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Talking to miss Ann seamed pretty fine and easy . She was worried that her nephew would do something to him self , much as Andrew was grown no one knew if he had out grown the self hatred and wanting to take his life . i believe that as Andrew tries as much as to show his fine , he must be having internal battles.
I led the way to go down stairs and join others for breakfast . Miss Ann followed me closely wondering what she had to tell Andrew as an excuse for why acted like that , i couldn't help wanting to laugh at her .
My legs froze on reaching the second last stair, my heart was beating faster , my blood boiling , half of me strongly urging to run back upstairs and i lock myself in my room , while the other was dead and frozen  .
My eyes on my angry mother in law who was matching towards me.
              " you WHORE!!!!! " she angrily shouted at the some time raising her hand slapping me on the left cheek as hard as she could.
I stabled behind a bit to remain on my two legs. Tears immediately flooded in my eyes , my cheek on fire .
I gently raised my hand feeling my cheek with my fingers
              " WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING" Andrew angrily yelled at her , his yelling was out of the blue that even i was startled .
              " you stay out of this " she said to Andrew then turned to me .
I had never felt this helpless , i felt like i didn't have a voice to speak up or even ask why i was being hit .
              " WHO the HELL allowed her in " Andrew shouted .All the maids worriedly collected in one corner , all shaking their heads .Their voice lost like mine
               " she forcefully entered " the butler , Miss Ann's assistant said , speaking for everyone .
               " for how long did you think all this would stay hidden ." she shouted throwing a couple papers in my face .
               " you thought you and your family would remain parasites to my son and family and i just sit and watch " she added .
I slowly went down collecting the papers to see what she was angry about .
              " Miss Ann,  go pack all belongings " She ordered .
My whole body began shaking , tears wanting to flow out .
Like how , how did she find these .
              " Mr Smith..." Miss Ann called not making any movement on what she has been ordered at the some time asking him what she should do .
               "No one's belongings are going to be packed " Andrew said .
               " you have done enough , get out of my house " Andrew shouted
               " Andrew Smith .... I am your mother " she yelled
               " your mother ship is and stops in my father's house not in MINE " Andrew shouted .
                "  this.....your ..." I stood wanting to say but i had nothing to say.
                " i am sorry ...but ..." I tried to say but i was trembling .
                 " your sorry , this bitch.." She shouted .She raised her hand bringing it to , i closed my eyes waiting for my punishment .
                " ENOUGH..." Andrew shouted .
Slowly i opened my eyes on not feeling the slap reach me ,  Andrew had held her hand amidst the way to hit me .
                 " you must have no idea about this , do you " She said to Andrew .
She pulled her hand away from his grip immediately pulling the papers away from me handing them to Andrew 
                " That child she aborted would be your child, my grandchild and the future of the Smith family , our legacy ." she shouted to him.
Andrew looked through the papers then looked at me , i couldn't tell what was on his mind .
He turned looking at his mother
                  " this must be news to you but not to any of us " Andrew said angrily .
                  " What...." The mother was shocked but so was i .
                  " did you think she would do that without agreeing to it " he yelled at her .
                   " what has gotten into you Andrew , what has this whore gotten into you .First you agreeing to abortion now your skipping work " she shouted .
                    " what did you expect , that you would come here throw a fist and i would be happy with you or celebrate that your here trying to impose as a caring mother " He shouted .
                     " ( she giggled ) and you expect me to sit still when my husband's son is being manipulated by a brat " she said .
Andrew walked close to her , there was only anger and fierceness over his face .
                    " And do you expect me to sit still when your insulting and disrespecting my wife " he asked , his voice deep , at this time he was over to the climax of anger , these are times when Andrew would hit me when his at his climax
                    " i don't know when that STUPIDITY ,the NonSense of hitting my wife and calling her other things other than her name or Mrs Smith started but i am sure you wouldn't want to know where it would end from if you don't stop that disrespect towards her " Andrew deeply said .
His voice , expressions and face were scary .That fear i could see even at her mother's face  .
He moved two steps away from , his eyes and hers still in eye contact
               " And that is not a threat , its a warning " he added .
He moved more steps behind finally breathing out
               " Andrew , i am your mother so how can you be so blind not seeing that her and her family....."
               "Am tired of hearing your nonsense  and for starters let me not here you call yourself my mother cause we both know the truth " Andrew loudly said .
               " keep this in mind , never come back here trying to cause such drama now get out" he shouted .
               " Andrew!!!!" She called
               " i said GET OUT , before they throw you out or should i call the security for you since you just broke in" Andrew loudly said . 
She without another word walked away angrily.
There was silence for awhile everyone waiting for what he going to say .
                " Jordy ..." He called
                " yes sir " in a hurry , he was already beside him .
                " take all the maids , chefs ..everyone who helps around here for a whole full mansion shopping , restock everything " He ordered .
Much as he seamed a bit calm the anger was every much visible even to a blind .
                " But...." Jordy wanted to say but the stare Andrew gave him was enough to regret why he even opened his mouth.
                " yes sir " Jordy said .
Without another say , all the maids , the chefs , the butler were out hurriedly .
                 "Miss Ann" he called ,
                 " yes sir " She replied then walked passed me to him .
                 " the mansion furnishings i am tired of , get new ones . Emma drive her and help her out " He ordered .
Emma immediately walked out but Miss Ann remained standing next him.
                 " Don't do anything stupid or what your going to regret " she warned him then continued her way .
My fear level now increased to 200% ,  the place was quiet , and now we were only two in the whole mansion .
My eyes watching his every move closely .Andrew tightly folded his fingers into a fist. 


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