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          Andrew had been pacing around his house walking corner to corner , all the house helps including miss Ann and Jordy all on there tip toes so worried about every breathe they take ,his silence yet so frowned makes them panic . It is no surprise or even questioned that when Andrew us angry even a innocent insect flying  by won't survive then what of an irritating human full of flaws that does repetitive mistakes that he keeps on complaining about .
On days like this, many get fired , others their salary is reduced , many get yelled at badly , someone may ask why one still continues to work for him , his pay is extremely good , so good .
              " Mr Smith " his personal assistant Jordy called quietly trying as hard as possible not to be so loud or irritating .
             " what Jordy .WHAT!!! " he shouted , or yes he was irritated, it cant be that Jordy was loud , no maybe he was breathing so hard or the footsteps towards Andrew were loud.
              " it's Mr William calling again" Jordy carefully said . Hayden had been calling this could like the fourth time or more but Andrew is too angry to talk on phone . Even the blind can feel how angry Andrew was , its not just anger that anyone can feel , Andrew Smith is angry true, the anger of not why he is feeling like the way he is feeling, angry with himself for the selfish desires he has towards Valerie, he is also jealous , jealous of all those that do things that he , himself would like to do with Valerie as well . The way those touch her , the way Leon kisses her , laugh with her and many more . He is also scared , that he may lose her to his biggest competitor Leon , he is also frightened by himself , by his own anger and his demons that take over him in such situations.
               " give me the phone " Andrew said harshly . Jordy immediately handed over the phone
               " Hayden " Andrew said trying to be calm . Much as Hayden had a lot to say he remained quiet not knowing where to start from , we know for sure that Hayden knows how Andrew was feeling , more so Hayden feels guilty for asking and insisting on Andrew to go support Valerie at the shooting .
              " Hayden !!!" Andrew called again
              " I want to apologize but I won't " Hayden said after a long sigh
              " is that what you called to tell me " Andrew asked really uninterested
             " betrayal and anger " Hayden said
             " I have felt all that before Andrew " Hayden added .
Betrayal, is what Andrew hadn't accepted that he is feeling as well.
            " I don't deserve to feel the way I do " Andrew quietly said , his voice a little caught. Now his other hidden emotions coming out .
            " no one does deserve those feelings" Hayden said sadly
            " it's a different case Hayden " Andrew said , just so close to crying yet strong men don't cry ,they don't break down ,they don't give in to the stupid emotions ,even if he would no one is there to fix him when he falls apart .
             " I know " Hayden said very emotional than expected , he more than any ones knows what it feels to be betrayed by the one you love .
             " and I thank God , it's a different case for you Andrew , its more breaking if there was love " Hayden said sadly.
Much as Hayden is strong , joyful and seams happy , he is sad and pained on the inside.
             " blame your wife less" Hayden said , Andrew quietly listened , maybe considering to take what Hayden was saying
Jordy rushed back to Andrew with another ongoing phone call.
            " its the fond magazine " Jordy said immediately he reached him .
            " Give me a minute Hayden " said Andrew hanging up the phone with Hayden getting the one with Jordy , Andrew seamed to have come down a bit .

                 " It's Andrew Smith " he said on answering the phone
                 " a good evening Mr Smith " the gentleman on line said calmly.
                 " forgive me for calling you this late " He added
                 " no apologizes if it's urgent " Andrew said .
                 " its George Wilson your talking to , the new editing director of fond magazine " George said
                  " yes , how may I help you " Andrew giving his time asked.  Yet for some reason he might have known what this call was about , just giving it a doubt of benefit to be something different .
                  " since your the most powerful investor in our company ,I would like to confirm the publication of this magazine. " George said . Andrew kept quiet thinking and trying to breath just to keep his calm , Fond has been always publishing without first asking him  yet to today they wanted his concede to proceed .
                  " is there any content that I should worry about " Andrew asked George
                  " ammm,..it's your wife sir . she has been selected with the random gentleman as the celebrity couple of the month " George said .
Andrew knew , his anger just raised went a bit short of breath , let's say he didn't know exactly but he had suspicion it was about his wife .
                  " I have already sent the one of the copies to your house earlier before this call " George informed. Andrew turned looking at Jordy who had a package in hand .
                  " I have received it " Andrew said struggling to stay calm
                  " I will give you time Sir though urgently waiting for you call to know if the magazine should be published out to the public. " George said .
                  " Thank you for the concern Mr George Wilson , I will shortly call you back " Andrew said . He hanged up the phone breathing out heavily . he bent forward supporting himself with on the sofa before him
                  " DAMN!!!!!" He loudly shouted tightly squeezing the sofa . Jordy quietly held his breath for awhile , watching Andrew unbutton his shirt a bit , he folded his sleeves up to the elbows .
                 " hand me that package " he ordered . In no time , it was in his hands . Andrew hurriedly opened it removing the magazine.
It was Valerie and Leon's office image welcoming him on the top cover . His eyes turned red , Jordy made four steps behind just away from Andrew .
Andrew giggled a bit but only anger and sadness were on his face .
                 " what a love scene " he quietly said his voice not clear
Jordy made another step behind still away from Andrew
He opened inside to the full page talking and explaining more about the couple , Andrew was welcomed by a cozy warm picture of the both of them .

                Before he read further more , the front door was loudly opened , even if someone didn't intend to open it loudly , the house was too silent to hear the door opening. Slowly Valerie supporting herself by the wall she walked in , her heals in hand , hair let down , she looked messy and not fine . Jordy's eyes on her , Miss Ann following from the back while Andrew's eyes were in the magazine.
               " did you agree on to this magazine. " Andrew calmly asked as Valerie almost by passed him .
She stopped breathing out heavily .
              " can you please talk to me about anything tomorrow " she softly asked .
             " I ASKED ,did you AGREE to this " Andrew barked loudly . the silence filled the place as Valerie turned to Andrew , she dropped the shoes down ,gripping the sides of her dress tightly..    
              " yes , YES I DID " she struggled to loudly say.
              " for how long am I going to put up with " Andrew angrily asked
              " it's the something I have wondering Andrew , for how long am I going to up with your child is behavior " Valerie asked .
              " oh , I can see you gat the guts now , to answer me the way you want" Andrew said moving close to Valerie.
             " oh yes , I can not do that , because I am black , the woman whose family is depending on yours. " She angrily said
            " exactly Valerie, exactly and who gives the right to be angry at me ,why are you turning the tables around why " Andrew shouted . This is the first time they have heard such , I can say normal fight not one yelling and the other quiet crying and apologising or the other being beaten and she numbs the tears and pain. Andrew turned to Jordy immediately, this time trying hard to  control his anger .
              " call back George and tell him to cancel the magazine " Andrew breathing hard he ordered
              " the magazine shan't be cancelled "Valerie ordered as well .
              " VALERIE!!!!!!! " Andrew shouted throwing hard the magazine past her . The magazine swung hard in air just inches away from Valerie's face . Tears flooded in her eyes. In a blink Andrew grabbed Valerie back the neck hitting her hard on the wall. He was strangling her hard ,his eyes into hers . His so red while hers teary .
                " don't push your luck or test my patience VALERIE " his voice was inside . His jaws bitten hard , veins exposed .



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