but you are the one with the name ,many ladies look up to you . Making commercials of products or being the face makes them sell " she smiled
                " your the ticket ," she added
                " Paris ..."
                " I don't want to go broke Val" Paris smiled in a pitiful way .
                 " exactly why am here hani " I said though not so happy . I used to love modeling but not much these days .
                 " you have gained a lot of weight , try to follow this diet and the exercise program " Paris said handing me the file of the diet and exercise program. I looked at myself in the mirror hanged on the wall besides me , am sure I looked healthy and this weight just enough but as the job requires besides my being a model is making way for my young sister Victoria to walk in my steps and I know that's what mom wants .
I would love to see be at happy with me like now , that am paving way for Victoria .
                   " my good days of eating what I like are done " I said to Paris as I looked through the diet plan , it was full of vegetables .
                   " have you seen the new model you will be working with tomorrow " Paris asked .
                   " no , " I said my eyes down in the files .
                   " am I in the right place " the voice I knew well
I raised my head looking at him , his face lit in the bright smile
                  " Leon !!!" I called smiling
                  " you know each other already " Paris asked more of a statement
                 " very well " I agreed.
Leon came in sitting just besides me , still happy
                 " how " Paris asked with a smile . From the looks Paris was giving Leon I could tell she finds him so attractive and this made me smile more , who would not find him attractive .
                " it's a long story but I will surely tell you someday " Leon smiled at Paris , there her white cheeks turned pink ,blushing a bit . In this world I know Paris and Amanda who can't hide how they on the inside no matter how hard they try .
                " what's this " Leon asked giving me back his attention .
                " There " I said handing the file to him , I looked at Leon from head to toe , he had changed clothes from the morning suite to a tight long sleeved V necked shirt and jeans . Every time he moved his hands , the muscles on his arms showed in through the shirt , he was so sexy .
              " How did you grow up to be so sexy " I said out loud my thoughts .
              " what!!!!!" Leon giggled loudly in surprise at my question.
We looked at each other laughing . The way I always feel while am with Leon is like am back to the old days , it's free, ....for real I can't explain but am sure I like it .
               " am sorry about the other time " Leon said .
               " I was supposed to be pissed at you ." I said
               " but it's hard to be pissed at your first love " I said my thoughts out loud again making Leon  burst into laughter .
               " why do I keep saying my thoughts out loud " I laughed punching Leon softly on his  biceps .
                " I always knew we had something but didn't know that I came you that weak" Leon laughed .
                " Leo....." I shouted in laughter grabbing the file hitting him with it.

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