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                  Andrew rushed down towards Valerie ,
                 " Valerie !!!!!!" His voice louder as soon as she went unconscious. 
                 " Valerie McAvoy Smith " she shouted shaking her a bit , he was extremely worried , but at least he remembers she is his wife , she is part of him as he calls her his name Smith .
                 " Call doctor Lee " Andrew worriedly ordered , Jordy was already on it, Doctor Lee was only called in times of serious medical diseases , he was the main Smith family doctor .
                 " call the ambulance as well" Andrew ordered Miss Ann , on a hurry she did . He was a bit breathless
His expression was had to read , he was frowned a bit like as if it was bothering a bit to see her like , maybe hurt as well or in pain , maybe sad .
He sat down so powerless and thoughtful as his eyes lingered on her , his hand moved a bit close almost reaching her head the part that seamed to be slightly bleeding .

                   "  It's here, the ambulance " Jordy shouted rushing for the door , the medical personnel rushed inside with all the needed equipment . To work they began , they carried her up to the stretcher , putting the oxygen mask over her nose , and all other procedures .
                   " Mr Smith , could you please tell us how she has got injured" the medical gentleman asked 
                  " isn't that supposed to be your duty , to find what exactly is the problem and fix it " he angrily asked , just open step away to grabbing his colors and hitting the stupidity out of him .
                 " where is Doctor Lee " with a loud commanding voice Andrew asked
                 " at the hospital, preparing for her arrival " another guy answered .
The first guy was silenced by Andrew's anger and fierceness .Valerie was rushed out quickly , Jordy followed them as miss Ann followed she stopped on realising Andrew was not making any steps and not showing any signs of going with them.
                " Andrew Smith " she called . At a moment it seamed like she was talking to her son ,showing him what's best 
               " Please follow a long " Andrew requested. Uncertainty in his voice , much as he would want to be there ,he is not so sure he should be there  as well . 
               " Miss Ann !!" He softly called as she walked out . She turned looking at him , worry and concern in his face . Yet not saying a thing , still not sure if what to say right .
               " I am going to make sure everything is okay " Miss Ann replied to the unasked question or order .
              " get going then " Andrew said sounding as tough as before .
The house was all quiet again just after a while . Yet thus time different , Jordy and Ann escorted his wife to the hospital, Andrew trusts them and trusts Dr Lee . He hopes just everything will be okay . it took him a while to make a step away from where he was standing . he slowly walked up stairs him lost in his own thoughts , maybe wondering what it would be like for Valerie to be completely out of his life , it had been a long time since they married , her being quietly around is all he is used to . He stopped at the front of her door room , supposedly the master bedroom but have never shared it ,he sleeps else where,the room next to his study become his new room since there marriage.
He opened the door carefully getting in , it was so empty ,everything there apart from the owner . Now he has it in mind that she is coming back hopefully but what if the time when she be leaving for ever. She was normally covered in her bed, or at the working table , so seated at her make up table . Andrew set his eyes on there wedding picture that hung above the bed . They were young by then , she just sixteen at that time and he was just one months away to making 22 years of age . We can't say they have fully grown ,no but mentally yes according to everything they have been through more to face. What they were as they were making the vows is nothing to what they are now .

               Andrew further  moved to her dressing room , well organised like way it's supposed to be , he then moved to her bathroom , this was had to tell if he was missing her or not , maybe feeling her absence and trying to used to it now that he wanted a divorce. He opened the bathroom cabinet realising there were different types of medications ,
He removed one by one reading the labels on them , he seamed so surprised by the medicine , little or not at all he knew that she used to swallow them , in his head wondering she used to in the first place .
              " Mr Smith "the maid knocked at the door .
              " come in " he said.  She rushed to him with a ringing phone in hand . 'Paris ' it read obviously making it Valerie's phone
He looked at it contemplating whether to answer it or not
             " Val love " Paris said immediately Andrew answered it
             " How are you feeling , have you seen a doctor " Paris asked
             " was she sick before " Andrew asked calmly.
             "Mr Smith " Paris was shocked.
             " My wife is hospitalised at the moment " Andrew said
             " oh my God , how is she " Paris worriedly asked
            " Has she gotten worse " Paris said
             " she will be fine I hope " Andrew said
             " you said she was sick before " Andrew said
             " yes , she had a bursting headache , I should have not sent her home a lone " Paris said
             " can I see her " Paris asked
             " Golden .S .Hospital " Andrew said 
             " thank you " Paris said .
Andrew hang up the phone ,seeing the medicine and the Paris telling him that she already sick showed him how much he did not know about her wouldn't be surprising if there was even more he didn't know.  He walked out going into his room , he fell on his comfortable bed trying to sleep but nothing , he rotated around the bed till it all failed , he stood up going back into his work , like always Andrew buried himself into his work.

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