The Hug( 2)

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                  Our interview was going on well, Andrew was seated just so close to me, with smiles and small laughter to the end of the interview.
            "I will be gone first." I said as we walked back to the car.
            "Do you have another program?" Andrew asked.
            "Of course I do." I said to Andrew, he was speaking like as if he wanted something else for the both of us.
            "Don't you have another program?" I asked.
He remained silent for a while looking at me.
            "Of course, I do." Andrew finally said.
            "I will call my driver, take the car." Andrew said.
First the breakfast, then the  smiley faces and now giving me this car, this was extra nice yet we were alone and you can't say it's the guilty trips cause this is not the first time it had happened and nor would it be the last.
           "Quite being too nice, it's starting to creep me out." I finally said.
           "There are to many eyes here." He said.
I just walked away entering the car,
           "Valerie," He called knocking at the window.
I slid down the window looking at hi , he bent down to get close to me.
           "Don't meet up with Collins." Andrew coldly said.
He immediately walked away, am still wondering why Andrew does not like Leon, the dots don't add up. I drove the car to Amanda's house,
           "Valerie!!!!" She shouted from up at the balcony, I moved out of the car laughing.
           "Were you waiting for me?" I asked.
           "Yes and I have some where I want to take you." She said.
I smiled at her widely, she opened the door and I got in, the first she did was get me some clothes to change to, my fashion style Amanda hated a lot claiming I don't dress up according to my age. She gave me a short  tight dress and I looked extremely hot. We moved out to go for shopping for her dad's birthday gifts.
              "But how come I have never met your father?" I asked as we were going through the watches' section.
              "Because he is always busy." She said.
              "But hey, you're meeting him today." She added with a laugh.
              "So how am I supposed to pick him a gift?" I asked.
              "Just think of my twin brother then pick a gift." Amanda said.
              "Ammon !!!!" I was confused.
Amanda laughed nodding her head to affirm.

              "Truth be told, I just don't get what's happening between my parents." Amanda sadly said
              "Are they fighting?" I asked.
             "I wish." She said.
              "Divorcing?" I looked at her.
             "No, but it's like they are living there own lives yet still together." Amanda said.
Isn't that supposed to be a nice thing though?, but what do I know about perfect families, I never saw one growing up, nor am in one either.
             "They rarely talk, dad spends his time at work and business trips," She added
            "arghhhhh." She was frustrated.
            "Am sorry." I said though definitely not meaning it.
             "It's okay," She smiled.
            "What do you think?" Amanda said.
We continued with the shopping and later that day we were at Amanda's family home, a couple of family members were around, tables were already set, some people seated  eating, others in the pool, it was just an attractive expensive small party.
My eyes got glued on him, for some reasons what ever I had eaten was playing a funny up down, side to side dance.
He was shirtless, his muscles out as he moved out of the pool, his wet body got me swallowing hard gasps of air. He beautifully walked to the wine table grabbing a bottle, the way he was smiling, jeez that smile. How can a man this grown be so attractive.

             "Valerie." Ammon called.
I looked at him endlessly, for God's sake I can't get tired of looking at him.
             "VALERIE!! " Ammon called loudly.
            "Yeahh." I turned to him,
            "Who is that on your mind?" He asked, Amanda laughed.
            "Daddy." Amanda like a baby, called happily before I even gave an excuse to Ammon.
I turned to see their Father, my jaw dropped to the floor. The gentleman I was ogling like fuck.
           "Sweetheart." He smiled embracing Amanda.
His voice was deep, I can't get tired of listening to. Why are you like this Val?, steady yourself.
           "You must be Val." He smiled at me.
           "Yes, I am." I said with a smile.
           "Ammon!!" He called.
           "Don't talk to me." Ammon angrily said then walked away.
           "Did you fight again?" Amanda asked.
           "Such fights are common between men that over stay together." He commented.
           "How I wish he moved out and you stayed home." He added
Amanda laughed.
           "His mom's favorite remember?" Amanda said.
           "But you're my baby girl and favorite remember?" Her father said.
Amanda hugged the father, I smiled to their strong bond, this was beautiful to watch.
          "Forgive me for being too selfish Val." He said to me.
          "She doesn't mind." Amanda joked.
          "Oh by the way, daddy meet the love of my life Val." Amanda said. I looked at Amanda in shock, who introduces a friend like that, okay I get we had kissed here and there, said to each other I love yous a couple of times but...
          "Amanda has told me much about you, nice to officially meet you." He smiled.
Well I was shocked at how free and okay he was with me and our relationship though I kept wondering how much she told him about me.
          "Val, this my dad, Hayden Williams" She said.
          "Nice to meet you, officially." I smiled.
          "I don't know why it has taken us this long to officially meet." He said.
          "I was also wondering the same thing." I loudly said laughing.
          "Let's go in." He said.
Amanda held my hand tight happily and on the other side she held the father, we got in the house, I sat at the dinning table as Amanda and the father got to meet their family members and friends,

         "Mrs Smith!!!!" Some ladies approached me, I didn't expect people to know me here, I thought I had left that character behind, the ladies were asking about Andrew and that part of my life. I was now extremely uncomfortable with all the fake smiles I had to put on as I replied to them.
          "Val!!!!" Hayden called me approaching where we were sitting.
           "Excuse me, may I steal her for a while." He smiled at the ladies then gently grabbed my hand leading the way.
            My eyes were down looking at his hand that was holding mine tightly. He reached where Amanda was and whispered in her ear, Amanda smiled agreeing to what he was saying. Without letting go of my hand he quietly led the way upstairs, the more we climbed up, the more quiet the place became, at the end of the long corridor, he pushed the door open and we got in, he closed the door then let go of my hand.


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