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                 " Valerie " Andrew called
                 " Valerie " he called again. I sat up much as I was so sleepy.
                 " you have to go to work " Andrew said .
                 " come on " he said carrying me up .
                 " for how long are you going to call me just by my name " I asked walking to the bathroom.
Andrew stood still looking at me , I reached the bathroom door then turned looking at him,  he had a smile on staring at me , he was dressed in just shorts exposing his sexy legs and upper body .
               " you look sexy by the way " I said with alot of seriousness.
Andrew chuckled hard .
               " thank you, your the reason for this glow " he said .
               " but am serious about the name thing " I said then walked inside the bathroom.

It didn't take long and I was already dressed ,well organised for the second day if my fashion week . I walked downstairs looking for Andrew .
               " good morning " I was surprised by the whole family seated at the dinning table all giving me smiles .
               " good morning " I said.
I could see miss Ann , Victoria,  Jordy, Emma and Ray . Which means Stephanie and Marco didn't sleep here last night , that brought a smile on my face .
               " where is Andrew " I asked .
Silently they all pointed in the kitchen.
               " what is he doing there " I asked.
               " making breakfast " miss Ann said with a wide smile .
               " what did you do to him " Jordy asked .
Before I could even say a thing , Andrew came out carrying a plate of pancakes. 
               " Andrew" I called
               " yes love " he replied putting the plate on the table .
               " are you seriously dressed like that " I said not happy at all
               " I was going to put on a shirt but then you told me I looked sexy , so why dress up" he said.
This made everyone laugh .
               " please go dress up,  fully dress up " I said
               " yes , madam " he said.  Everyone smiling hard and not letting there eyes off us .
               " by the way , why are all of you having the breakfast he has cooked on a morning like this " I turned to them .
They all chuckled but not having a clear reply to this. 
               " please leave us " Andrew happily said 
               " but ..." Emma tried to speak but our looks were enough to tell them how serious we were .
As soon as they all left,  Andrew turned looking at me with a confused face .
              " your acting different " Andrew said. .
               " how is one supposeld to act the morning after having a beautiful  night with the one she loves " I asked
Andrew smiled wide , he pulled the chair right next me giving me a kiss on the lips. 
                " did you really cook this " I asked.  Andrew laughed bending his head forward 
                "  yes ,have you forgotten this is the second time I am making you breakfast, difference is now you know how I feel about you " he said ,this made me have some Butterfiles.
                " thank you darling " I said kissing him gently.  He stood up going back to the kitchen and coming back with coffee,  he went back in coming back with bacon, toasted bread and more .
                " thank you " I smiled at him
                " are you okay with us living with Victoria " I asked as we ate.
                 " of course,  I would also like to get along with her " he said
                 " she seams really cool " he added
                 " miss Ann " I began to mention
                 " what about her " Andrew asked
                 " she is your aunt " I finally said,  I know this was not my place to tell him this but more than anyone I know he needed closuer to his mom .
Andrew rested his mug then turned looking at me. He was not surprised to hear this which shocked me.
               " you knew " I said .
               " the time before our marriage,my father wanted her to stay and handle things with them but she still insisted to as go with me , that made me so curious of how she can still want to stay with me yet at tines I was so rude " Andrew said.
               " the time when I cut my wrist , she cried and was more worried than my dad or any of those family members,  I was forced to make a back ground check on her " he added .
               " why don't you tell her you knew " I asked
               " I was afraid I would lose her , father would have found out and things would be bad " he said  .
I smiled at him then gently rested my hand on top of his .
               " then make the best out of it now,  right now I believe you fight for and you can protect us all " I said.
               " I am sure you want to know more about your mother, where she was buried and all that " I said. He smiled at me holding my hand tight.
               " thank you,  for loving me , for staying with me despite our disgusting history, thank you for making me who I am " he said,  I could feel the depth of this all that he was saying . I smiled kissing him again .

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