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We had arrived for the meeting exactly 20 minutes past the original time it was supposed to start. All the board members were already seated waiting for us, as soon as I entered the board room while being followed by Andrew, they began murmuring to each other but we all knew what it was about. My hair, my new look together with Andrew's causal look. Andrew got stood before his seat and I too stood before mine positioned next to his.
"Our apologies for coming late." Andrew said then we got seated.
"Also forgive my casual look." He said,
"It's all fine, what matters is that you're here." The eldest on board said.
The board meeting started, but my attention very far, looking at all the women on the board that Andrew might like or be in love with. If it's not Stephanie then who? But all the women were either older than him or not fitting in what I thought he would be attracted to.
When the lights were switched off for the projector presentation, Andrew leaned closer to me.
"What are you thinking about?" He whispered.
"Is it that obvious?" I whispered back.
"To me, yes." He said.
"I am wondering which woman among the ones around here you would be in love with?" I said.
"Whatttt??" He asked with a smile.
"If it's not Stephanie then who among these ones?" I asked.
Andrew loudly giggled attracting all the others' attention from the projector to us.
"It's interesting, I like it." Andrew seriously said referring to the presentation.
They all turned back to the displays, Andrew looked at me leaning close again.
"Are you just slow, playing stupid or you really don't know?" He asked in a whisper.
"Would I be asking?, tell me please it's making my mind go crazy." I whispered.
Andrew gently rested his hand on my thigh, I looked at him smiling as he smiled at me. He moved closer to me looking in my eyes and said.
"I decided to start over for you, I decided to change for you, I guess its pretty clear that I get extremely jealous because of you, right now and to forever come I can do anything for you, nothing scares me than losing you. How is it not clear that its you I'm in love with?" Andrew quietly said.
I looked at him not knowing what to say or how to react. I am extremely happy to hear this, its all I have been waiting to hear for a while now, Andrew has always been sexy but looking at him now made him even sexier, is it the dim light or the words he has just said, at the same time I wish this was said in a more romantic place and timing, not in a room with a bunch of strangers.
"Meeting adjourned." Andrew turned to board members saying.
"Wait..what?!.." They all murmured
Even I, was surprised, he stood up grabbing my hand and taking me with him.
"Mr. Smith" Emma called following us hurriedly, Andrew opened his office door and we got in then slammed it closed in Emma's face. I stood there looking at him and he turned and looked at me.
"Are you scared?" He asked.
I smiled at him, I totally got why he would ask that, I know, but surprisingly not this time round, I was just eager to know what was next. I ended up laughing.
"No, I am not scared." I smiled.
Andrew smiled widely, there was change in the both of us, right now I trust him with me behind closed doors.
"Do you even realise you're the only woman I have ever loved my whole life?" He added softly.
"Andrew" I called.
"Which even scares me more for the fact being that I don't even know if you love me Val." Andrew said.
"That your reaction doesn't even show how you feel, Val I just said I love you, and I love you." He added.
Was that reaction of one who feared to be rejected? I smiled then moved closer to him. My arms I rested gently on his chest then slowly moved them down to his belt. I slipped my fingers through his pants pulling him closer by his belt.
"This is my answer." I smiled, stood on my tip toes gently joining my lips with his.
Andrew held me firmly around the waist with his other hand by my neck and our lips passionately moved, slowly the intensity increased, my mind was getting blank, I could feel his lips with mine over and over.
His hand slowly moved from my waist going down to my ass, the tingling that comes with the small massaging he was doing to my ass. I found myself bending in towards him wanting to feel his groin, his other hand moved up gently in my thick hair. Fuck, I was losing it, I moved my hands gently on his chest then held him around his neck. They continued to his hair and I gently gripped his strands. He carried me up placing me on his desk, my legs spread as he stood just right in between them, his hands got busy with unbuttoning my shirt as he gave me the small wet kisses on my neck with my head tilted making it more comfortable to perform his magic.
Five buttons down, his one hand slipped through my shirt, his fingers clasping my breast through the bra, a shiver went down my spine and I held myself tight at the edges of his desk, my mouth parting a bit as quiet moans escaped my mouth. He leaned into me more as he kissed me further down from my neck, I leaned back behind with his wet tongue licking the space between my breasts, an evenly louder moan escaped from my mouth, his breath a bit fast as he stood gazing at me straight in my eyes. I smiled as I moved closer to get more of his lips, he moved his head backwards a bit smiling.
"Say it with your words." He quietly smiled.
I looked at him smiling, my hands moving back to his neck then gently up to his hair, playing with it with my fingers.
"When did you start having feelings for me?" I asked.
Andrew smiled.
"They were series of little things about you that I began finding attractive, sometimes they turned me on, sometimes they replayed in my head endlessly, sometimes they made my heart beat fast especially your cold stare, and sometimes they made me smile or get extremely jealous." He quietly said.
I smiled widely and bit my lower lip a little wishing to get a small bite of his sexy one infront of me.
"Don't do that." Andrew said, I giggled a bit.
"Should I do it like this?" I asked while smiling, sexily bitting my lip then bending in to him and finally letting out a light moan.
Andrew bent his head forward giggling hard, he looked straight in my eyes and held me around my neck with is left hand, using the right one to support him to maintain his leaning so as to be on the same level with me and he joined his lips on mine again, his tongue licked my lower lip making my lips part, fuck I couldn't get enough, I really wanted more as I held him feeling the kiss, but he broke the kiss moving forward.
"Tell it to me with your lips." He said.
"Andrew Smith" I called realising he was teasing me with his kiss and gave him a small push making him sit in his office chair. I then stood up and straddled him.
"I..." I said while resting my fingers on his lower tarso.
"I, Valerie....." I said moving my hands inside his pants.
"Valerie" He called with a wide smile as I moved my hand further.
It's his bulge that I wanted to feel, I started massaging it and he groaned hard then I moved my fingers up, passing them through his undergarments to feel his erect hard dick directly.
His eyes interlocked with mine and a simple smile appeared on his face, I was sure he was loving every stroke of my hands on his dick, I then massaged his head gently making him groan hardly.

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